Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Thank you for joining me on the dance floor with “60s Rock Songs” requested by today’s Spotlight Dancer, Mike Golch. My first song selection was written by Gerry Coffin and Carole King and recorded by an all-girl band who took this single to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 list in 1961 (the year I was born) from the “Tonight’s the Night” album, The Shirelles!
In keeping with my birth year, the next song to top the Billboard Hot 100 charts is a cover by the doo-wop band, The Marcels.
My last “60s Rock Song” from 1961 to soar to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 list is one of my favorites has an interesting history but I’ll save that for another time is, The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
I’m on a blog hiatus for the most part for the next couple of weeks but I’m committed to XmasDolly, Stacy, and Colette with co-hosting the best party dance party on the blockosphere.
While I have the old turntable spinning, let’s keep those feet happy with today’s #BoTB cover song!

Mike’s last week 4M playlist inspired this showdown. This 60s rock song topped the leader board in the USA (1964) and became the first hit for this British band, Dave Clark Five!
This is gonna be a battle of the sexes. Female lead singer Vs Male lead singer, both new-to-me cover bands a bit edgier and heavier than I normally listen to but enjoyed.
Ok, here’s the drill. Voting is open to everyone visiting. There is NO wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote. You can start by telling me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional).
Which artist gets your vote – Suzi Quatro or TT Quick?
The fun continues with more epic battles underway and I invite you to visit the official manager of BoTB, Stephen for the update list of players and be sure to check back next week to learn the outcome of this battle.
What mewsic moves you today?
I’m “Taking It Easy” but I’ll get to you ASAP. Just leave a breadcrumb for me to follow in comments and I’ll find my way to your site soon. Have a groovy week, my friends and keep rockin’ on!
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You are right about the heavy in these covers. They both had the feel of 80s metal to me, particularly the guys. When Suzy began my first thought was this: She is harnessing her inner Joan Jett.
As I prefer Joan Jett over pretty much all 80s metal give Ms. Quatro.
Thanks for voting, Robin! I’m sorry I didn’t get around to responding before now but you know how it goes when you’re taking a break while busy doing a zillion other things.
Have a good week!
I enjoyed going back in time with your 60s hits. The Shirelles, “Blue Moon”… great choices!
Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.
With Love,
Hmmm… I had to listen to both recordings twice to decide but I guess I’m going to select TT QUICK, despite their instantly forgettable name. The electric guitar break added a little more pizzazz to the song, I think.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
I appreciate your time to stop to compare my two covers and casting your vote. Have a wonderful day!
Suzi Quatro – 8
TT Quick – 4
Oh I love The Lion Sleeps Tonight. That’s the first time I’ve seen Wimoweh spelled out and I had no idea of it’s origin. Very interesting backstory so I found.
I liked your battle. Such a great song! I liked both contenders, almost equally, but in the end I’ll give my vote to Suzi Quatro. I sure haven’t heard that name in a really long time!
Enjoy that blogging hiatus Cathy. Having just come off of one, I can tell you it was a needed break and felt quite good. But glad to be back with my old friends…
Michele at Angels Bark
I’m trying to enjoy my break but I am still busy working out kinks on my site. Thanks for visiting and voting. I’ll see ya around!
Suzi Quatro – 9
TT Quick – 3
Great 60’s choices, I have been listening to stuff like that a lot more now because I don’t like the music that is popular now. I liked both versions, Suzi Quatro is like Joan Jett, but I prefer TTQuick with that heavy metal sound.
Thanks for hitting the dance floor with me and for voting in BoTB. Have a fabulous day!
Suzi Quatro – 8
TT Quick – 3
I love the songs from 1961. Of course, I think of Carole King, though. You are fun, my friend. HUGS.
Annie, thanks for joining me on the dance floor! Have a good week, dearie!!
I have to say I love The Lion Sleeps Tonight and my mom loved that song. My brother liked it when he was a kid and still does…he was also born in 1961. As for the BOTB…I give it to freaky eyes Suzi who must have loved Emma Peel. Her voice is strong and it sounds better to me than theother version which was not that memorable. She gets my vote
Who doesn’t like “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”? It’s a classic! Thanks for voting in this round of BoTB, my friend. Have a good week!
Suzi Quatro – 7
TT Quick -2
Suzy Q for me. I’m not usually a metal fan, but it worked!
Thank you, Andy! I’m not a metal rock fan, either.
Suzi Quatro – 6
TT Quick -2
Blue Moon is one of my favorites — my kids can hardly believe i can keep up with it, but i can!
That Dave Clark V song in the mouth of Suzi made me shiver, delightfully! She did a great job, she’s got my vote.
Happy Monday!
Blue Moon is a beautiful old song!
Thanks for casting your vote for Suzi. She’s doing a fabulous job. I really thought TT Quick would steal most of the votes. Boy, was I ever wrong!
Suzi Quatro – 8
TT Quick – 2
Well you surely found three great treasures there… especially “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”…. great one! Now as far as your battle of the bands woo hoo I have to pick the Dave Clark V being as I use to watch them on TV every day! hahaha Hope you had a nice Mother’s Day girlfriend! Have a great day! BIG HUGS
Thanks for dancing with me! “The Lions Sleep Tonight” is a treasure and a favorite of mine.
Unfortunately, DC5 isn’t one of the contenders in my BoTB. They are only used as a reference but I appreciate you playing along and should you want to change your vote then please chime in!
Thanks for the MD wishes. I had a lovely day and I hope you did, too. Have a good week, dear friend!
Got to go with Leather Tuscadero… sorry, Suzi Quattro… on this one. She really played the heck out of this one. The Tottenham sound has never sounded better. I always liked the Dave Clark 5, so named because the name “Dave Clark Quintet” confused people… I kicked off my 4M with “Can’t You See That She’s Mine?” I like ’em so much.
I like your idea of choosing a year and taking #1 hits from that year. Maybe I should do that for The Friday Five for a while…
I hadn’t heard “Leather Tuscadero” in a long time. lol Suzi really brought the house down with her cover and she’s taking a commanding lead in this showdown. I like DC5 band, too. It’s too bad they sort got bumped out of the way with the Beatle’s invasion but so did a lot of other English rock bands. Thanks for popping by for a dance. I’m glad you liked that I focused on one year. It just made sense to me.
Got your vote recorded, now I’m off to see you!
Suzi Quatro – 5
TT Quick -2
It just occurred to me that I recorded your vote wrong but I corrected my record and I wanted to change it here in comments, too.
This is the current status of this showdown… Suzi Q – 10 to TT Quick – 3!
Hey Cathy – Were you in the rocking and rolling sort of mood today? haha…1961, I was all of 1 yr old that yr! Great post….keep on rockin’ on!!
Pam, you can dance with me every Monday! So slip on your blue suede shoes and hit the floor!
Thanks for joining the party today, my friend. I’ll see you soon.
I was only six years old in 1961, but those songs are all classics and well known. Thanks for sharing them Cathy.
As for BOTB, that Dave Clark Five song was part of my youth and some good memories. Both covers were good, too, but Susie Quatro gave it real pizzazz. Susie all the way! Enjoy your break.
You aren’t much older than me. You’d be like a big sis, right? I glad you enjoyed both covers. I wasn’t sure which group you would go with but it looks like Suzi is taking this battle big time!
Suzi Quatro- 5
TT Quick – 1
Excellent tunes, Cathy! I’m going to have to vote for Suzi. Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
‘Round Here Buzz with the Tin Man I Could Use a Love Song with Red Red Wine
Great to have you over and yes I had a lovely MD! I hope yours was a joyfully spent one, too!
Thanks for voting for Suzi. I’ll see ya soon!
Suzi Quatro- 4
TT Quick – 1
Great, classic songs. Loved them all.
Go Suzi Quatro
Thanks for joining me at the start of another week dance floor and for voting in this round of BoTB. Where is this month going? I’ll be over to dance with you next!
Suzi Quatro- 3
TT Quick – 1
Hi, Cathy!
How have you and DH been, dear friend? I’m “glad all over” to see you back in action.
This is a super post loaded with major memory makers of my youth. You were born in 1961 and I was eleven by that time, just the right age to be crazy about rock ‘n’ roll and heavily influenced by the songs I heard on the radio and the acts that performed on Ed Sullivan and similar TV programs. The sweet, wholesome girl group the Shirelles and the male doo-wop groups the Marcels and the Tokens remind us of a time when people earned and gave respect, when good behavior, good manners, etiquette and decency still mattered to most of society, a time when less was more. You didn’t see the Shirelles parading around on stage in skimpy, slutty costumes that invited wardrobe malfunctions and twerking to arouse the audience. Good girls were prized and cherished back then.
The Marcels version of “Blue Moon” was so great, so catchy, that I didn’t even realize in my youth that it was a cover of an old pop standard of the 1930s. The Tokens’ signature song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh)” is the most memorable sound from the cold winter of 1961/’62, the song I heard every evening on my transistor radio as I rode home from school on the bus after basketball practice. In 1984, I met members of the Tokens when I served as stage manager of an oldies revival show here in Florida.
“Glad All Over” reminds us of The Dave Clark Five, an English group that for a period of a few months rivaled the Beatles in popularity here in the U.S. The DC5 lost that race big time and is now lumped in with other British Invasion bands that came and went. Your band battle is a great one because “Glad All Over” is a cover-worthy song and you found two worthy contenders. I was already familiar with the Suzi Quatro version because I have it in a saved draft for one of my upcoming posts. You can’t unring the bell after listening to and watching Suzi’s spirited performance of the song. It’s just too good – a classic in its own right. I also enjoyed the version by the Jersey bar band TT Quick, but not quite as much as Suzi’s rousing rendition. It’s a winner and I pick rock cutie Suzi Quatro in your band battle.
I hope you had a nice Mother’s Day and I wish you a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!
I’m not quite back yet to blogging full scale. I plan to keep a low-profile for another week or two in Blogosphere. I just need the time away but I will revisit everyone who stops by to see me.
You are the age to my auntie Mary Lou. She used to play mewsic in my grandparents living room where she and her first cousin, Charlene, would dance when I was little. I loved it and always admire them. I thought they were so beautiful and cool. They still are, too.
Oh, that’s really cool you meant the members of The Tokens’ band! That had to be exciting. “The Lions Sleep Tonight” was a big hit but like you pointed out its origin goes way back in time to the 30s which I didn’t realize until last week while studying the history a bit. I loved that the girl bands from yesteryear didn’t look slutty but classy and demure. The guys (black and white) were all sharply dressed and well-groomed which is a contrast to most of the black artists in the industry today. The white boy bands usually just look stupid.
Thank you for taking the time to vote in my mid-month BoTB round. That’s interesting that you have Suzi Quatro in a future feature on your site. I’ll be anxious to check it out when you publish it. Have a good week, dear friend!
Suzi Quatro- 2
TT Quick – 1
Oh without a doubt, I have to cast my vote for Suzy Quatro! Did you know she was the first female bass player to become a major rock star? I think my favorite of her songs is ‘Stumblin’ In’. Fun songs for today, and a great battle!
Jingle Jangle Jungle
I believe I read this factoid about Suzy Q. while doing my Internet research which also introduced her to me. Thanks for sharing the trivia and for voting!
Suzi Quatro- 1
TT Quick – 1
Dave Clark Five is a group that I liked a great deal when they were on the scene. Then they just kind of disappeared. I never hear their music played anymore. Kind of strange.
Neither of the cover versions can match the original, but for voting purposes here my vote will have to go to TT Quick. They stay true to the original version while putting a nice twist to the sound of it. Suzi Quatro was good over all but there was a certain screaming quality that I didn’t like as much. Odd because it seems like the metal band was screaming too.
In any case count my vote for TT Quick.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I took a different approach with the “Glad All Over” 60s tune with a heavier rock vibe. I figured folks with either love or hate my artist choices who added a bit of metal flavor to this classic. I sort of forgot about DC5 until recent years when I heard them on an oldie radio station (or it could’ve been from a fellow blogger) and it was like someone flipped the light switch. I had forgotten how good they sounded and couldn’t figure out why they disappeared but as Tom said the Beatle mania sorta left them in the shadows as well as many other English rock bands. It’s really quite fun to revisit these classic hits which always makes me “Glad All Over”!
Suzi Quatro- 0
TT Quick – 1