
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Moonlight Swans

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  I’m joining Joyce with the rest of the Wednesday Hodgepodge crew in today’s Q&A. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.

1. The last place you visited/patronized where you felt like you were given ‘the royal treatment’?  No place comes to mind.  It’s been awhile since we’ve been anywhere that fits the bill.

2. The last task you completed that was a ‘royal pain’?  Three weeks ago, we did yard work.  It was a struggle to get it mowed because where we hadn’t cut the grass in a long time.  We pushed this job off because things were so difficult last year with DH’s eye surgery but then we found this and that going wrong with lawn equipment toward the end of the season.  It was difficult for him to make the repairs and then get the yard tackled. We did what we could which wasn’t much so it was a huge job but we got it done.

3. How have your strengths helped you succeed? How have your faults hindered you?  It’s hard to see my successes or to recognize my strengths.  That seems like a question better for someone who sees them through me.  However, I do see my faults.  I often feel like I have little to contribute and do not see any value in it.  This way of thinking keeps me from pushing myself to go the extra mile to write or illustrate my own children’s story.   It’s going to take me just giving myself a good ole shove to get out of this way of thinking and do something to make it happen but I’m not ready to do it…yet.

4. If you found a remote that could rewind, fast forward, stop and start time, what would you do with it?  I think I would hit rewind.  I’d like to go back in time to try to head of some of the problems I now see.  I’m not sure if doing anything different would change the outcome but at least I’d have a chance at setting things on a better course.

5. Any special plans for the Memorial Day weekend? Will you in some way honor or recognize the meaning of this day (remembering people who died in service to their country)? Have you ever been to Arlington National Cemetery? Does your town do anything special to mark the day? At the moment, we don’t have any big plans for Memorial Day weekend.  We have not visited Arlington National Cemetery.  I’d imagine that’s a very moving place to see, though.  We did visit the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia in 2016 and that was an amazing place to see.  We’re so grateful for the men and women who fought in that battle which turned the tides of WWII.  There were many lives lost that day on those distance beaches in France and since that time, many other servicemen/women have perish protecting our freedom.  So, we do recognize and honor the fallen on Memorial Day.  I wasn’t sure if Knoxville is hosting a parade so I asked Google I found these events lined up for the weekend.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.   In last month’s April A to Z blogfest, Linda Virginia Vista suggested that I sketch a swan. She’s a fabulous bird photographer. This is a skill I lack, capturing birds in flight or stationary I stink at it. Anyhow, I accepted the challenge. Here’s my illustration of Moonlight Swans.


What I had not anticipated when I sketched my Moonlight Swans did I think I’d actually get a photo-op of a swan but luck was on my side. At the end of last month, we were in Blowing Rock, North Carolina when we happened upon this very noble bird. He didn’t seem to mind our presence too much until we needed to walk past him. That’s when he stretched his neck up looking straight at us making a sound that meant kept your distance or else. I didn’t need the warning as I planned to stay away from the critter that was almost as tall as me.

You’re invited to join my not-so WW linky party!



Have a good day and please join me for some laughs with Friday Sillies!Save



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38 thoughts on “Moonlight Swans

  1. Beautiful photos. Thank yoiu for sharing and enjoy your week, atleast what we have left of it. My goodness, days race by so quickly. Thanks HUGS

  2. love your moonlight swan sketch — looks like you made it with chalk on slate, very cool

  3. Thank you for the blog visit and sweet comment. I have been perusing your blog, and was quite taken with an older post on the Historic Rugby Church. I wanted to leave a comment on that post, but apparently the comments are closed. I love your treatment of the pictures, and that church is just darling! I love visiting places like that.

  4. Nice job with the swan drawing. I have a certain attachment to swan art. The earliest house that I can clearly remember living in was a furnished rental. In the entrance way there was a print of a swan painting that always fascinated me and stayed in my memory to this day.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  5. Hi Cathy,
    I think your swan drawing is absolutely precious! I could not do that if I tried!!

    I don’t think I ever knew that you are from WV. So is my fiance. He is originally from Clarksburg!

    Small world!

    – Lisa

  6. First…I love those swans which seem to glow in the midnight sun. Swans can be quite territorial and ornery even if they are beautiful. I have been to Arlington Cemetery and I was greatly moved by the experience even if it was far too short. Now as for your weaknesses….you sell yourself short…too short. First off, even if I disagree with your politics, you are proud of your beliefs and so should you be because that is what makes a country great. You have vast knowledge in music and you write a great blog. You are very creative as one can see from your artworks and, most importantly, you have a great love of your family and your children. When one has the greatest fear, that is when one must rise above it with all ones might. Let love be your guide, the love of your children, the love of creating and use your knowledge and passion of belief be your true guide.

  7. Meowza! You are quite talented! The Tribe of Five have never seen swans but there are some nasty and aggressive geese where we live!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto & The Tribe of Five

  8. Oh my gosh, Cathy I’m in awe!!! These swans.. this picture… oh my……….. it’s just awesome and I swear I’m going to print this picture and frame it!!! I love this picture… it looks good as…. NO!!! IT LOOKS BETTER THAN THOSE PHOTOS!!! I LOVE IT! Great job girlfriend, and thanks for sharing. Hubby’s birthday taking him too lunch and have a great day my friend keep up the GREAT work. LOVE IT!

    1. Marie,

      Thank you for the kind words. I’m happy that you like my artwork. Tell, Dave…HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope he has an extra special good time celebrating. 😀

  9. The sketch of the swans is just incredible! I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler, so I really appreciate someone with such fantastic artistic abilities!
    Thanks for the link to some events going on Knoxville over the weekend. I don’t know if we’ll get to any since it looks like rain!

    1. Mary,

      If I recall right, don’t you either live in Knoxville or nearby? It’s hard to keep up sometimes. It’s going to be rather rainy so I don’t think there’s going to be a whole of time to enjoy outdoor activities. I’m just looking forward to spending the long weekend with DH. 🙂 Thanks for the visit.

  10. I love the questions but the black swan blew me away. That’s where my attention went. You might want to put Spectacular Drawings in their own post.

    1. Jacqui,

      I try to capitalize on every post sharing related stuff whenever I can and now with summer here, traffic in Blogosphere is going to be slow. Perhaps, in the fall I can devote my artwork to a dedicated post. Thanks for stopping by today!

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed learning more about you by means of the Wednesday Hodgepodge hop. One thing I can promise you, dear friend. You will always be given “the royal treatment” on my blog. 🙂 Regarding the question about your strengths and weaknesses, I can testify on your behalf that you contribute more to blogging than most people do, and that includes revisiting blogs and expanding discussion threads, something few people are willing to do. That is one of the reasons why I remain a loyal friend and follower of CaaC.

    OMG! I am astonished by your Moonlight Swans sketch, Cathy! I’m so glad you summoned me over today so that I didn’t miss seeing it. It is definitely one of the most beautiful and atmospheric pieces of art I have ever laid eyes on – suitable for framing! I saved it as my desktop background and it looks stunning! Our Florida town is known for its many lakes. One in particular is inhabited by beautiful swans like the ones you photographed. They are indeed territorial and will charge, flap their wings and peck if you get too close.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

  12. your sketch is BEAUTIFUL! Wow… so lovely!
    I detest yard work, and we live in a condo development so we don’t have to do any… HOWEVER I am kind of tempted to do it. the crew came and mowed on Monday and it is the WORST hatchet job I have ever seen…

  13. Your sketch of the swans is stunning! The last place I visited where I felt I got royal treatment was the Greenbriar Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West VA. That was eons ago and I would love to go back some day. There are a few of things I would like to rewind but most were not within my control. I feel things happen for a reason and how we handle it is what matters most.

  14. I love your rewind answer. I think we all could use a do-over on certain things in our lives.

    I LOVE your swans. You rock.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥

  15. Great sketch, I think you should illustrate a chilren’s book. Always nice to learn more about you with these questions. I would rewind to when my niece was in high school, at the time she drove me crazy, but I miss her living here.

  16. Your sketch is beautiful! We stayed in Knoxville when we drove from Washington to Virginia in 2016. Our last leg was Knoxville to Norfolk and we stopped in Bedford on the way. We took a tour but we were the only people there so it was a wonderful opportunity to take our time and ask our guide lots of questions. It’s a place everyone should visit.

  17. How did I not realize you live in/near Knoxville? I’m a big wrestling fan and Glen Jacobs (known as Kane in WWE) ran for, what, mayor? Pretty cool!

    1. Claire,

      Yep, I live in Knoxville and you’re right, Glen Jacobs is running for mayor. From the sound of things, he has a great shot at winning. I usually don’t vote in local elections. I know shame on me, right? While I don’t know a lot about Jacobs, I did read an article with some of his quotes and thought, “WOW, I like this guy!” 🙂

  18. Your sketch is wonderful. I agree it’s easier most times for us to see our faults and others to point out our strengths. Have a great weekend!

  19. We have two beautiful swans in our town this year. They are in the big lake Lake Winnipesaukee, and I hope will nest on the island away from rotten kids who break eggs. Our last breeding pair on my small lake disappeared a few years back, so it’s wonderful to have this pair!
    Have a great Wednesday!

  20. Hi, I’m visiting from the Hodgepodge 🙂

    You did a wonderful job on that swan.
    I’m hoping to see more of your work.

    I agree with you on success and failures.
    I know what my failures are but I need an outsider to tell me of my successes.

    Have a wonderful day!!

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