
11-03-2025 Vol 19

2016 #AprilA2Z Reflections

Good-morning, kittens and dawgs! First of, I want to say thank you to all of my faithful readers. You made it all well worth the effort. Looking back on last month’s escapades I see room for improvement. There I admit I have flaws. Who knew right?

I started off strong with more than two weeks worth of posts scheduled, I kept up with commenting on the comments, making return visits, and leaving comments on visited sites, and then I hit a brick wall. The alphabet caught up with me!

From that point forward I struggled, but I managed to finish the challenge. I swear up and down every year I will write all posts in advance, then life steps in, and blocks my way. All I can say is I’ll keep trying until I get it right. I won’t let this slow me down.

Despite the chaos, I plan to step up to the A2Z plate again next year. That being said, I launched into getting things in order now. Hey, I figured I’d best start now instead of waiting for the 2017 sign up announcement. 😀 Meanwhile, if you’re like me “playing catch up”, then here are all of my A2Z posts for your convenience.

All Things Vintage: Artists
All Things Vintage: Bomber Girls
All Things Vintage: Cab Calloway
All Things Vintage: Dear Abby
All Things Vintage: Elvgren Art
All Things Vintage: Flapper Fashion Era
All Things Vintage: GSMNP
All Things Vintage: Hershey’s Chocolate
All Things Vintage: Ivory Soap
All Things Vintage: J-E-L-L-O
All Things Vintage: Kisses
All Things Vintage: Laughs
All Things Vintage: MoonPies under a Moonglow
All Things Vintage: Nifty, Neat-o, & No No
All Things Vintage: Oh, My Papa
All Things Vintage: Pretty Things
All Things Vintage: Quotes
All Things Vintage: Rags to Riches
All Things Vintage: Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang creator Charles Shultz
All Things Vintage Treasures in History
All Things Vintage: Underwood Typewriter
All Things Vintage: Victrola
All Things Vintage: War Bonds
All Things Vintage: X-ray Discovery
All Things Vintage: Yo-Yo
All Things Vintage: Ziegfeld Follies and Girls

In the spirit of a good things. I honestly had a lot of fun putting together my All Things Vintage posts despite the hair pulling near the end. It was difficult, but I didn’t stress over it. That defeats the fun. There is no place for being stressed in this blog hop unless it’s desserts.


Thanks again to the amazing A2Z team for all their hard work and for making this a blog challenge a huge success. What’s next? Hit the dance floor with me tomorrow for Mewsic Moves Me. Happy blogging, my friend! 😉


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26 thoughts on “2016 #AprilA2Z Reflections

  1. My sentiments exactly. I swore I’d have my posts written in advance and didn’t have one. What a mess it was trying to keep up, but I did finish and so did you, so congrats on making it to the end!
    (Love the stressed/desserts connection. Gotta remember that 🙂

  2. I loved All Things Vintage and am excited to see that you may be planning on doing some variation of it again next year! I didn’t get to see all of them but the ones I did read I loved. Great job. And it definitely is a good thing to have all the posts done and scheduled in advance. There’s no way I could keep up so you did fantastic!
    Looking forward to next year’s challenge. I’m still clueless as to what I’m doing…

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, you’re too kind. I’m thrilled you enjoyed my series and I’m actually excited about continuing the vintage theme. I’m thinking about going with vintage toys. That’s sure to stir some interest and emotions with many of my readers, what do you think?

  3. Congrats on completing the challenge 🙂 I’m thinking in an abstract way of next year’s challenge but I don’t think I’ll actually be working on it until next year

    1. Debbie, at least you’re thinking ahead with the 2017 challenge. This gives you purpose in direction while building excitement as the April blog hop approaches. So, abstract thinking isn’t a bad thing. Thanks for visiting!

  4. It was a fun month, wasn’t it? I LOVE vintage so every day was enjoyable to read.
    PS – Finally got my own reflections post out, as well as my last BOTB results.

    1. Jeffrey, I like vintage stuff, too. It’s really fun to look back at life when, you know? I’ll be by soon to read your reflections post and learn if my artist won in your last BoTB contest. See you later, friend!

  5. The vintage posts were really fun! You picked a great theme. I admit to failure in trying to keep up with reading all the blogs that were participating. I think about 20 blogs I follow were posting daily and I was ending up with a daily email count in the hundreds. I had to admit defeat! LOL But what I did manage to get too was fun and educational and maybe one year I will even try to participate myself.

    1. Keith, no worries! This challenge is every bit of that, a challenge! I’m sure even if we’re 100% prepared in 2017 then something else will knock the wind out of our sails. lol I’m with you on getting next year’s theme figured out. I have mine and have decided on 90% of the alphabet. Hopefully, I can begin creating each post soon. Thanks for stopping in to read my Reflections post!

  6. Congrats on making it to the end. It can be a hard slog keeping up with comments. I know I barely kept up. Great theme.

    1. Liz, yep commenting on the comments is hard, but I learned that after I comment then to immediately hop over to that person’s blog for a return visit is a good method of killing two birds with one stone. Of course, when I got off track then everything fell apart. lol Oh well, better luck next time!

    1. Katie, yes we do! One can always dream about being the best bloghopper, but in the end all we can do is the best we can do. Setting goals is a good thing to do with the expectation that you’re gonna get those babies done! Next year, I’m aiming high to reaching all of mine! 😉

  7. I enjoyed the time spent here on your A-Z Set… Look for me to make several returns to visit. Your presentations are both entertaining and informative. Who could ask for more?

    1. Myke, a friend IS always welcome to pop in anytime and I’ll be anxious to have your browse through my A2Z posts at your leisure. Have an awesome evening!

  8. I enjoyed your theme Cathy, but was in the same situation as you, so didn’t get a chance to visit as much as I would have liked. Oh well, there’s always next year. We’ll get it right one of these days! 🙂

    1. Debbie, I appreciate you coming by when you got a chance. It seems we all had similar problems with falling behind for one reason or another, but in the big scheme of things, we had fun doing it and that’s all that matters in my book. I’ll be looking forward to sharing in the fun with you next year.

  9. I hear you! I started off with good intentions, but then ended up taking a trip that first week so that started me off behind. Then I was doing my blog posts throughout April because I never got to most of the them ahead of time.

    What the heck though. We had fun. I enjoyed your vintage posts. We can always perfect things next time around. Or maybe not.

    Thanks for playing and appreciate the Reflections.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, you’re totally forgiven for getting behind on posts. I don’t know how you do what you do and still make it come off looking like a breeze. lol And, yes we did have fun! Thank for creating & hosting such an exciting annual event for all bloggers to enjoy!

  10. I know what you mean because I was all gang ho in writing my posts way ahead of schedule and then, before I knew it, it was the last week of March and I still didn’t write anything. I really enjoyed your posts and thought you did a great job. I am still playing catch up myself and will probably get caught up……by October.

    1. Birgit, Oh, I’ve done that in the past. The last two years I did just about the same thing. Hopefully, next time I’ll get it right! 😉 I’m glad you enjoyed my posts. You’re such a sweetie! I think it’ll take me to October to get caught up, too. lol

  11. Hello Cathy

    I really enjoyed your theme this year. I know I didnt make it around for all the posts, but those that I did make it, I really enjoyed. Now to get back into a ‘routine’ for the rest of the year. Congrats on completing the challenge!

    Lee Andrews & the Hearts

    1. Mary, hey no problem! I’m in the same boat as you ~ didn’t read all I wanted, but what I did was wonderful. Thanks for being super duper with your visits!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Congratulations on presenting such a variety of interesting posts under the umbrella of “All Things Vintage.” I genuinely enjoyed all of your posts and got an education. You are wise for getting started on next year’s challenge now while you have the luxury of time. It always feels good to be prepared.

    Congratulations once again on giving your readers a solid month’s worth of great posts, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Howdy, Tom! You were an excellent supporter throughout the A2Z, not missing a single entry. That meant a lot to me, my friend. Thanks! It makes my heart happy to hear you and so many others enjoyed my theme. It was a lot of fun to put together and I learned in the process. That’s one reason why I love doing this challenge. I may stay with the vintage theme next year, but go try to narrow it to one topic instead of many like I did this time. That’s what I’m thinking at the moment, but I’m a woman and may change my mind. lol Thanks for visiting!

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