Thanks for joining in today. If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu. ☞ ☞ ☞
For the alpha-prompt letter ‘O’, I’m using a character from the 1992 TV series I illustrated from sight (no tutorials), Ollie.

Ollie is a purplish color octopus with spots on the side of his head. He’s close friends and interpreter to the deaf mermaid, Gabriella. He makes a grand total of two appearances in the series. There aren’t any ‘O’ characters in the first animated film or the sequel but there is one more from the TV show, Octopid who only appeared in the first episode.
[tweetthis]ICelebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. O is for OLLIE. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you. You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! XX
, Cathy
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So cute! I have a vague memory of him from the series…
Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: The One
Wow, Cathy! Ollie is so cute. Excellent job, girlfriend.
Thanks, my good friend!
You’re welcome!
I must show Ollie to my little characters Millie and Billy! Another lovely drawing Cathy.
I hope little Millie & Billie like ‘Ollie’.
Hello Cathy and Ollie – congratulations on still going strong with the A- Z challenge, I know how much work every post is, I’m impressed.
Happy A -Zing!
Wren x
Wren darlin’,
So happy you joined me. I’m a real slob with visits this year but I’m managing to do returns quite successfully, though. With that, let me head your way now.
That is cute!
Many thanks for the visit and comment. Ollie is getting the same ‘cute’ reaction from many. He is adorable.
Hi Cathy,
Ollie seems like a chubby and round octopus. My favorite color is purple…glad to know he is of purple color. I like that you share trivia about each character – like how he was an interpreter of Gabriella. Yesterday you talked about Neptune. I am enjoying your series.
Opportunity Cost
Purple used to be my most favorite color but these days I prefer pink. I’m eager to apply pigment to my illustration to make it stand out! Thank you for telling me that you like my art sketch series. That makes me happy.
Good job! Ollie is cute
Awwwww What a cutie pie! Wonder if they make a toy of him for the kids. I know my grandson would love him. Only thing is now I’m going to have to watch The little Mermaid tonight or tomorrow to refresh my memory. I think I remember him, but not sure… I had therapy today so a few little comments tonight and then up with the legs. Great job once again girlfriend! HUGS
Ollie is from The Little Mermaid TV show, not the movie. However, there seems to be a cute little octopus in the first movie sorta in the background in one of the scenes if I remember right. Ollie would make an adorable plush toy for small kids. Heck, I’d like to have one!
When I saw “Ollie” in your title, I thought, “HUH?” Thanks for introducing him to me! You are expanding my knowledge of all things Little Mermaid.
Between the TV series and two animated films, I’ve learned much myself. So, glad to pass on what I’ve unearthed or should I say unsead (Hey I invented a new word) to my bloggy friends.
I always thing I can draw, until I put pencil to paper. Oh well. This seems like a fun theme for the AtoZ Challenge. See what I’m obsessed with at Girl Who Reads
Thank you for stopping by today. It’s always a delight when someone new pays me a visit. How did you find me? Let me say, I used to feel just the way you do about drawing. I’d put pencil to paper and nothing seemed to come together. What got me going in the right direction is reacquainting myself to art by doing step by step illustrations. It wasn’t long before I didn’t have to have instructions and began sketching what I see. Obviously, I still have a long way to go before I’ll be the next Disney artist but I’m happy doing what I do for fun. You need to step out of your comfort zone and give it a try if art is something you wish to pursue.
I’ve tried the step by step drawing and I couldn’t do more than just the basics. I do other crafts to express my creative side. I’m doing the A to Z challenge on Instagram this year (speaking of trying to be creative).
Drawing with steps takes a mindset to totally relax and have fun. I got uptight and discouraged, in the beginning, giving up for a long time before attempting it again but in 2017 I threw my whole soul sketching regardless of the outcome. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the difference in my artwork by simply adjusting my attitude. I’m not into Instagram so I applaud you for the different platform to share your A to Z content. I’ll see if I can find ya there but you may wish to include a direct link to your Instagram for others who’d like to visit. I do have an account but never use it.
Perhaps, I should share my sketches there. That’s food for thought. Now, I’m off to see you. 
Ollie is adorable!!
DB McNicol, author
A to Z Microfiction: Onion
Thanks for stopping by today. I just noticed from your Twitter account that you’re a Tennessee gal, too. Yay!
Nice work!
Ohhh a purple octopus – would love to see that colored in – such a cute sketch, Cathy.
The work you’re doing this month. It’s amazing. I think you’re the best one out there and there are a lot of good ones. Just saying.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I don’t know about being one of the best but I sure do appreciate your sweet words. You’re way too kind, my friend!
Love Ollie and that he is the voice for Ariel. You gave a great drawing of Ollie and Ariel. Love their faces..even Ollie’s who has a fun octopus face.
Thanks, my friend. Ollie is the ears and voice for Gabriella, not Ariel. When Ariel was speechless in the 80s animated film, there was no one talk for her. She had to do a lot of head nodding and other gestures if my memory serves me correctly.
Very nice! I didn’t realize there was a deaf mermaid in “The Little Mermaid”…
Me, either. But, apparently, there was one in TV series, not either of the movies that I’m aware of.
That’s a super cute scene!
Thanks, I try!
He certainly looks friendly!
I think Ollie looks friendly, too. Thanks for visiting!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Almost Wordless Wednesday and “O” day, dear friend!
It is a pleasure to meet more new-to-me characters from The Little Mermaid saga including today’s featured character Ollie the purple octopus. Ever since I was a little boy the octopus has been one of my favorite creatures. I read a comic book in which a giant octopus attacked a ship and its crew. I didn’t know there is a deaf mermaid character named Gabriella in The Little Mermaid universe. I also looked up the character Octopid and he’s a scary looking guy with a pitchfork. It is interesting that Ollie serves as interpreter for deaf Gabriella, teaching children that people (or species) that are different can and should care about and help each other, including people with disabilities. I admire how you composed the sketch. Ollie and Gabriella appear to be floating or skimming across the ocean floor framed by tall grasses with a school fish fish passing by behind them. I like this scene a lot, Cathy!
Have a happy Wednesday, dear friend, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
I declare I don’t know how I missed your comment yesterday but I’ve been so distracted over some family matters. Hopefully, that’s behind me until next time anyhow, right? lol Having never seen the TV series, Ollie was an interesting discovery but not a surprising one. Cartoon writers often throw in some sort of lesson in the script to enlighten the shows young audience. I think kids need to be aware of the challenges others face and that they should neither fear or make degrade a person for having limitations. Children can be cruel to one another.
Octopus are fascinating creatures. I remember watching the old Disney movie “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and for some reason I thought the number in the title meant the giant monster had that many legs. That was such a scary film for a small child but it also captivated me. How is that possible but there I was glued to the TV. Ollie is friendlier than that sea monster Jules Verne wrote about and prefer better to meet Ollie in the waters. I think he’d want to give me a hug hello.
Thanks for popping over yesterday and again I’m sorry for the oversight of your message, dear friend!