
15-03-2025 Vol 19

2020 #4M Week 1: New Beginnings #music

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  We said goodbye 2019 last week with the ushering in of the new year.  This gives us a brand new slate for new beginnings. One thing I am doing is moving the dance floor back to Mondays where it belongs. Speaking of new beginnings, January’s honorary co-hostess, Michelle from Musings & Merriment first theme for the year is ‘New Beginnings’

Songs found on today’s New Beginnings playlist include: ‘Begin‘ by Shallou, ‘Begin Again’ by Purity Ring, ‘Start Again‘ by Seven Lions featuring Fiora, ‘Brand New Sun’ by Jason Lytle, & ‘This Will Be Our Year‘ by The Zombies.

All of these tracks were new to my ears, how about yours? 

Please readthis is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

It’s now time to join the 4M dance party!

This linky list is now closed.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I’m really into new beginnings, as you see I’ve changed the linky party format. Tell me, honestly, do you like a clean list like this or do you prefer to use the thumbnail linky? I kinda like the list, especially after the issues I’ve had with thumbnails not showing properly. Let me know what you think in comments. 😉

When we wake to see a new morning we’re blessed to start afresh each new beginning. I’m looking toward the horizon in 2020 and I believe this will be our year for great things.  Come along with for the journey! 

What Monday music is moving you today? Have a boogietastic day!

X💋X💋, Cathy























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23 thoughts on “2020 #4M Week 1: New Beginnings #music

  1. I do like the clean linky; I hope the coding can be fixed to allow it to be used on Blogger blogs (I am not sure why I had the major problem I did, but I suspect it may be because my blog uses Blogger) so that my readers can link to other Music Moves Me participants. I was familiar with the Zombie song, I also enjoyed listening to the two selections above that. Nice way to start a year!

  2. My appoligies for not joining the 4 M dancefloor this week,I had major computer grief.I posted about it.The Good News is it’s ALIVE!! thanks to Office Max/Dept anf buying a years protection.:D

  3. It’s interesting that I hadn’t heard any of these pretty songs. You did a great job finding songs to fit the theme.

    To answer your question, here in Tennessee, Special Education means anyone who is not the norm. If kids need to be pulled out of class to receive more challenging lessons, that’s not the norm, so they are “special” ed. As special education students, gifted and talented kids have IEPs. The umbrella also includes struggling students on the other end.

    1. Joyce,

      I remember was a kid, the ones who were especially smart often got double promoted. Do they even do that anymore? While that puts a child in more educationally challenging level, it has to be difficult to bond with the older classmates. A year makes a big difference in behavior. I’m happy you liked my playset. I try to find songs that are new-to-me to pass on to others. Usually, what I find isn’t always new to most.

  4. You are always so get up and go and putting a smile on everyone’s face. Great tunes you have found here girlfriend. We had our Christmas over the weekend and the kids all descended upon me, but fun was had by all. It turned out quite well, I must admit. I’ll have a few pictures on Wednesday for all to see. Getting a late start so I better get goin! Luv ya girl! hugs

    1. Marie,

      Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. So glad I could put a smile on your face, darlin’! I shall look forward to your family pix.

  5. We’re so ready for this, CK…let’s dance on your great mewsic and let’s start the great things😸Pawkisses for a Happy Monday and week ahead and will also leave some healing Pawkisses and hope you feel better soon🐾😽💞

  6. You came up with a great list of songs that as far as I can tell none of us came up with Great list!

    Whistle Hiawatha? (Your cartoon at the end)

    1. John,

      I have no idea about whistling Hiawatha but the cartoon is rather old so maybe it was something of that was better understood of those times (1904).

  7. Awww, so precious. I love the video.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Where’s this year getting to, dear friend? It’s Monday already! 🙂 I am here to sample sounds in your 4M feature.

    I enjoyed your mewsic set to start the new year. The song “Begin” by LA indie electronic house producer Shallou conveys a sense of renewal and making progress toward healing and wellness. Purity Band, from Alberta, Canada, is an interesting group. Lead singer Megan James has a childlike voice and their recording technique includes distorting her vocals. Their style has been categorized as synth-pop, dream pop, trip hop and witch house. I love Megan’s voice. Seven Lions is electro house/trance DJ and producer Jeff Montalvo of Santa Barbara. On “Start Again,” the title song from his 2018 album, he collaborates with Australian singer Fiora Cutler. Their recording is the third mindbender in a row in your mewsic block. Jason Lytle of Modesto, California, brings us the indie rock style performed by the band he leads – Grandaddy. The most familiar sound is that of The Zombies doing “This Will Be Our Year,” a song from their 1968 album Odessey and Oracle which yielded the hit single “Time Of The Season.” Yessum, all of these “begin” and “start” songs are new to my ears. I enjoyed them.

    That cartoon is a funny one. It won’t be hard for me to keep my resolution not to whistle “Hiawatha.” I don’t know the tune. 🙂

    Have a wonderful first full week of 2020, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Yes, it’s Monday again! The month is new but I see it jetting by as I look across the days planning daily life in and away from Blogosphere. If only I can find the pause button on life then maybe I could slow it down a bit but that’s not possible and is something to dream about. I’m glad to introduce you to an all new song set. Like you I definitely won’t be whistling the tune,’Hiawatha’. Isn’t that the funniest set of goals? lol

  9. Happy New Year, Cathy! May your new beginnings have successful endings. 🙂 For me, diet and exercise starts up again today, after two weeks of indulgence, LOL Your playlist was interesting; all new to me. Have a great week!

    1. Debbie,

      I’m getting on the same diet & exercise bandwagon as you this week. I’ve let things slide way too long. The lack of cardio I suspect is causing some issues with my shoulder & neck pain to migrate into my extremities. I need to make a doctor appointment so I can at least narrow down what I’m dealing with instead of guess what the culprit is but if it’s what I think it is (fibromyalgia) then there probably isn’t a lot that can be done for it. We’ll see. Thanks for joining me today, darlin’ friend!

      1. Shoulder and neck pain is something I’m familiar with. 😛 Everything’s connected, unfortunately. Hope you feel better, soon. 💗

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