House Hunting to Boardwalk Empire with a mix of Coffee #humor

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I’m getting a bit of late start to my random this morning due to low motivation.  Lately, I felt like I’m one step away from taking an immediate blog hiatus.  That wouldn’t be fair to you or me.  

What’s going on with you?  As for us, we knocked off five more houses in our new home quest on Saturday.  It is so difficult to find a house with a basement (finished/unfinished) that has a garage yet doesn’t require many steps or a mountain to climb in order to enter the main level.  

I kid you not nearly every home we look fails the latter.  Don’t builders think about not making it difficult on the elderly?  Think about it. young home buyers aren’t old but someday they will be and that poses a problem. True is these said ‘young home buyers’ aren’t thinking about getting old.  I mean that’s way off into the future, right?

That’s the wrong line of thinking.  I’m guilty of not even giving that sort of thing thought when we bought this home 39 years ago but now that we’re in the market for another place you better believe it’s at the top of our list. This became crystal clear to us as we watched the struggles of DH’s late parents going up and down stairs.  It’s really a scary thing and when you’re not around you worry about it.  That’s something we don’t want for us. We’re not old yet but it’s coming… one day.


This weekend we finally finished watching the HBO series on Amazon Prime, Boardwalk Empire starring Steve Buscemi playing Nucky Thompson (based loosely on Atlantic City politician Nucky Johnson).  Have you watched it?  

This is an excellent series based primarily around the prohibition era and mobsters.  The one name we knew that had a regular role in much of the five seasons is Al Capone played by Stephen Graham.  

For years, I thought Al Capone died in prison but that’s not true. In 1939 he was released from prison where he served several years on tax evasion charges.  According to Wikipedia, he was diagnosed with late-stage syphilis.  In those last years, the disease deteriorated Al mind to that of a  12-year old. On January 21, 1947, he suffered a stroke and just as they thought he was getting better he contracted pneumonia and a few days later suffered from cardiac arrest which he died from at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.  There are several other notorious gangsters in the series but none that knew by name. Perhaps another time I can talk about them.


Eugenia at BrewNSpew word/expression for this week’s Tuesday Chatter is “off-kilter”.


House Hunting
©2019 Cathy Kennedy


Interior walls spattered all wild

With crazy colors  that make me go “WOW!”

The screwy mess tells me someone is a wreck

Or perhaps just off-kilter in the head

As evident by their wacky, outlandish style

It makes me wonder how it will ever sell



I’m linking up taking a coffee break for some with Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked and you’re invited to come with. Please stop in tomorrow to join my not-so Wordless Wednesday linky party!






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