You’ve Got Mail edition – Angels


ANGLES look…

Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday.
Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world when
you smile.
Like the small child who showed you the wonder in simple things.
Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you.
Like the rich man who showed you that it really is all possible, if only
you believe.
Like the stranger who just happened to come along, when you had lost
your way.
Like the friend who touched your heart, when you didn’t think you had
one to touch.

Angels come in all shapes,

all ages and skin types.

Some with freckles, some with dimples, some with wrinkles, some without.

They come disguised as friends, enemies, teachers, students, lovers,
and fools.

They don’t take life too seriously, they travel light.

They leave no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return.

They wear sneakers with gossamer wings, they get a deal on dry cleaning.

They are hard to find when your eyes are closed,

but they are everywhere you look, when you choose to see.





I came up with the idea for this new post series while sorting through old files stored on my external hard drives of old emails I collected.  I neither wanted to keep or delete to keep them.  I remembered how much fun it was to get daily nuggets of humor or inspiration from friends, so I decided to recirculate the email content and if you have an email subscription to CAAC then it’ll kind of be like sharing these things with you like in those bygone-days.

No comments, needed. Simply click “like” to let me know you stopped by.  If you care to join me, up next tomorrow is my September 1st BOTB. Have a blessed day!

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2 thoughts on “You’ve Got Mail edition – Angels”

  1. Hi Cathy that is a lovely poem and very uplifting 💜
    Here is an old post of mine which I hope you can enjoy it’s about a Random Act of Kindness that saved the day for my brother and his daughter. 💜💜

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