Memories of past Valentine’s Day #FlashbackFriday

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Let’s hear it for Friday! Whoo-hoo, we are facing a glorious 3-day weekend, but the forecast is calling for cold, cold conditions. This gives us an excuse, as if we need one, to stay indoors to snuggle on the sofa while having a romantic movie marathon. What do you expect with Valentine’s Day tomorrow? Okay, we may not watch all mushy flicks, but at least a couple. That will add to the fun of the weekend.

Anywho, this got me to thinking (yeah, I know that’s a dangerous thing to do) about this hearts and flowers occasion when I had a flashback moment from my grade school days. No, this doesn’t have anything to do with paddlings like in Classroom disruption. Instead, my recollection is a sweet one. Who remembers these?

ValentineBoxesCollageThe big Valentine’s Day party in elementary school was a fun event for us. We decorated shoe boxes anticipating getting sweet sentiments from those who wanted to be our Valentine. Of course, there was the party ~ cupcakes, punch, cookies, potato chips, conversation hearts, and the exchange of Valentines. Each passed by the festive shoeboxes slipping in his/her cards to his/her chosen Valentines. I know I made a point to give everyone in my class a card because I couldn’t bring myself to NOT give someone a Valentines.

I remember going through all my cards from classmates to find I did not get any Valentines from the cute boys in school. That equated in my disappointed eyes as not being pretty enough for them. My tiny heart ached! The good news is kids are resilient, but I’m not going to lie to you. Those insecurities hung with me for years. I felt like the ugly duckling even when boys did begin to pay attention to me. Thankfully, I grew into a confident woman who feels beautiful all because of the love of one man! Will you be my Valentine, DH?

V-Day note

What’s your fondness childhood Valentine’s Day memory? In recent years, which V-Day reflection stands out being the best?

Thanks for stopping by. I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend and if you have time check back for tomorrow tunes on Saturday Songsuasion!

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