
16-03-2025 Vol 19

10 Reasons I’m Thankful

Aww Mondays

Hey y’all!  How’s life treating you?  I’m in awe of how quickly November is passing and more amazed how fast this year has gone.   Anyway, welcome to the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor!  This week, we are boogieing to songs that express your thankfulness with our special co-hostess, Sandee from Comedy Plus. Are you ready to get this party going?

Building a playlist of song titles to list the reasons I am thankful.

  1. For DH “Love The Way You Love Me” ❧Shelea
  2. For my children “A Mother’s Prayer” ❧Céline Dion
  3. For “My Family” ❧Migos, Karol G. Smpp Dpgg. & Rock Mafia
  4. For humble beginnings “Take Me Home Country Roads” ❧John Denver
  5. For autumn weather “Seasons Change” ❧Expose
  6. For music “Can’t Stop The Feeling” ❧Justin Timberlake
  7. For art  “Vincent (Starry Starry Night” ❧ Don McLean
  8. For humor “Word Crimes” ❧Weird Al Yankovic
  9. For being “Happy” ❧Pharrell Williams
  10. For technology “Computer Love” ❧Kraftwerk

This is kind of a weird mix but works for me. How about you? Hit play to enjoy!

This is a music linky party.  Your co-hostess are StacyAlana, and myself.   Every other week we have a suggested music theme to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

Thanks for stopping by to dance with me.  I’ll be back on Wednesday with the continuation of my Maine vacation photo memories series and I hope you’ll join me.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, CathySave


















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28 thoughts on “10 Reasons I’m Thankful

    1. Debbie,

      Bummer, you couldn’t open the playlist at all or just “Vincent” ? Sorry ’bout that, my dear. Thanks for dropping in for a visit.

        1. Debbie,

          You’re right the first video is the problem. I found one that works and swapped it out. I didn’t check the region for the others, so if something doesn’t work just let me know. I need to do better about this. Sorry, dear friend!

        2. That worked – thanks! 🙂 Just one other issue: Take Me Home Country Roads has playback disabled on the playlist. You have to click over to Youtube to watch it. Have a good weekend!

        3. Okay, thanks Debbie! I didn’t check all of the videos. I need to try to remember to do this every time I build a playlist but so often fail. Perhaps I’ll eventually get the hang to take the extra step to make sure all videos work in all regions. I’m sorry for the trouble, my friend!

  1. I was waltzing around the kitchen floor last night, singing “starry starry night” to the yellow cat, and I really do not know why. It just came to me… Perhaps you were channeling my way, Cathy…

    1. Myke,

      Yep, that was it. I was sending vibes across the state through music. lol That’s really a coincidence, isn’t it? I’m glad you came by, though. It’s always nice when you visit. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!

  2. Nice take on the theme. Some of these are songs I love (Word Crimes, Vincent, Can’t Stop the Feeling). I have one of Kraftwerk’s albums and I enjoyed their (new to me) song. Your quote at the end is absolutely true!

    1. Alana,

      The Bill Murray quote is spot on. There’s so much good music and so many reasons to give thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed the way I worked my list.

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend.

    I am just now getting back online following my morning appointment and running errands for Mrs. Shady afterward. I noticed that you are the Early Bird at Shady’s Place this week, and I thank you for visiting. I didn’t even get to read your comment yet because I wanted to swing right over here and listen to your sounds of Thanksgiving.

    Awww… I just wanna smooch that cute little bunny! Yessum, the months and years are passing by “quick like a bunny.” Before you know it, it’ll be time to celebrate Easter 2023.

    This is my introduction to California singer, songwriter and pianist Shelea Frazier. I like her song “Love The Way You Love Me,” released as a single in 2013. I see that she is mentored by Stevie Wonder and your can hear the “Stevie sound” in her vocals and the arrangement. Expose’ is a popular Miami-based Latin freestyle act. I remember their song “Seasons Change” because it was a chart-topping hit in February, 1988, and because the official music video played heavily during the morning and afternoon dayparts at the MTV style station where I worked at the time. I haven’t heard Don McLean’s “Vincent” in a while and enjoyed it today. Don’s unplugged storytelling cleanses the palate after a steady diet of beat-driven music. I always get a kick out of Weird Al’s parody songs, and “Word Crimes,” a parody of Robin Thicke’s 2013 international hit single “Blurred Lines,” is a hoot.

    I also appreciated the quotable quote by Bill Murray. Thanks for your patience in waiting for me to show up. I’m drowsy and need a good nap. Thanks again for visiting my site so early. I will go there now and read your comment. To my dismay, I have another medical appointment tomorrow morning and will again be gone half the day! I’m looking forward to the next chapter in your New England adventure on Wednesday, a series that would have worked well in the April A to Z. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I wasn’t expecting you to make it quite so soon. You’re pretty amazing! Usually, if I have a procedure that knocks me out then I’m drained the rest of the day. That really takes much out of my schedule but sometimes these things can’t be help. Thankfully for me this is happens every other year. I’m glad you enjoyed my thankful music set. Shelea definitely has a Stevie Wonder essence in the way she sings. This was a new discovery. I don’t remember her release. I sure appreciate how you share with me some interesting factoids on some of the songs on my playlist. Expose “Seasons Change” is a song that didn’t reach my ears until. I reckon it’s possible I heard when it came out and just forgot. I was entering my second trimester of pregnancy with DD#1. DH was working in Alabama through the week at the time, too. During those months I have very little recollection because I worked full time and was exhausted all the time. “Starry Night” is a mental cleansing that’s quite soothing. Weird Al is the King of song parodies if you ask me and his “Word Crime” is a killer. Wouldn’t it be fun to come up with comic lyrics to popular melodies?

      I’m sorry to hear you have another appointment tomorrow. That’s exhausting. You’ll be in my thoughts. I’ll be looking forward to your visit on Wednesday or whenever you feel like stopping by. Truly there’s no rush ever. You know where I’ll be. 🙂 And, yes you’re so right our New England vacation is a great idea for an A2Z theme. I have it in the back of mind just in case I decide to use it with a different spin. Take it easy the rest of the day, my friend!

  4. Awww on that cup of cuteness. You made me smile.

    Love your playlist. Beautiful.

    I’m sure you’re hearing from Marie too. I’m super happy about that.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

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