9 to 5 #BoTB results, Skywatch Friday, & Celebrate the small things

Good-morning, kittens and dawgs! This is gonna be a three for all special. Sometimes I just have to roll things together. Last week, I did two separate posts and had a devil of a time playing catch up all this week.

Today, I’m reporting last week’s BoTB results, where I pitted Melinda Schneider & Beccy Cole against a Knoxville gal and The Voice 2015 runner-up Emily Ann Roberts singing Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 hit. However, before I announce the outcome let me say Happy  Birthday Dolly! The mega super country star celebrated her 70th this past Wednesday.

If you’ve followed comments then you know how things played out. Poor Miss Roberts didn’t stand much of chance with the overwhelming favor for Schneider & Cole by a margin of 11 to 7.

Congratulations Melinda and Becca on your win!

Don’t forget to see how the other BoTB to see how they went down. To get a list of all the player, visit Stephen.

For this week’s Skywatch Friday feature I’m revisiting my photo archives. The cold is keeping me indoors. This leaves me with time to rediscover and reinvent old digi-files.

Fort Loudon lake Farragut, Tennessee
This is Fort Loudon lake in Farragut, Tennessee. I took this picture on a chilly winter’s day in 2013. I cheated a bit boasting the earthy tones and blues in Pixelmator. I love how the colors play together well in this image, don’t you?

I continued the fun by breathing new life into the above photo to create this watercolor image.

Waterlogue App image creation
I applied the Rainy effect from my Waterlogue App on my iPad and then used the other photo-editor, mentioned above in first image, to add my copyright info.

Disclosure: Please note affiliate links are in red. These are products I use and feel good telling others about. It’s my responsbility to tell you, if you make a purchase going through these links then I will earn a small commission, so let me say thank-you in advance! 😉

I’m linking up with the SWF team and invite you to join other photo enthusiasts across the net. Next up, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • the simple pleasures from the first snowfall of winter. True, I don’t like the cold weather, but I can’t resist seeing heaven’s purity descending gracefully upon us blanketing the earth in white.
  • the majesty of clear, blue skies after a snow storm. That’s the sight I woke to yesterday morning and it made me giddy.
  • the wintry storm not knocking out the power. There’s nothing like being able to keep warm when it’s so cold out.
  • my children getting home safely Wednesday evening. The roads were treacherous by the afternoon in town with accidents reported throughout the city.

Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

Join the party below!

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like to dance then I invite you to hop over for Monday’s Music Moves Me. Thanks for visiting. Until we meet on the other side of the lens, have a fototastic day!

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

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