I’m not sure where March is evaporating to but here we are at the mid-month mark with another Battle of the Bands. I’m entwining some doses of laughter to bring soothing to the nerves as we kick off a new weekend of fun and relaxation in my Friday Sillies edition. This is DH’s off-Friday, so I’m MIA in Blogosphere but I’ll be back early Monday morning to reply and visit you.
Next week, we’ll see the end of one season and the beginning of another. I for one am more than excited to see the change. With spring on everyone’s mind, I discovered ‘Lullaby of Spring‘ from 1967 recorded by Donovan. I can’t say that I knew this song before stumbling on it but the hauntingness of this song opened my mind like a spring bloom.
I found three artists a female vocalist, Dali, an instrumental arrangement by Sina Bathaie, and male vocalist Brian Fergus playing a ukulele cover. Listen to all three; in comments tell me which artist you like the best (recommended) and why (optional)!

**Polls close at noon (EST) March 21st**
Who gets your vote, Deli, Sina, or Brian?

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.
✩ai loves music✩ (Amy), Angels Bark (Michele), Cherdo on the Flipside, The Doglady’s Den (Debbie), Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s Ramblings, STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager), The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), & Tossing It Out (Lee)
Be sure to mark your calendar to return this time next week to see how I voted and to see which artist wins in Battle of the Bands! Don’t forget to join me and my co-hostess for songs honoring March-born Singers on the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
, Cathy

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Ukulele music always gets me, i really want to learn to play. Brian gets my vote.
I’m partial to the ukulele and would like to learn how to play one, too. That being said, I’m not sure which artist I prefer in this round. I like them all pretty well. I have you down for BRIAN!
All three left me cold, but I liked the instrumental better than the vocal versions, so I vote Sina Bathaie, with an asterisk: s Stephen said, it went on and on too long. He should have cut it at 4 minutes.
Thanks for being such a trooper even when the artist choices prove to be not your cup of tea. Thanks for giving Sina Bathaie your vote.
I liked the 3rd one in style but it seemed a little rough. The 2nd one was pretty for what it was, a muzak-like rendering. My vote goes to Dali, who has a very good voice.
Dali is stomping her contenders in this showdown. Thanks for tossing your vote into the hat. Have a furtastic week!
John Holton got me visiting several blogs to cast my votes. It’s fun listening to the songs and choosing and deciding why you prefer one over another. You are welcome!
John’s a good friend who I met through BoTB but since that time we’ve developed a good friendship and take part in a couple of other regular hops such as the annual A2Z event and Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me which I co-host. Are you by chance participating in the April A2Z challenge? If you like mewsic, I know that’s a dumb thing to say because who doesn’t like mewsic, you’re invited to boogie with me on Mondays anytime!
I hadn’t looked much into A2Z. Is it a daily music posting?
No, the A to Z challenge can be about anything. I’m going to sketch my way through the alphabet drawing characters from the Little Mermaid movie & TV series. Check out my Theme Reveal post that went live this morning.;)
I read it this morning and saw your two styles of drawing, looked great! I signed up today. Thank you for your encouragement
Do you know what you’ll post about or are ya just going to be random? I think I did that my first couple of years at it before I figured out themes. It worked great, too.
I hope you meet lots of cool Bloggers as well have a great time!
I posted my reveal today, which will be World Signs & Symbols and hoping for myths to go with them. If not I might have to create some myths to go with them
(duly noted if of my own making). Thanks Cathy!
I’ll be different and vote for Brian, I liked his version
A third vote for BRIAN!
Dali is soothing, but Brian gets my vote for sure – …and the second one I think is really nice but i don’t feel I could relax to it as much as the other two. love all the cartoons also.
Excellent, Brian gets a second vote! So glad you joined in the showdown and giggles on Friday. I’ll see ya soon!
I enjoyed the anonymous Deli singer. That was fun. That fellow hammering the little dulcimer or what ever it was, was pretty enjoyable, too. The last gentleman did not move the meter for me. All things not being equal, I cast a vote for Deli.
Thank you for clarifying that my Dali singer is an anonymous voice. Now, that’s going to be hard to give this gal credit should she prove to be the winner which is looking like she’s going to be seeing how everyone has like her cover. It’s great having ya here in this round of BoTB, my friend!
Love the cartoons! Hey, I vote for Brian, someone has to do it.
Hooray, Brian Fergus is finally in the battle.
I vote for Dali too! Beautiful and calming to listen to. I appreciate your thoughts here and wish you a fabulous weekend. Thank you. HUGS
Thanks for voting for Dali in this round of BoTB, Anne Marie!
You know, I used to think I was pretty well-versed in the musical acts out in the world, but time and time again – newcomers. Totally under the radar. Never heard of them at all. AND THEY SOUND GREAT.
Bah humbug, I stink. But DALI sounds wonderful! DALI GETS MY VOTE.
Those little known artists can be surprising treasures to find. I’m glad you enjoyed these cover artists. Another vote for Dali who’s running away with this showdown!
It’s definitely Bali for me. I’m really looking forward to warmer weather and brighter days. Looks like we might hit a high of 59 next week. I want it to get here quickly… but the days need to slow down as I still have a ton of A2Z posts to put together!
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Literary Gold
I understand all too well about getting A2Z posts together. I made a great jump with mine but still need to work feverishly between now and the first of the month to get things wrapped up. Warm weather is here but those cool March winds remind us that winter is not done yet. No worries about getting over here, you’re welcome anytime, dearie and thanks for voting for Dali in this BoTB round!
It’s crazy how quickly time goes by!
That said, we are happy to see some signs of spring, but it’s so messy at this point. My backyard looks like a swamp with all the melting snow and ice.
I’m a huge fan of Donovan’s and remember this song. Tough battle, though, because all three versions are really good! In the end, it’s Dali’s lovely voice and the sounds of nature in the background that attracted me the most. Excellent battle, Cathy. Have a good weekend.
I remember from childhood how the first sign of spring was the muddy yard. That’s one thing colder climates have to deal with that we typically do not. Of course, we’ve had so much rain that there are still places in the area that has flood water standing.
Thanks for voting for Dali. I’m coming your way next!
Wonderful comics. “Technically, the second”–ha!
Thanks for sharing in some laugh, Jacqui!
This is a beautiful, haunting song and I have to give it to Dali who sang it so well. I also loved the instrumental version which i could just keep listening to while reading a book. The last one didn’t interest me at all so The gal gets my vote. Love the sillies and have a great weekend!
Gotcha down for Dali, my dear!
HiYa, CATHY! ~
I don’t think I’d heard this song before. (Donovan never did much for me, so I didn’t buy any of his stuffs when I was a major music-buyer.)
It was a nice song and I liked the first contestant, DALI the best of all.
The instrumental started out great and I was into it, thinking it’d get my vote. But then by the 7:30 mark I started thinking: Is this guy STILL playing the same song? I think he’s played right through Spring and into Summer. And then shortly after that, I felt we were approaching Fall and that guy’s playing had actually reached a point of literally annoying me, so I had to pull the curtain on him early, before Winter set in.
The third contestant wasn’t bad, but he hasn’t got much of a singing voice. I think he’d be better served sticking to his ukulele playing and letting someone else handle the singing chores.
So, DALI for the win!
~ D-FensDogG
The instrumental arrangement is a bit long but it is relaxing. Brian (the ukulele player) doesn’t have the strongest vocals but I found his covering rather charming all the same, plus it’s a bit different. I have you down for Dali. Now, I’m heading over to your place to check out your showdown.
I didn’t remember this title, but once the first version started playing I immediately recognized it since it was on a Donovan live album that I used to listen to a lot. Beautiful song!
Dali’s version is very true to the original with which I am familiar. The instrumental was nicely done, but interminably long for the purposes of BOTB.–this version is probably best suited to background new agey type purposes. Brian Fergus was okay–calming–but after I woke up at the end I decided that this was not the version for me this morning.
My vote goes to the Donovanesque version by Dali.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
We were in Maryville over the weekend looking at properties which brought you to mind.
Anywho, thanks for taking the time to visit on Friday. Another vote for Dali
Dali has my vote. They all bring something to the table, but Dali brings it home.
Loved the kitty cartoon. It’s the way of cats.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Big hug and love. ♥
Thanks for adding me to your Friday linky party.
I have your vote down for Dali!
Hi, Cathy!
Yessum, 2019 is whizzing by. Is it too early for me to wish you a merry Christmas?
Donovan’s “Lullaby of Spring” is new to my ears. His is one of the most distinctive voices in the mewsic world. Now to the three artists competing in your battle. With the sound of chirping birds and a babbling brook, the recording by female vocalist Dali draws you in and sets the mood. I actually enjoyed her vocal on the song more than Donovan’s original. I also admire contender #3, Brian Fergus, for what he did on his version. I am not a big fan of the uke, but Brian made a believer out of me, and I enjoyed his use of atmospheric, barely detectable sounds and backing singers to eerie effect. However, when all is said and sung, I’m voting for the instrumental version by Sina Bathaie. The instrumental has more life and vitality than the other two recordings, and the sparkling clean production allows the instruments to announce the coming of spring, no words necessary.
Thanks for the Friday Sillies and the terrific tuneage, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful weekend!
Where did the weekend go? WOW, here it is Monday morning again and it’s time to get my boogie shoes. I appreciated your visit on Friday as you cast your vote in my newest BoTB. The first vote in this showdown goes to Sina! I’m heading over to see what you’re sharing today now.