
27-03-2025 Vol 19


Hello, kittens & dawgs! It’s hump-day again and as the old saying goes, it’s all down here the rest of the way. I’m ready to slide right into Friday, aren’t you?

I shot this photo at Lake Lure, North Carolina. I caught the cyclist out of the corner of my eye, and quickly turned snapping my shutter. I had no time to adjust my settings, which meant an unflattering photograph. However, thanks to photo-editing, I saved the picture from being deleted from my camera roll.

It’s good to be back to routine blog creations. I missed all y’all, but while I was away (sorta) I still had time to use my camera. Not as much as I hoped, but still managed to enjoy day trips to the mountains.  You can expect to see more photos in the future from Lake Lure.

Meanwhile, I’m sending a round of applauds and cheers to this week’s featured photographer…

Nanahood ~ The Second Half of the Motherhood Journey

Congratulations, Teresa! Please, show some blog love by visiting today’s featured photographer and leave a sweet comment.

I’ll leave you on a musical note with two songs about bicycles.

Who knew there were songs about bicycles, right? I didn’t until I asked Google and found that Total Women’s Cycling lists 9 bicycle songs. 😀

You might consider these #WW communities today while making your daily visits. Thank you for stopping by.

Have a foto-tastic day! ~borrowed image~

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26 thoughts on “Bicyclists

  1. incredible pic!! isn’t it crazy how the original makes you feel something completely different from the edited??? One’s peaceful and quiet, like an early morning ride, and one is electric. I wish I was good at photography! 🙂

  2. I don’t know what I would do without photo editing (a comment that is shocking, especially when you see some of the bad photographs that I put on the blog!).

    1. Claudia, I think you’re a bombdiggity photographer and to read your words on my photo-art creation totally humbles me. Thank you! You really, really made my day!!

  3. that’s a fantastic photo save!! A really cool edit that fits perfectly with the setting. And I knew there were songs about motorcycles…. but not bicycles! LOL
    nice to have you back for WW. I still have most of your A-Z posts saved in my reading folder along with about 4 other blogs who did the challenge — slowly getting there! 🙂

    1. It’s nice to be back, Les. For future reference in case you have the same photo-editing program (PhotoShop Elements), I used Zoom Burst Effect to give sorta give my bicyclist that in-motion sense to the viewer. Ahh, you’re so sweet to save my A-Z posts. Bloggers, like you, who I want to hear from often then I subscribe via email and I read through them at my leisure. Sometimes I hop over and other times I don’t, but know this I do read what you write regularly. Thanks for being a wonderful blogger pal(and more)!

  4. We have the bikers here too on the country roads. When they’re riding in the early a.m. or at dusk I worry for them.

    1. I’m always amazed at the number of bicyclists in the small mountain communities. I think it’s really dangerous to mix fragile bikes with heavy motorized vehicles. The outcome is never good for a bicyclist and sometimes the person behind the wheel of a car trying to miss a bicyclist. The Blue Ridge Parkway gets a lot of bicycle traffic, but what gets me is how fast the cars travel on the parkway. All it takes is gravel in the road for cyclist to wreck big time. It’s a real scary thought.

    1. Jill, I think it’s awesome what you can do with photo-editing any kind of picture ~ print or digital photography. It’s great to live in an age where technology rocks!

  5. That’s a great photo, and I obviously like the subject matter. The underexposure really shows how you can’t capture everything in photos.

    1. Noah, low light hides a lot of the details. It’s awesome we live in the technology age where digital photos are an easier save than the day of photography with film. I wasted a lot of pictures under the wrong circumstances, as well as trial and err.

        1. Noah, photography is art and how a person perceives the final piece has no right or wrong response. I appreciate you telling me why you liked the original over the photo-edited version because it gives me a new insight on how the viewer sees it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me always!

  6. Too bad you caught the cyclist too late; I think if given the proper timing to set up you could have gotten some great snapshots! Although I think that edited picture is pretty cool if I do say so myself. Sometimes editing can save the day ^.^

    1. Kayla, that’s just the way it goes for a novice photographer like myself, but like you said the editing process made for a cool effect. It would have been fabulous to have gotten an image straight out of the camera, but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. lol. It’s all about enjoying my passion and that’s it! 😉

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