
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree #BoTB showdown

Hello Kittens & Dawgs! Today’s showdown song dates to 1939, originally as a melody called, “Anywhere The Bluebird Goes”, by Sam H. Stept.  Lew Brown and Charles Tabias penned the lyrics for the song’s debute in the Broadway play, “Yokel Boy” but after the US entered World War II in 1941, the writing team modified the lyrics with the chorus line ending, “…til I come marching home”.  Glenn Miller and the Andrew Sisters made “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” popular and continues to be a favorite by many with that good ole nostalgic pledge of two lovers remaining true while apart.

In this showdown, I first looked at all girl groups but honestly the ones I listened to grated my nerves with their high-pitched vocals. I did find one female band to put in the running again a more classic big band sound.  Give a listen my two picks and decide who gets your vote.

Contender #1 – The Shoo-Bop Girls!


Contender # 2 – BBC Big Band!


Ok, here’s the drill. Voting is open to everyone. There is NO wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote. Just tell me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional). It’s that simple!

Who will win this showdown, the Shoo-Bop Girls or BBC Big Band? The choice is yours!


The fun continues with more epic battles underway and I invite you to visit the official manager of BoTB, Stephen for the updated list of players. Please forgive me but I’ll make my rounds tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon and I’ll wrap things up by sharing the Andrews Sisters vintage classic from Private Buckaroo for your entertainment only.

Please do not vote for this one, it is not an ineligible pick and will result in a disqualified count. Thanks!



[tweetthis]I just voted in the “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” #BoTB showdowns! #shoobopgirls #bbcbigband![/tweetthis]



Please join me on October 22nd to see who wins “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” #BoTB showdown! Have a songtastic day and please hit the dance floor tomorrow with “freebie picks” on Monday’s Music Moves Me!












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23 thoughts on “Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree #BoTB showdown

  1. This is a close call, Cathy. Both are excellent in their own way. I am feeling a bit like John. I could vote either way on any given day. I will help out the BBC Big Band and throw them a vote. They need one (and they were excellent!).

    1. Robin,

      The BBC does a fine job. I love that big band sound, too. I’m delighted that you and John decided to cast your votes this way because I was feeling bad for them.

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 8
      Big Band Classics = 3

  2. Both versions have lots going for them: The BBC Big Band has the traditional Big Band sound and incredible harmony, the Shoo-Bop Girls have a tight little combo, they’re all excellent soloists, and the girl with the glasses is cute. Voting for either makes it seem like I didn’t like the other… Okay: since I like both of them, and the BBC band is losing, I’ll go with them because they deserve some love.

    1. John,

      Oh goody, BBC finally gets a second vote. lol I can’t believe how this battle is tipped heavily to one side. I totally did not see this one coming! Thanks for helping them out.

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 8
      Big Band Classics = 2

  3. People might argue the the Shoo-Bop Girls are less refined than the BBC, but I think that is what makes them great! It reminds me of the Andrews Sisters’ tunes wafting through the radio (and NO, I’m not THAT old…stop that thought…).

    Wonderful addition to the Battle, Cathy!! Hope you are enjoying the crisp Fall weather in our neck of the woods.

    My vote: SHOO-BOP!

    1. Cherdo,

      I remember the Andrew Sisters and I’m not THAT old, either. lol I’m not sure if the Shoo-Bop Girls remind me of them or not but I do like their style. However, I’m undecided who’ll get my vote yet. Holy Moly was it ever cold this morning! My fingers are still chilly. The change seems drastic, doesn’t it? Thanks for stopping by to vote.

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 8
      Big Band Classics = 1

  4. Hey Cathy,
    Well, I was going to add another vote for BBC. I really like their overall sound — it was like a polished, well-oiled orchestra and the result was a full, robust big band sound.
    At first I wasn’t feeling the Shoo-Bop gals for some reason but then I went back and listened to both versions WITHOUT watching the video and that made all the difference. My preference definitely shifted to the Shoo-Bop Girls. I liked their vocals and I like their instrument solos too: that added an element of appreciation and so I’m casting my vote for those Shoo-Boppers.

    That was a fun battle! I enjoy Big Band music and it’s a perfect way to end a long day…
    I’ll head over to your 4M post tomorrow. As for now, I have to hit the sack. I’m whipped!

    talk later,
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      Boy, I entered this battle with the vision of it not being quite so lopsided but that’s exactly what I have on my hands. At this rate, I don’t see things changing and honestly I’m a bit disappointed. I figured BBC would pull more votes than this! How could I’ve gotten this so wrong? Oh well…thanks for voting – another tally for The Shoo-Bop Girls!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 7
      Big Band Classics = 1

  5. Great choice of song for this battle and my vote has to go to the Shoo-Bop Girls as I love their tone and the way the whole song sounds. If you close your eyes they really do transport me to past times and can picture everyone dressed in vintage clothes whilst listening to it.
    Have a great day.

    1. Pamela,

      The Shoo-Bop Girls do have a quality that transports one’s mind to another time but I also sense this with BBC. Both are excellent covers and a difficult one for me to decide on no doubt. Thanks for joining the fun. I’ll see you soon!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 6
      Big Band Classics = 1

    1. Janie,

      So, glad to see that you’re joining the BoTB this round. I’ve missed you! 😉 I have your vote recorded, now to head over to see you!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 5
      Big Band Classics = 1

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    This is a refreshingly different BOTB. My mom and dad were in their teens, twenties and thirties during the peak popularity of big bands and traditional WWII era girl groups like the Andrews Sisters. If my parents were still alive I am sure they would have loved your post.

    I congratulate you on making the voting decision super difficult by selecting two sensational acts and two marvelous performances of “Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree.” The choice was made even more difficult because one of the acts appears live on stage while the other seems to be a studio recording and has no accompanying performance visuals to even the playing field. Both renditions of “Apple Tree” are wonderful. Both capture the authentic sound of the early 1940s, but I couldn’t help being won over by The Shoo-Bop Girls, an act I could see as well as hear. The Shoo-Bop Girls are so endearing that I went to YouTube and listened to them perform another big band era classic, “In The Mood”:

    The BBC Big Band is great but, in the end, I give my vote to the talented trio The Shoo-Bop Girls.

    Thank you very much, dear friend Cathy!

  7. I, too, am going with the Shoo-Bop Girls because they gave it a classic retelling of this song. I wasn’t too enamoured with the second one but the girls had great voices and loved the ins5rumenta the all played

    1. Birgit,

      It looks like The Shoo-Bop Girls are running away with this battle thus far but it’s still early, maybe BBC will pull out a bit more. Thanks for voting!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 4
      Big Band Classics = 1

  8. As impressive as the big band is, i really enjoyed the Shoo-Bop Girls, and want to look up more of their music. They get my vote this time.

    1. Mimi,

      I’m delighted that you voted in this round of BoTB. I have you down for the Shoo-Bop Girls!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 3
      Big Band Classics = 1

  9. HiYa, CATHY, “it’s that you?”

    Wow! It does my heart good to hear some young gals who enjoy and respect the old Big Band songs. And I love their name, The Shoo-Bop Girls, too! That’s “fantabulous!”

    I’m a Glenn Miller kinda guy (my all-time favorite), and I guess I gotta vote for the much fuller, richer, more complex and professional-sounding version by the BBC BIG BAND. But I still also enjoyed hearing The Shoo-Bop Girls keeping the memory of this great music alive for future generations.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’

    1. Stephen,

      Yes, it’s me! I actually did a BoTB on the 1st, too. 🙂 Getting my groove back after taking such a long summer break is slowly returning. Like you, I’m always delighted to hear young artists taking on the classics with a similar flavor as the original. The Shoo-Bop Girls really owned their cover and it was such fun to watch. The BBC Big Band is awesome and like you, I love Glenn Miller. This is gonna be a toughy for me to decide on. Thanks for popping in to vote and giving BBC their first score!

      The Shoo-Bop Girls = 2
      Big Band Classics = 1

  10. Great song! The BBC Big Band Classic really did have a classic sound, but I was enticed by the Shoo-Bop Girls and how they put their own spin on the song.

    My vote: Shooo-Bop Girls

  11. This is a song that I literally grew up with. My father used to eat an apple while juggling and used this song for this background music. Sometimes he would sing it while he was driving. I guess he must have liked the song a lot.

    The big band arrangement is excellent, but #1 the Shoo-Bop Girls won me from their opening notes. I liked their instrumental combination and their vocals were classic.

    First vote goes to the Shoo-Bop Girls.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Ah, I like that you have a personal connection with the song. “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” is a catchy tune and I find that I sing it (the chorus) for no reason at all sometimes. Eating an apple and juggling sounds unsafe. Wasn’t your dad ever concerned about getting chocked? Thanks for joining me in the mid-month round of BoTB, my friend. I’ll be over to check yours out next!

      Shoo-Bop Girls = 1
      Big Band Classics = 0

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