Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! I presenting to you my retro post editions on a new day with a new name, Throw Back Thursday (formerly Way Back Wednesday) with a look back in time to 1977!

The year the King of Rock n’ Roll died!

This past August 16th marked the 40th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. Do you remember this world breaking news? I do. I was sitting in the living room with then DBF (now DH) on the sofa when the report cut into our TV programming. My jaw hit the floor with the passing of this legend. He was only 42 at the time of his death.
I found supposedly this quote by Elvis just before his death after meeting Scientologists who tried to recruit him.
Elvis fumed: “The hell with those people. There’s no way I’ll ever get involved with that s.o.b. group. All they want is my money.”

Star Wars IV, New Hope, released in theatres in May of 1977 and is the second highest grossing movie in North America for which we all recognize the popular quote, “May the force be with you“. We didn’t actually see this film until after we got married in 1979.
Saturday Night Live was the popular late night TV viewing for many and became the springboard for two comedians. I didn’t watch it much because I’m not a night owl but I do remember Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd characters, mostly from watching the show after getting married.

Popular TV Shows I watched…
- Laverne & Shirley (ABC)
- Happy Days (ABC)
- Three’s Company (ABC)
- Charlie’s Angels (ABC)
- All in the Family (CBS)
- Little House on the Prairie (NBC)
- Alice (CBS)
- One Day at a Time (CBS)
- M*A*S*H (CBS)
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
I didn’t watch MASH or 60 Minutes much in those years. I had a greater appreciation for both shows by the time I was in my early 20s and 30s, especially MAS*H. I only liked watching the Andy Rooney segment on 60 Minutes.
I’m not sure when these individual clips originally ran on 60 Minutes but they are a lot of fun to watch. Rooney’s humorous commentaries are sure to make you smile. They do me!
This is also the year, DH graduated high school. I can’t believe it’s been 40 years! In this time, he’s lost classmates and friends. It’s sad how the hands of time give one the shaft in so many ways. He started college in the fall and I began grade 10. Aside a few wrinkles and gray hair, our appearance has changed little in all these years. Our classmates wouldn’t have any problem recognizing us.
Where were you and what were you doing in 1977?
I can’t close out the year without sharing some popular mewsic with you. Hit play while you read my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions!
That’s all for now. I want to encourage you to join my email circulation (see side menu) to not miss the latest mews from Curious as a Cathy and I hope to see you tomorrow at Friday Fun Stuff for some giggles.
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You are just as lovely as ever.
I remember loving to listen to Andy Rooney, even if I didn’t watch the whole 60 minutes episode!
What a fun way to reminisce and share about all these things.
And me? I wasn’t yet born in 1977
I was not born yet in 1977
But look at you so lovely!
And oh I remember I loved listening to Any Rooney. Even if I didn’t watch the whole 60 minutes
It’s always such fun to reminisce!
Thanks for sharing Cathy. Hope you are having a great week! *HUGS*
WP threw your comment into my Spam folder. I’m not sure why but that happens ever so often. Oh, you’re a young one, aren’t you?
Ah, i remember seeing Star Wars the first week it was out, before the lines got crazy long. Seventy-seven was my last semester of 8th grade and first semester of high school.
The lines at the theaters in our early marriage were horribly long. We often went to the earliest show times possible to avoid the craziness, which usually less expensive, too. There were times we did stand in those long lines but that predates my personal space issues of today. I’d have a heart attack now to stand in a crowd to get a movie ticket. Nope, watching movies at home suits me just fine…plus I can go to the bathroom anytime I want without missing a thing. Oh yeah, we have an endless supply of snacks, too.
I definitely remember the day Elvis died. I was just getting back from a trip to Lake Tahoe and living on my own in an apartment. I was just starting to date my first husband and we saw Star Wars together. I watched most of those shows on and off but have never been a regular TV person. I read or craft and listen to music instead. Thanks for the playlist. Have a great Thursday.
Isn’t it interesting how you associate events like a death with something in your life. I do this all the time. For instance, while on our honeymoon, John Wayne passed, an event I would otherwise not pin a specific date to is forever linked with these magic moments. We only watch TV while we have dinner. I used to watch a lot of daytime TV which sucked a lot of my time and am happy to have that part of me. Of course, I stream movies/TV shows while on my elliptical. I just can’t get into listening to mewsic for some reason when I exercise, which is sorta weird. I mean, I’m supposed to like that, right? Everyone else who exercises usually streams mewsic while pounding the pavement or in spin class but not me…I’m different. I kinda special like that, though. lol
I like to listen to music while I walk, which is the only form of exercise I do. Can’t get into going to a gym and using the machines.
I definitely remember the day Elvis died. I believe I was in the 2nd grade then & was carpooling with someone to school. The entire ride there the only thing the radio talked about was Elvis. And Star Wars. All the TV shows. I remember it all! Thanks for the memories!
You’re several years younger than me. I remember being stunned and saddened by the mews. I had a slight crush on Elvis when I was little. I loved watching his old movies – handsome boy wins the heart of the pretty girl and he sings, too!
The 70s are full of good memories or at least that’s the way I choose to remember the era.