Skywatch Friday: Snow in the Smoky’s

The cold weather is keeping me indoors a lot lately, which means no new photos to share. That being said, I have a need to create and decided to use my photo-editor of choice to play with today’s picture, Snow in the Smoky’s.

Snow in the Smoky's
Photo-editing changes: cropped image, added copyright, and applied the light leak effect (that’s the light spots on my photo).

I bet you five bucks there is snow on the Smoky’s now. The weather has been perfect for it all week!

I’m linking up with the SWF team and invite you to join other photo enthusiasts across the net. Next up, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • hot tea, hot chocolate, hot coffee! A hot beverage in my hand makes me warm and snugly all over.
  • cozy, fluffy socks and plush sweats! This house isn’t well insulated, so I dressing in layers helps when not active indoors.
  • well stocked pantry! It’s very good that we aren’t forced to grocery shop on the coldest days and have the luxury in picking the best day of the week to run errands.
  • not living in an area where the temperatures are colder (and stay longer), and the wind is stouter, and there’s lots of snow! I really am blessed living in East Tennessee. We generally experience mild conditions during the winter. The worse part is usually when it’s cold for a long time that any precipitation we get is in the form of ice and that’s not good. ?
  • getting rid of a little more clutter! Being stuck indoors isn’t all that bad. It forces us to do constructive things, like throw out things we don’t need anymore. lol

Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot! That’s a wrap for now. Before you go, check out my latest edition of Battle of the Bands up next. Have a fototastic day!

Disclaimer: The above is an affiliated link, this is my photo-editor of choice, and if you make a purchase using it then I will earn a few pennies. Let me say in advance, thank-you! ?

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

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