
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Kitty Christmas Carols #humor + SWF, Fill-ins, & CTST


Hello, Kittens & dawgs!  I’m running behind.  This week is the last for DH and I to spend together since he’ll start a new job on Monday.  After nearly 18-months of being out of work, he’s more than ready to get back into the workforce. Let’s kick the weekend off with some Kitty Christmas Carols!

This was a popular one with our kitty.


I never felt compelled to dress our kitty but I’m sure if I did it would be my last Christmas alive.


Children aren’t the only ones to get the song wrong and that’s what makes it so enjoyable.  It goes without reason, kittens do the same.


Did you crack a smile? Can you come up with some clever Kitty Christmas carols?



Yesterday I mentioned DH and I spent the day in the mountains on Wednesday. Today’s SWF photo contribution is from our little adventure.  This is The Wheel at The Island in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and since its 2013 opening, this shopping attraction has grown.  The Christmas light display is absolutely phenomenal!



Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:


  1. I love the following Christmas film(s) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is the perfect laugh-out-loud holiday movie but for a more somber spirit, I think “It’s A Wonderful Life” is an excellent choice. Everyone can relate to George Bailey’s hardships but the magic with this movie is everyone has a purpose whether he/she knows it and life without that person would make someone’s life less complete.
  2. I don’t care for the following Christmas film(s) A Nightmare Before Christmas.  I know this is a popular movies, too.  I’ve not watched it because it doesn’t mesh with my more traditional approach to the holidays.
  3. At the holidays, I cannot resist making and eating homemade goodies that I make in my kitchen.
  4. A favourite holiday memory of mine is  a collection of Christmases past when the children were small spent with my in-laws.  Those Christmases were all fond, warm moments that will forever live in my mind.



I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

I’m celebrating… time spent in the western North Carolina mountain communities on Wednesday soaking up the Christmas cheer.  The day time highs was in the upper 50s with mostly sunny skies and little to no wind making it a perfect day.  Today, I’ll be celebrating a cup of hot coco topped with marshmellows to chase away the chill. 😉

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!

 Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back for Saturday Songsuasion. Until next time, have a fototastic weekend!

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31 thoughts on “Kitty Christmas Carols #humor + SWF, Fill-ins, & CTST

  1. I definitely enjoy Christmas Vacation!!! Nothing can make me laugh out loud more than this holiday movie. It’s completely silly and some times that is just what you need. But It’s A Wonderful Life is my go to holiday movie.
    Love the cat funnies. Our cat has been busy sniffing around the tree since we put it up yesterday. So far he hasn’t touched anything – he just likes to lay under it. He’s a present!! ha.

    1. Les, seriously your cat hasn’t touched your tree?! Our cat would attack our tree every year just to get to one Christmas ornament. Luckily it’s a plastic and withstood the falling, then being batted around the house. We use to buy the Hallmark Peanuts collection ornaments every year and the one the cat liked was our first. It’s red. I wonder if that was the attraction factor?

  2. Lots of fun and cute kitties in pictures! A very lovely view of the Christmas light display and the wheel, as well! A good monday and new week ahead to you and Happy Holidays, too!

  3. Those kitty photos are funny! I especially like the pear tree one. How about I get the pears and the kitty gets the partridge – kitty’s choice, Keith or Danny. 🙂

    I’m glad that you got to spend some fun time with your husband before he starts his new job. I love the photo!

    Have a blessed Sunday, Cathy, and a very Merry Christmas. 🙂

    1. Suzanne, LOL Great comeback to the Partridge in a pear tree! DH & I had a good time last week. Today is his first day on the new job. I’m gonna miss him but it’ll be good to see him when he gets home!

        1. Suzanne, DH’s first day went well. He likes it so far and he knows several of the men on staff. No, he’s not gone through the week. His employer is across town. Should this position turn to a full-time employment then we want to find a place closer to his job or at the very least a house that’s bigger than what we have. We’re cramp for space. Thanks for checking in and have a good day, my friend!

        2. I am glad that his first day went well, Cathy. Here’s hoping that it becomes full-time for him if he continues to like it. I’m glad that he doesn’t have to be gone through the week. Many jobs are like that, but I couldn’t stand it. Thankfully, that was never the case for David either. I hope you get your house wishes, too. 🙂
          You’re welcome and you have a blessed day, too, my friend.

        3. Suzanne, One job DH had from 2000 – 2010 he worked in Chattanooga, Tennessee and he made that commute daily. It was really hard on him (all of us) but he survived. It wasn’t until he got his previous job in town that we realized how much we missed having him work in town. That’s one reason why we held out as long as we did for something to open up for him. God was good to provide our needs in the interim while He worked to bring this new job to us. Thanks for the warm wishes for getting a new (to us)home in the not-so-distant future. I know God will help us again. 🙂 Have a good day!

        4. I’m glad that your DH doesn’t have to make a long commute and can be home with you every day. That is wonderful and the best all around, I think. God is good, all the time, He is good. 🙂
          You’re welcome. What kind of house are you looking for?
          I hope that you have a blessed day, too. 🙂

        5. Suzanne, Oh boy am I glad he doesn’t have to make that long commute. Even then we knew we were blessed because at least he was home every night. Just prior to that job he was working in Michigan and came home once a month. That was horrible. We thought we’d have to move but God opened a position in Chattanooga for him. 🙂 I have some ideas of what I’d like in my next house – 2300sq.ft +, basement, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, & a 2-car garage is a good start. It would be nice if it had a nice big yard, too. I’m sure God will lead us to the right place. He’s never failed us yet. 😉

        6. Once a month?! How did you ever stand that? I know I couldn’t have stood it at all. I’d be a horrible military wife, that’s for sure. I don’t know how my aunts did it or our DIL does it (our oldest son has been married 5 years now).
          I am glad that Heavenly Father opened up a job in Chattanooga for your husband so that he could be home each night.
          Ooh your dream home sounds wonderful and I pray that you’ll find the perfect house for your family. My perfect house would be wayyyyyyyy out in the middle of nowhere. I grew up in the woods and rather like it like that. 🙂
          God is good, all the time, He is good. Have a blessed evening and a very Merry Christmas!

        7. Suzanne, Thankfully, I only had to put up with DH being away like that for only four months. You see, while he was away I tracked down and knocked on (figuratively speaking) every door that presented itself on DH’s behalf – searching job leads and submitting his resume where ever I found the slightest possibility that a company could use someone with his set of skills. I even spoke to some people and told them I was only the wife with very little understanding of the technical aspects but if after looking at DH’s resume they were interested then I’d have DH to call them. The turning point came when a headhunter contacted me with the job prospect in Chattanooga. DH did a phone interview with the company and was hired. He gave a two-week notice and was able to return to Tennessee by the end of May. In that situation, he was signing up for a 6-month contract position with the possibility of being hired directly by the company, which turned into a full-time job. In the beginning, he was staying in Chattanooga through the week but one weekend he hurt his back and was unable to lift his suitcase, so he decided to make the commute until it healed. As it turned out, he preferred doing it that way and from that point on he was home every night. This meant he ha had 14+ hour days when he was away from home working Monday through Friday but it was worth it. The stress (financially and emotionally) was a bit much at times but God got us through it. We thought about living away from the city but then we began to rethinking things seeing the many difficulties DH’s dad faces living in rural WV. Even if we moved outside the city things wouldn’t be that bad but you still have to worry about the roads not being treated in the winter first or power being restored as quickly or city services like trash pickup, etc. Not to mention, the roads are windier and we’d be farther away from many of the conveniences we like, like shopping and hospitals. So, if we can find a more comfortable place in the city then we’ll be happy campers. Have a good day, my friend!

        8. Thanks for sharing these things with me, Cathy. I am so glad that things are working out for you and your hubby. 🙂
          While I *want* to live way out in the middle of nowhere, I know the reality is that it isn’t practical for us. We need to be near medical facilities, especially in case David has another stroke. We’ve investigated a few areas that would be great as far as booney-ville is concerned and they were way cheap. The real cost though was that they were 3 or so hours away from a hospital. That isn’t acceptable at all.
          Heavenly Father will show you what He has opened up for you and I can’t wait to see what He has chosen. 🙂
          Have a blessed night and a very Merry Christmas!

        9. Suzanne, I totally understand about wanting to live in the country but not being near a hospital in a medical crisis can mean the difference between life and death. That’s something we don’t have to worry with at the moment but you just never know what the future will bring, do you? It’s a horrible ordeal when my FIL (he lives in rural WV) has to go to the hospital which is frequently due to repeat UTI because he wears a catheter 24/7. He has a hernia. Surgery could fix the problem but I think the reason he hasn’t gone that route is because the doctors think it’s not a good idea with him being 93. The things we’ve witnessed through our aging parents is a wake-up call to planning for our golden years. It’s made us rethink many things. I can’t wait for God to show us the house He wants us to have, too. I’m trusting in Him!

        10. Yes, you never know what is going to happen. We never expected to wake up the morning of May 26 with David in the midst of a stroke. It was scary. As it is, we are about an hour away from a hospital since the hospital in this town closed. At the time of his initial stroke, the ambulances were no longer going to this local hospital. Thankfully, he wasn’t having a heart attack!
          I am sorry that things are so difficult for your FIL. My grandma was in that situation, too, needing surgery but being too high risk due to her age and other health issues. He’s in my prayers.
          We have to weigh our wants against practicality and that often means accepting a life very different than what we had planned. It all works out in the end.
          I am trusting Him for you, too. Have a blessed weekend and a very Merry Christmas!

  4. I always love seeing your memes – put a smile on my face every time 🙂 The cocoa and the mountains and the weather and peaceful moments…*sigh* Just lovely.

  5. Those cats memes are a riot. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Those lights look amazing. Have a nice weekend!

  6. The kitties are adorable. I agree with the choice not to like Nightmare Before Christmas. It just doesn’t seem right. Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas.

    1. David, scary movies at Christmas aren’t right! I love the heart-tugging feel good and the occasion funny ones. Thanks for popping in for a visit.

  7. I love the kitty funnies, especially the grumpy cat on the top. LOL! The Christmas decorations — especially the Ferris Wheel — are absolutely beautiful! I just love lights and colorful decorations for Christmas. I like the old-fashioned TV programs too. It’s good to hear you got along with your parents-in-law! No one needs stress over the holidays. 🙂

    1. Lexa, I’m blessed to have fantastic in-laws. I just wish my mother-in-law was still in the picture. She passed away three years ago. We all miss her so much. She was such a treasure! Thanks for popping in, my friend!

  8. Haha, now I want to dress our cat, but last time I put a leash on him, he simply refused to walk. It was hilarious!

    I love ‘It’s a wonderful life!
    And I haven’t seen the Nightmare before Christmas except a scene here or there. I don’t think I’d fancy watching it.

    Oooh I just baked last night too. I like baking my own stuff. I know what’s in it 🙂

    1. Colette, Spare yourself the anguish and possible loss of limb to dress your cat up. You know he’s not gonna like it, so you save your money. lol I love baking, too. Today, I made for the first time a Butter Letter. It’s a Dutch Christmas tradition. It was nice to make and try but it’s not one of my favorite baked goods. The bottom line is I had fun doing it and it’s nice to try new recipes.

  9. It’s a Wonderful Life is such a wonderful film–always like to watch that one. And A Christmas Story! They show the marathon on one TV network so I don’t know how many times I’ve seen that one and I have a DVD copy in addition. I really relate to that one because it takes place during the time I was growing up and I remember so many of the things depicted in that film

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  10. I love the classic funnies, and have used them, too! Classic! I agree with your movies, including Nightmare. Not Christmas! Those kind of memories are wonderful…and forever in your heart. Merry Christmas, my friend. Hugs!

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    I didn’t think your Friday Sillies were coming today. Happy to see them! I enjoyed these amewsing kitty memes. That first picture of the fur baby in the Santa costume is precious. Mrs. Shady kept trying to dress our dog Toto in Christmas apparel and the sour expression on Toto’s face matched the one on that second cat. That image of the light display at The Island in Pigeon Forge is spectacular. I know that you and DH have plenty of reasons to celebrate and I wish him well as he begins work next week. Here in Central Florida were are celebrating delightfully cooler and breezy weather. Thanks for sending that cold front down our way! 🙂

    Have a great weekend, dear friend Cathy!

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