Unforgettable 2015

Unforgettable! 2015? Yep, last year was precisely that…unforgettable. When one’s sole income ceases, as ours did, with DH’s lay-off in July then that sort of thing will forever stick in the back of my mind. I could had let these bad circumstances rob my joy or I could make the best of the situation. That’s what I did. I pushed through it. DH enjoyed more trips to the mountains. This gave me more photo ops to share with you. Even though I wasn’t present every day, I did my best to do return visits. I wanted my blogging life to remain consistent during this transition. We are still in limbo. DH continues to job hunt. However, it’s only a matter of time before the “right” position opens and we’ll be ready for it. Meanwhile, I will enjoy our together time and sharing myself with you a few days a week. I appreciate your understanding! ?

Blogosphere was an unforgettable year, too. WordPress.Com Annual Report sums things up by saying this about Curious as a Cathy…

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 15,000 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

My longest blogging streak ran for 64 days from January 5th through March 9th. I didn’t understand why April wasn’t included in that tally with my participation in April’s A to Z Blogging Challenge, though. It came as no surprise to find my best day was mid-week with my Wordless Wednesday posts.

Music and photography are two of my favorite passions. Here are my top five posts from 2015:

Winter at Mingus Mill #WW

#WW Bicyclists

Mad World #BoTB

Twin Peaks Photoart #WW

Spirit of Christmas #BoTB showdown

These interests won’t change in the new year. I plan to keep up the pace pursing my love for music and photography. However, none of these blog statics would matter if it were for my loyal readers. I want to thank y’all for your faithfulness and support. Also, I want to give special thanks to my top commenters.

Les from Ink Interrupted

Lee from Tossing it Out

Dixie from dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands

Marie from

Liz from Laws of Gravity

Please give these few a round of applauds and I ask you to hop over to their sites to give a little pat on the back of these lovelies in comments. That will be an awesome way to start 2016, don’t you think? 😉

I’m looking forward to getting to know you a little better in 2016 because… you’re Unforgettable!

Good-bye, Natalie, thank you for the music!

I hope you’ll join my Wordless Wednesday linky party tomorrow evening at 8pm. Let’s keep the music flowing; it’s time to step out on the dance floor with Marie and the 4M crew, so follow me!

You can view my annual blog report, here.

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