
25-03-2025 Vol 19

AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “Q”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, The letter ‘Q’ is a hard prompt. Last year, I sketched the evil queen from Snowwhite.  Do I draw a quail or quarter or quilt or quiz but these didn’t quite appeal to me so I thought quaint. What makes me think of a quaint environment?  That’s when I thought about the coziness of a living room around a fireplace and so I give you my quaint livingroom. 😉

The neat thing about using Procreate it has tools built in to jazzy your image up quickly. You know for those like me who have yet to master her artistc skills.  I added texture to the sofa, chair, wall, and fireplace. I can even add elements, such as the flames shooting around the logs in the fireplace. It’s a very cool and is my favorite of the seven drawing apps I have on my iPad.

When you think of quaint, what comes to mind? Perhaps, I’ll be inspired by your ideas to create another quaint sketch.

Feel free to minimize this quirky, quaint, & unusual YouTube playlist to listen to in the background. That’s what  I’m gonna do the same and invite you to follow me over to linkup with other fellow AtoZers.

WARNING!!! Song #5 is sexually explicit. I did not watch all the videos. I just listened to them while I worked on my blog.  I apologize if this offended or upset any of y’all.



Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for another edition of Creating iPad Art Sketches!

In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z







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35 thoughts on “AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “Q”

  1. Quaint. I think you (and your software help) did a great job, especially on the chair, and the wood grain (which was so realistic). I’ve never lived in a house with a fireplace, wood or gas – well, I did live in a handbuilt cabin that burned wood in a 55 gallon drum for heat but that could never happen today. So, quaint? Maybe a 50’s kitchen scene, with the starburst clocks that were so popular in those days, a rounded refrigerator, and maybe even an old fashioned washing machine (I have vague memories of my Mom using a wringer, yes!)

    1. Alana,

      Memories of such retro kitchens play out in my mind still today. My grandmother had an old-fashion washing machine with a wringer. I got my arm caught in that thing once and it scared me to death. It’s amazing it didn’t break my arm but perhaps being so young prevented a fracture. I’ve heard kids’ bones are more flexible than adults. After than incident, I was more mindful of where my fingers went. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by for a visit, dearie!

  2. Thank you so much for coming over to visit my blog.

    I am jealous of your drawing talent. I have always wanted to be able to draw, but just have no artistic ability. My stick figures even suffer from sever arthritic and osteoporosis. I’l just have to stick to writing and try to paint a picture in people’s heads.

    1. It’s so nice to see you in my little corner of the world. Painting pictures with words is an amazing talent and I suppose that’s why I’m drawn (no pun intended) to try to do the same. I always loved reading to our children. One of my favorite books is Uncle Remus’ Tales of Brer Rabbit. I’d try to change my voice to match each character in the book. They just loved it! I had great fun, too. It’s interesting you should mention stick people. For years, we’ve exchanged hand-crafted greeting cards. I cheated using rubber stamps to create mine but DH sketches the cutest stick people representing our family. The simplicity is quaint and timeless filling my heart with smiles. I cannot even imagine receiving any other card than the ones he makes me. Don’t underplay your stick people artwork, I’m sure they are charming. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

  3. That is a very quaint living room and my tv room is this..at least to me. Great room you created-love the chair on the right

    1. Birgit,

      Well…my quaint living room has a TV out of your view but it’s there. I can imagine sitting by the warmth of the fire watching a quirky old comedy or queasy romance with a quilt pulled over my lap.

  4. You have a great Q, I’m already a day behind with my A to Z challenge – you are doing well and your quaint sitting room is perfect!
    Wren x

    1. Lil Wandering Wren,

      It’s easy to fall behind in the challenge, especially toward the end. Just a few more days and sweet victory will be ours! Thanks for taking time to visit. I’ll be over in a jiff to see you!

  5. Hello, fellow A-to-Zer! Wow, that is quaint! Also–seven sketch programs, eh? I have, I think, one on my iPad. One fun game I play sometimes with that one is this: I make a scribble and make two copies of the scribble. Then my boyfriend and I both try to turn the scribble into an awesome drawing, and we see who makes the better picture. It is surprising how different the two pictures generally end up being. Thanks for this article, and for your lovely drawing!
    Melanie Atherton Allen, http://www.athertonsmagicvapour.com

  6. Perfect word for Q. For some reason, Cathy, I could see your wonderful sketches on greeting cards and post cards. I also imagine them hanging in lovely frames in someone’s living room, den, over the mantel, in the powder room… Beautiful!

    1. London,

      You’re just too kind. I’m honored that you think so but as I was telling a long-time blog bud I’m afraid if I try to do anything more than to sketch for fun then the passion would fizzle. I don’t ever want to see it as a chore. However, it would be pAwesome if I could earn a living as an artist or even some extra pocket change. I will think about it and see where this adventure leads me next. 🙂

  7. I want to live there! We had a fireplace in a house that we rented for 10 years but when we bought this house it did not have one, my only regret.

    1. Janet,

      I’d like to have a gas fireplace place. That way we wouldn’t have to worry with having wood brought in or us going out in the cold to get it. The only thing is, I’d miss the scent of a wood burning. That’s the one I like about open fires.

  8. This does quaint quite nicely, Cathy. When I hear quaint, I think of a friend’s response to another friend sharing a personal secret. 1st friends response was, “It’s quaint that you think I care.”

    1. Jacqui,

      I’ve heard the expression, “It’s quaint that you think…” in the past but I don’t hear it used much these days. I actually forgot about it until you reminded me. Thanks for stopping in today.

  9. Not that it will inspire a picture, but when I think of the word “quaint” I think of an old Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin movie where Jerry’s character says, “Ain’t she quaint?” and Dean’s character tells him not to use “ain’t” because it’s not a word (or not proper, or something..) so Jerry’s character changes it to “Isn’t she quisn’t?”

    1. Trudy,

      Oh, that’s just too funny, “Isn’t she quisn’t?”!! I love those old Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin films. They were good together, weren’t they? So many of the great entertainers have crossed over to the other side in recent years. It’s truly sad. Thanks for the return visit and comment.

      1. I love the old Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin movies too. My favorites are “The Stooge” and “Artists and Models”. And you’re right, it’s sad to have so many of the great entertainers gone.

        1. Trudy,

          I don’t recall any of the movie names featuring these old guys from yesteryear but I do remember how much fun it was to watch them together. I was also a big fan of Dean Martin’s variety show. That was some good entertainment!

    1. Joyce,

      Oh, good my trickier worked. 😀 I suppose I have a flick of talent. I wish I had nurtured it when I was younger but I guess the old phrase, ‘better late than never’ certainly applies in this instance, huh? The A2Z Challenge is just that a challenge. If I had not done my posts in advance I would be pulling my hair out to keep up. Hey, whenever you have time to hit the dance floor with the 4M gang, you’re always welcome. Don’t sweat it! Anyone who works outside the home and still finds time to blog I find totally amazing. Thanks for popping in for a bit.

  10. That is so pretty, this is my favorite of all your A-Z’s so far. They have all been great though. XO

  11. Hi Cathy – seeing you visited me twice I just had to leave a comment this time. I’ve been checking out your other pictures and they make me smile. Loved this cosy pic of the room – and the special effects added in on the chairs, fire, floor etc. I’ll be back 🙂

    Leanne | http://www.crestingthehill.com.au
    Q for Quality not Quantity

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    You’ve been minding your Ps and Qs these last couple of days, dear friend! 🙂

    I love your illustration of a quaint living room setting. It certainly does bring back memories, not only of the fireplace located in the cozy subterranean game room of my boyhood home, but also of my aunt and uncle’s farmhouse. Over the years the four families of my mother’s clan gathered at that old farmhouse for dinners and reunions. The living room was equipped with a large fireplace like the one in your drawing. A huge grandfather clock made the room even more “quaint,” a spot that always made you feel welcome, comfortable and “at home.”

    I tend to enjoy that which is “quirky, quaint, & unusual,” and the set of songs you embedded certainly fits the description. English folk rocker Keaton Henson’s songs remind me of Tiny Tim’s, and French singer Soko quickened my pulse with “We Might Be Dead by Tomorrow,” a video that is age restricted on YouTube. Did you watch it?

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy, and thank you for coming through for Kathleen Schneider in a very big way on my blog yesterday. You are a wonderful friend!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for the early morning visit, my friend. My great-grandparents had a large fireplace in their living room which I loved as a child. It seemed huge but after I grew up, it was really just a normal fireplace. It’s funny how we remember things. They had a coo-coo clock that hung on the wall in the living room and I recall hearing that thing go off at various times throughout the night. It was such a strange and interesting thing to me. Sometimes I think I’d like to have one but I’m afraid the coo-coo bird announcing the time at night would get old now. I’m glad my sketch brought back fond memories for you.

      Holy cow, no I did not watch the entire playlist. I just listened to it while I worked, so I had no idea what was going on in the “We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow” vid. This playlist needs a warning. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I’ll do that in just a sec. It was my pleasure to leave a message for Kathleen in memory of her sweet Mother. I know this year had to be especially hard for her. Have a wonderful day, dear friend!

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