Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, This morning, I’m busy playing catch up since I was away all day yesterday. I had to get two doctor appointments out-of-the-way for the year, nothing serious just a follow-up with my Ears, Nose, and Throat doctor and I had a yearly physical that’s long past due with my primary physican. I wasn’t going to do go but when I went for my routine dental cleaning it was time for me to get one of those x-rays that’s sees more than just you mouth when my hygenist pointed out a narrowing in my throat. I knew I had an issue but never thought much about it and felt it best have it looked at. As it turned out my ENT said he didn’t see anything wrong and he used a scope where he could see all the way to my vocal chords. Anyway things look good for the most part except for my ear. It needs another evaluation in July. At which time the doctor will decide if surgery is needed (tubes).
Although, I have not done a DNA analysis I do know that there’s some Cherokee and Blackfoot Indian blood coursing through my veins but I’d say a good number of you can say the same…well, that you have some sort of Indian in you anyhow. Picking up from last year’s challenge (2017 artwork list), I’m continuing my new-found passion in the world art sketching, except this time I’m going high-tech with my designs with the help of my iPad, Apple Pencil, and the drawing app ‘Procreate’. Here’s my first iPad art sketch of an Indian couple.
My male Indian looks like he works out. Just look at his biceps? I took another stab at sketching an Indian girl…I mean woman and wow-za what a woman!
I like my second drawing a little better but I have yet to master the human form but I won’t be discouraged. I’ll keep plugging along until I get it right…well, almost right.
Inspire me to illustrate my next artwork, initiate an idea inside my head!
[tweetthis]This is my 5th year of the #AprilA2Z Challenge, please join me all month as I create iPad #Art Sketches. Today’s letter prompt “I” for #Indians #American[/tweetthis]
It comes no surprise that Curious as a Cathy is all about the mewsic, so I went in search of Indian bands, no not the country but some of the first people native to America. I found three bands/artists. The only name I know on the short list is Redbone. What’s that you don’t recognize the name? That’s alright, you’re forgiven but you probably know their one-hit wonder, Come and Get Your Love from the big screen feature, Guardians of the Galaxy. Robbie Robertson – lead guitartis The Band, vocalist, and songwriter (a few song credits include: The Weight, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (only song I know by Robertson), Up On Cripple Creek, Broken Arrow, & Somewhere Down the Crazy River) did not ring a bell but has an incredible career associated with some illustrious names in the industry. The third band happens to fit today’s alpha prompt purrfectly and is an introduction to me as well. Give up for the American bluesy-rock band Indigenous with their Things We Do playlist!
Hopefully, sharing my sketches will encourage you to do something that you’ve put off because you don’t think you could do it. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised at what you can do, like me! Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!
In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
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I love this challenge! It’s been a lot of fun catching up on everything you did so far, I’ll stay updated from now on
Thank you for visiting. The challenge is a challenge in itself just to keep up, is it not? lol Best of luck to you!
You did a great job with your sketches, Cathy! I wish that I could draw people. Yours are awesome.
Have a blessed week!
You’re too sweet. People are hard to draw even if the drawings don’t resemble someone you know but boy, would I love to be able to sketch someone’s likeness. That would be so pAwesome!
It sure would be awesome, Cathy! I have tried self-portraits before, but I end up looking a whole lot freakier than I really do. haha
Have a blessed day.
Wonderful that you are sketching. I occasionally sketch but I don’t share my “art”.
Well… you should share your drawings. I know everyone would enjoy it if you did. Thanks for the return visit. I’ll see ya soon!
Well,they would make people laugh…or groan.
I’m sorry maybe I haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning but I’m not following…please explain what would make people laugh or groan? *blush*
I was referring to your suggestion I share my sketches with the world.
Patricia, I finally figured that out when I reviewed your previous comments. Lol
I’m such a goof!
Never mind my earlier response. I figured out what you were talking about thanks to my 3rd cup of coffee.
Coffee helps!
Your sketches are wonderful, they come from your heart.
Note that wordpress won’t let me use my wordpress account to comment, but it is still me.
Thanks for telling me this was you. I don’t know what’s up with WP sometimes or any blog commenting system. They all seem to get fickle every once in a while. I do pour myself into my sketches. I’m glad my images convey this to you, too. I’ll hop over to see you in a few. I’m playing catch up this morning.
WOWZA IS RIGHT!!! That Indian Girl is hot mama! hahaha Great job with an IPad though.. that must be hard to do I mean drawing with one. It almost makes me think of those things my mom bought us where you would draw and then lift the film up and start all over again… hahahaha I’ve never heard you tune before, but it surely ROCKS… just like you! Thank you for being you my friend and listening to my probs… you are definitely the sista I always wanted. BIG HUGS luv ya girl… GREAT JOB TODAY AND thanks for stopping by my AtoZ
My feature band and mewsic are new-to-me, too. I was happy to discover them and spotlight them with this post. It worked out purrfectly for the letter prompt completely, didn’t it?
You’re very sweet to say such things and I’m delighted you think of me as the sista that you always wanted. Of course, you realize that I’m the younger sister and that means I’m gonna be a pain to keep out of your hair. lol Thanks for visiting, dear Sis! lol
Great drawings Cathy, especially the second one and I think you’ve done really well at the human form. Love that you’re trying so many different subjects for your inspiration.
You keep inspiring me to do more creative things.
Pamela @ Days of Fun
You’re very kind to say such things. Thank you, my dear! Your A2Z Challenge theme is an inspiration keeping the romance alive in your marriage. This is something that gets lost in the muck sometimes for couples.
Nice drawings! And here’s to doing something you weren’t sure you could do. Been wanting to learn to play the piano for decades – thanks for the inspiration to just do it! Good luck on the A-to-Z – this is my first year trying!
I’d like to learn how to play the piano, too. Maybe, I’ll try that in the future. Thanks for visiting and welcome to the A2Z fun!
It might be eye-opening to get your DNA done. My family always “knew” we had quite a bit of Plains Indian, as our maternal grandmother said her grandfather married a woman while crossing the Plains from the East to California. Of course, there was no marriage license, and the woman wouldn’t have had a birth certificate, so we just took it for truth. Until my brother got into genealogy and we had or DNA done. Nope, no American Indian at all! Not a smidgen! And it would have shown up! There were a few surprises we didn’t know about, and so far no research has led to explain. I am not sure what my brother found out about Great Grandpa’s wife!
DD#2 is waiting her DNA results. I’ll be anxious to see what she learns. I don’t think I’m willing to pay the money to have this done first it’s expensive and second I wonder who’s harvesting the data learned, you know? It makes you wonder, huh? Yeah, I’m paranoid but happily so.
Great Indians!
Thanks, Janet!
I think you draw very well. I love your second drawing the best.
I also know you’re into music. It’s a good thing.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to feature mewsic. It was especially neat to find a few bands formed by American Indian members. The second drawing is my favorite, too.
I like your second drawing also. She looks strong and passionate.
Thank you, MoonDustWriter! She deserves a name, don’t you think? I’m going to call her Ayita which is Cherokee for “First to Dance”. What do you expect from someone who loves mewsic?
She looks like the heroine in my WIP–strong, independent with amazing long black hair.
Really? That’s so cool! Is your heroine an Indian girl or just that’s she strongly independent?
I am trying to catch up as I was gone to Collingwood all weekend and the hotel we stayed at had lousy wi-fi. Anyway, I’m glad you are ok even if you are dealing with earaches which sucks. You created 2 excellent drawings of people. Yes, it may need work but drawing human beings is the most difficult and I think you did a great job. Hands are so hard to do and whenever I drew a hand, it looks more like a claw or talon. The man looks strong and the woman looks beautiful. I really like the coloured one. Funny, I gave my hubby a DNA test for Christmas from Ancestry.ca and we got the results back and I was surprised. I thought, for sure, he had Native American but he has none! He is 61% English, 16% Scottish, Irish, Wales, 7% Scandinavian. My hubby was born in St. Jean Quebec! His dark hair, which he still has and he is 60, actually comes from the Iberian peninsula which is Spain and Portugal. He also has Southern Italy, Greece and the Caucuses so he has some hun! He has a tiny amount fromcentral Europe. In the 1700’s people migrated to the Quebec area and Pennsylvania so that is the Québécois in Him. I really liked getting this DNA testing and I think it’s worth it.
Birgit, That was cool to learn your hubs DNA. I’d like to get mine done but I’m too paranoid. You just don’t know how someone will use that data.
Possibly, but my hubby is not a CEO of anything plus he has SDHD and Rheumatoid arthritis so I doubt he would be considered important enough for the world at large…he is just 8mportamt to me, his family and his fur babes.
Yeah, but…*shift eyes side to side* it’s not the world at large he has to worry about it’s the government. There is always a conspiracy in the works in someone mind, may as well start with me, eh? lol And, yes your hubs is very important to you, your family, and fur babies as he should be. That’s precisely how I feel about DH.
Your sketches are excellent, Cathy! I’m familiar with Redbone and love their mewsic. My hubby and I like to rock out to youtube every now and then and Redbone is one of my hubs favorites.
Those came out great. I love all the detail. Have a wonderful day!
Wowza is right, Cathy. That girl..err…sketch looks fantastic.
You have a nice series going. I’ll check out the previous entries and will be back for more. Happy AtoZ’ing.
Thanks. I’m feeling pretty good about my female Indian. She turned out very pretty.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy “I” day to you, dear friend! I am happy to learn more about your doctor visits. I am thankful that you checked out AOK for the most part. I always feel relieved and energized when those necessary but time consuming routine doctor visits and annual physical exams are out of the way.
I appreciate your rendering of the Indian man and woman. In your work, I always noticed how well you draw the eyes, whether human or animal. Your subjects consistently exhibit dignity and wisdom. Your second Indian maiden is a real looker, probably the chief’s daughter. She reminds me of the popular song “Running Bear” by Johnny Preston:
On the banks of the river stood running bear, young Indian brave
On the other side of the river stood his lovely Indian maid
Little white dove was-a her name, such a lovely sight to see
But their tribes fought with each other so their love could never be
I am familiar with Redbone and The Band featuring guitarist Robbie Robertson, but I never heard of the blues rock band Indigenous. What a terrific find, Cathy! They are sensational! I read that their music is influenced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Hendrix and Santana. I can tell! I thoroughly enjoyed their tracks.
Thank you and have a great day, dear friend Cathy!
Looks good!
Thanks. I want to apologize for some reason several of your comments were thrown into my moderation folder. I have no clue why, either. *sigh* Now, I’m off to visit you!
It happens. I’ve found comments in my spam folder from people who’ve commented on my blog before. Maybe there’s an update going on somewhere on the web
Probably but I don’t know that for sure. It’s gotta be something weird, though.