A successful, fulfilled hodgepodge with music and mountain wildlife

Let’s start hump day with some music.  I’m joining Mary for this week’s WSC.  “American Woman” (song title with a name of a country) was the first thing song title I thought of for the first prompt.  I’m sure this will be a repeat.  I almost went with Windy (a song that mentions a type of weather in the title) by The Associations for #2 but decided a different song title and the last song pick I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head so I looked for something new-to-me when I noticed Michael Buble’s cover of “End of May” (a song with a month in the title) and learned The Actual Tigers are the original artists.  Hit play to listen to my mini-playlist and enjoy! 😉

WSC 5/12/21 playlist includes: 1. American Woman ~The Guess Who  2. Stormy  ~ClassicsIV  3. End of May ~The Actual Tigers


Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. It’s like my mama always said, “always hold your head high.When I was a young girl I lack self-confidence.  I know I was no different now than other girls at that age but then was a different story.  I felt like an ugly duckling and not a very smart one at that.  It wasn’t until my junior year in high school the ugly duckling turned into a swan.  I still had a long way to go but the transformation was in place and I began to see the potential of my self-worth.  It was a long road to reach full confidence in the woman I was and one I often shared with my daughters, one more so than the other, hoping it wouldn’t take them quite as long as it did for me to achieve.

2. May 11th is National Eat What You Want Day. What will you be having by way of celebration? Honestly, probably nothing special.  I seem to eat what I want most days and that’s become a big problem.  I need to not eat what I want and loose this weight already!  *sigh*

3. Describe your idea of a perfect spring day.  A perfect spring day is where the weather isn’t too hot nor too cold, rich blue skies with giant fluffy white clouds overhead, and a slight breeze.

4. Success, fulfillment, growth, achievement…pick one and tell us how it relates to your life in some way, either currently or in days gone by.  I had wonderful success in finishing the A2Z Challenge last month which always leaves me with a sense of fulfillment and the growth I’ve made with each art sketch I’ve done since 2017 is noticeable.  All of these achievements wouldn’t have been possible had not pushed myself into committing to drawing for 30 straight days four years ago.

5. I saw this going around on various social media sites and thought it would be fun to answer here. The last thing you bought on Amazon is your weapon in battle. How will you wield it?  (if you’re not an Amazon shopper, then the last thing you bought online anywhere).  The last thing I bought on Amazon is white charcoal pencils to use on my newly black sketch paper pad.  I will use my charcoal and paper to draw a victorious end no matter what conflict awaits me and mine.

6. Insert your own random thought here. On Friday, we took a drive to the mountains.  We drove through Pigeon Forge going across 441 to Cherokee where we got on the south end of the Blue Ridge Parkway going as far as Water Rock Knob.  What made the day especially nice is as we were leaving Cherokee, DH mentioned how he’d like to see the elk and I said something like, this isn’t the best time for them, then guess what, we spied five or six female elk grazing beside the road.  DH slowed down so I could shoot through his window as we passed by. 

If things couldn’t get any better, as we came across the Smoky’s we were on the side side of the Chimney’s when we noticed a vehicle stopped in the on-coming lane and a few others off the road in the grass.  That’s when I noticed a young black bear having his dinner salad at the edge of the woods.  Again, DH slowed down for me to snap a few pictures out his window.

Magical, right?  The early evening light was beautiful and traffic was relatively light for a Friday.  The turn offs weren’t jammed pack and so we were actually able to stop to photography the Chimney’s.

The warm amber evening light striking the mountain side as we make our decent across 441 toward Gatlinburg

Prompt yourself and link up with the Wild Wednesdays, the party where just about anything goes, below! 😉


I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!


That’s it for now.  I hope tomorrow to share a new edition of Thursday Art Date with Rain. Until then, have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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