East Tennessee Landmarks Mural


We were exploring some out-of-the-way country road when we discovered this mural with two East Tennessee landmarks (JFG and Mayfield Diary) on the backside of this property owner’s garage.  Knowing there was no way we’d return to this place, I did not let this opportunity slip away.  A big dog stood guard barking the whole time until we left. No doubt thinking, “Mission accomplished! I scared the intruders off.” I should’ve taken a picture of him while I was there, too.


[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy for some not-so #WW fun & I invite you join the party! #photography[/tweetthis]





Today is my FIL’s birthday. Austin turns 95. I don’t have any recent photos. So, I looked through my archives of old photos I scanned from their family album years ago and found the below picture of him with DH taken at my belated MIL’s parents’ homestead down State Line Ridge. Although, he’ll never see this I wanted to say Happy Birthday to a very dear man who treats me like a daughter! You’ll never know how much you mean to me. I love you and God bless!






After this week, I’m scaling back on my daily posts while I prep for next month’s A to Z Challenge. Have a good day and please join me tomorrow for The Results: The Winner Takes It All BoTB Showdown!




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