Year: 2010
July 12, 2010
Illustrator Found
Finally, the search is over for an illustrator. This weekend, I decided to use local artist, Leann Vineyard Cooper for…
July 07, 2010
A Spook in the House
This morning I finished my second story featuring Brittany and Nicole. You may recall, they are the main characters in THE…
July 01, 2010
Work-in-Progress Illustrator Agreement
I’ve worked up an agreement which I can use with my illustrator. It needs tweaking, but I have a good…
June 28, 2010
There Are Dinosaurs in Our Backyard
I created my daily journal to keep you up-to-dated with The Tale of Ole Green Eyes publishing process. I have some news…
June 26, 2010
We Have Lift Off
Knoxville, we have lift off! Okay, it’s not a Space Shuttle launch, but it feels like it to me. My…
June 24, 2010
Calling All Hands
This week was busy with my new dishwasher still sitting in our dining room. Why? We’re converting a portable unit…