
14-03-2025 Vol 19

2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘VANESSA’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today.  If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

Yesterday, I shared the illustration of how the sea witch Ursula truly looks and today, you get to see her alter ego side in human form as Vanessa.

When I sketch I draw the main character often and then fill in with the other elements. It doesn’t always go according to plan but I do it anyhow.

Things on the surface between Eric and Ariel were getting too close for Ursula’s comfort.  She wasn’t about to let a kiss ruin her plans to take down Triton. Transforming her likeness and using Ariel’s trapped voice in the seashell necklace, she became a human to steal Eric’s affections with her magic.  She would’ve almost gotten away with it had Scuttle not spotted her talking to herself in the mirror reflecting Vanessa’s real identity.

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. V is for Vaness. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy






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29 thoughts on “2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘VANESSA’ #AtoZChallenge

  1. wow, you did a great job on this – which it looks like a difficult sketch to do…nice job! Now to go catch up on the rest.

  2. Hi Cathy,
    A beautiful sketch…i like how you have drawn Vanessa’s reflection in the mirror as Ursula. It was great to know the plot…that Vanessa was going to marry Eric by stealing Ariel’s voice! Thank God for scuttle.
    Happy Weekend to you 😊😊

  3. I must say, that’s a radical change in appearance between the two. You did a commendable job of the mirror image.

  4. I didn’t recognize the character name Vanessa for the Little Mermaid because I don’t remember that part in the movie. Clearly, I need to watch it again.

    1. Kalpana,

      You don’t have to know much about a sketch to enjoy or dislike the work. I’m happy that you liked it, though. Thanks for visiting today!

    1. Janet,

      I didn’t like Vanessa, either. Like always, the truth has a way of coming out and luckily Vanessa’s true identity revealed.

  5. Ahhhhhhhhh yes, the part where she loses the beautiful voice eventually, right? Well, I know it was on the ship… this is where it starts all the action that’s going to brew UNDER THE SEA… hehehehe~ Did ya like that? I thought I’d just throw that in there. hahaha Great job though girlfriend. I don’t like this octopus at all… and villians you jsut don’t warm up too!!! See you tomorrow!!! ~hehehe~ Oh yes, and I have to go back to yesterday yet. I was sooooooooooo busy yesterday… sorry, but goin’ to make up for it. BIG HUGS.

    1. Marie,

      Yep, Vanessa loses Ariel’s voice contained in the shell necklace she’s wearing when it falls to the ship’s deck breaking during an air raid led by Scuttle to stop the wedding ceremony between Eric and Vanessa. Ariel gets her voice back just as Vanessa turns back into Ursula, the sunsets with Ariel reverting back to a mermaid and over the ship’s side, they go. Eric being the hero that he is plunged into the ocean after the girl of his dreams to save her from the evil sea witch.

      Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be away in Blogosphere. I’ll make my rounds asap bright and early Monday morning. 🙂

    1. Jackie,

      Vanessa while beautiful looks totally sneaky. Had Eric not been under her spell then he would’ve seen the monster that she was and never would’ve agreed to marry her. Thankfully the ceremony was stopped in time.

  6. How lovely. You’re most talented. This is a ton of work you’re doing this month. You’re almost done.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      The work this month has been just keeping up with everyone. lol There’s no way I could’ve done these drawings, write my post, visit, … It takes a special purrson to do that and that’s not me. Thanks for your sweet compliment and visit!

    1. Keith,

      I think we all know someone who has two sides like Vanessa. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could see the real purrson by looking at his/her reflection in the mirror? Thanks for dropping by for a visit.

  7. Since I have not seen this film, this is a difference from the fairy tale and, I bet, it doesn’t end as sadly as in the book. Love this drawing! You captured the both the pretty Vanessa and the evil Ursula so well in this mirror. Very well done and can’t wait to see the coloured versions

    1. Birgit,

      Yes, the movie ends on a happy note with the villain getting her just reward at the hands of the heroes. I love it when good triumphs over evil!

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thursday and happy second “V-day” of the year, dear friend! This is a wonderful drawing of sea witch Ursula’s alter ego Vanessa. She’s a schemer to come up with that shape-shifting plan to alienate Prince Eric’s affection, even using Ariel’s voice to lure him. I appreciate the composition of the drawing, placing Ursula/Vanessa and the mirror on the left side of the frame. It reminds me of something David Lynch would do. It adds a touch of mystery and dread that would not be experienced if the mirror were dead center. The head atop the mirror also adds a touch of creepiness. Vanessa looks pure and innocent (like actress Karen Valentine), a far cry from the cunning conniver whose is actually standing at the mirror. The characters on both sides of the looking glass are drawn marvelously… and that’s a nice reflection on you as an artist. 🙂

    Have a fine day and I’ll see you tamale, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thank you once again for your continued support. You always find something nice to say about my artwork, other than ‘good job’. Often it’s hard for someone to know what to say, especially while keeping up with an intense blogfest such as this. I know I stumble a lot with the right words but I’m doing better. I thought the name David Lynch sounded familiar, so I checked with Google and then it became clear why I knew the name. He’s the creator of the short-lived TV series, ‘Twin Peaks’. I forgot that he did ‘Mulholland Drive’. We have ‘Blue Velvet’ in our watch list. In Twin Peaks Lynch does do something kinda bizarre with a mirror if I remember right but I can’t remember exactly what now. We’d love to see the reboot series and I hope it shows up on one of our streaming services. It appears they only did one reboot season. Do you know anything more?

      1. There’s a scene in the original Twin Peaks television series in which Laura Palmer’s dad Leland is looking in the mirror and Demon Bob looks back at him.

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