Year: 2014
April 17, 2014
A-Z Challenge
#a2zchallenge Oh, my G** on T?T
Good-morning y’all! Today will be another hectic one for me with two doctor appointments. I am very excited about my…
April 15, 2014
A-Z Challenge
A2Zchallenge: What does a horse say? Wordless Wednesday
I just past the half-way point with this month’s A-Z Challenge yesterday. Getting creative with the daily alphabet prompts is…
April 15, 2014
A-Z Challenge
Tuesday Talk Time: a montage of my life lately A2Z Challenge
Despite it raining all day, I didn’t allow those Monday blues to swallow me. Music always has a happy effect…
April 14, 2014
Alphabe-Thursday, Monday's Music Moves Me
#a2zchallenge with lightning and thunder on 4M
Another weekend bites the dust. It’s time to lace up my blue suede shoes and get back to rock n’…
April 12, 2014
A-Z Challenge
Saturday Song-suasion #34 : Kool and the Gang #a2zchallenge
Weekends, in general, are my off time in Blogosphere. However, that doesn’t keep me from scheduling posts for weekend visitors.…
April 11, 2014
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies: Cat humor
Whoo-hoo, the weekend is about to begin! Oh, right you’re either stuck at work or tied up with housework. That’s…
April 11, 2014
A-Z Challenge
#a2zchallenge Jonesborough, Tennessee on SkywatchFriday
Participating in the A-Z Challenge keeps me on my toes. I am making a sincere attempt in getting my posts…