
25-03-2025 Vol 19

A2Z Challenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “L”

My Friday Sillies contribution for today’s A2Z prompt. “L” is for laughs!

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs,  This is DH’s off Friday and after he worked all last weekend then I probably won’t be around the cyberblock this weekend. Hopefully, we’re out enjoying the beautiful day but I promise to be back on my A-game Monday.  Last year, I did pencil sketches for the first time in years (list of artwork posts) and this year I’m using my iPad in the challenge for my illustrations. Today’s alpha prompt is the letter ‘ L’ for a lone lamppost.

I drew a lamppost scene similar to this in my sketch pad last year toward the end of the challenge and I meant to share it, but never did. I figured it was time, so I included it even though it’s not an iPad creation.  It’s very tricky (at least it is for me) to get close up details with the electronic pencil on a glass screen but I’m still learning how to manipulate it to do what I want. I like the details in my hand sketch better.


‘Lamp’ song titles playlist:

  1. Aladdin’s Lamp (Gene Pitney)
  2. Oil in My Lamp (The Byrds)
  3. Lady Of The Lamp (Donovan)
  4. The Lamp Is Low (Doris Day)
  5. Leaning On A Lamp Post (Herman’s Hermits)

Last week, I shared the good mews as recipient of the 💕Liebster Award💕. Today, I am nominating these loveable, loyal bloggers for the award.

If you don’t wish to accept the Liebster at this time, there’s no skin off my nose. I want it to be fun for ya and if it isn’t feel free to decline. This is meant to be fun. Here are my questions for you to snag and answer on your blog. Don’t forget to include a linkback to me and be sure to include the official Liebster Award rules (link broken) in your post. Congratulation! 👏

  1. What were your fears as a kid?
  2. Who was your favorite school teacher?
  3. What do you remember most about your favorite teacher?
  4. Did you ever get in trouble at school, if so what for?
  5. What was your punishment in school – paddling, time-out, no recess, writing assignment, detention, etc?
  6. What happened when your parents found out?
  7. What is the name of the first boy/girl you liked in school?
  8. Did your school have a dance during lunch break?
  9. What kind of milk did you buy for lunch – chocolate or regular?
  10. Do you still have some of your childhood fears or are they different?
  11. Is your favorite teacher still alive?

Are you lucky in love? Are you a laid-back person? Are you a listener or the life-of-the party?  It just occured to me it’s Friday the 13th. Do you believe in bad LUCK?

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!



In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z






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15 thoughts on “A2Z Challenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “L”

  1. I’m late here so first off….thank you for nominating me and I will post but probably after the A to Z. I am marking it down so I don’t forget. I love both drawings but I can see the depth in the second. You are doing really well. You picked my brother’s favourite musician when he was a teen…Jimi Hendrix. Oh god…my dog is farting so bad, I have to leave the room!

  2. Great job, girlfriend! Sorry I didn’t make it earlier my back was driving me insane! Love your pathway picture! I wish I had something like that in my backyard. You’re doing wonderful sweetie and seriously you should think about making cards. I’d be the first in line to buy a box from you! REALLY!!! big hugs… I’m bushed! See ya tomorrow!

    1. Marie,

      No need to apologize. My blog niche is open 24/7 so visit whenever it’s convenient for you. A friend is welcome anytime. 🙂 I do make hand-stamped cards for Christmas and sometimes I’ll sketch a birthday greeting for family members but I can’t see myself doing this to make a few bucks. I fear it would steal the joy that it brings. I appreciate your encouragement and enthusiasm for my craft, though. You’re a peach!

  3. Very pretty lamppost in a garden, and thank you for the award! If i can figure out how to do it (i am notorious for taking months to figure out how to post something), i will try!

    1. Mimi,

      I’m glad you accepted the Liebster Award. If you need help, I’m happy to assist. But, I’m sure you’ll figure it out and please take your time with it. There’s no hurry on your part! Thanks for visiting.

  4. Great sketches. Thank you for nominating my blog, that was sweet of you. And congrats to you, you deserve lots of awards. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  5. Lovely lamp post. I especially like the pretty vine of flowers climbing up. Thank you so much for the Liebster Award nod. I may use that as Sunday’s free post day. Have a fun weekend!

    1. Janet,

      I couldn’t draw a lamppost without the blooming vines creeping up it. You’re welcome & thank you for accepting the Liebster Award. Just have fun with it and do it on your own schedule. 🙂

  6. I love your lamppost sketch. Reminds of of spring too.

    I’ve not heard a Hendrix song in a long time. Thanks.

    Thanks for the award. Congratulations on receiving it too.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for your kinds words and I’m happy you enjoyed my accompanying playlist, most if not all were introductions to me. I’m headed your way now. Thanks for visiting on Friday!

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “L” day to you, dear friend! I didn’t realize it is also Friday the 13th. Will you give me a double “L” word score for the expression “lotsa luck”? 🙂 I like the Friday the 13th meme you posted. It reminds us that the worst thing a teenage couple could do in that series of horror films was to go swimming in the lake at night or park and make out on lover’s lane.

    I am captivated by your illustration of a lamppost in the yard. The composition is charming, both the black and white sketch and the full color enhancement. I like the pretty flowers and the stone walkway. Very nicely done, Cathy! I hope you will also give me a double “L” word score for recalling the Herman’s Hermits hit “Leaning on the Lamp Post.”

    it was nice of you to remember the comic genius George Carlin, and I enjoyed listening to your mewsical selection for the occasion, the lamp song by the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Believe it or not, it was brand new to my ears.

    Thank you very much for nominating me for the 💕Liebster Award💕. I will consider creating a post based on the questions because they are different from questions asked in blog awards that I have received in the past. Thank you again for thinking of me, dear friend, and have a fantastic weekend!

    1. Tom,

      You definitely earned a double L word score by being so clever and making me smile. Hmmm, I don’t believe I stumbled on Herman Hermits song during my search so I leaped over to YouTube, snagged the vid and am now sharing it below….

      Also, I added to my above playlist, too. Thanks for that introduction! George Carlin was not only funny but smart. Seriously, not all women are crazy nor are all men stupid but when he says it, it’s somehow believable. lol I’m delighted you accepted the Liebster Awards and I shall look forward to your answers. I’m playing catch up this morning before I even had my first cup of coffee and I’ll be by to see you now. Gee, I hope I don’t trip on my tongue without my cup of Joe. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

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