Link up your favorite photo this week on one of these blog hops…

I failed to get a jump start on my Wednesday posts and this is the result of my lack of preparation – two memes in one. Perhaps you’ll want to join me in visiting Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond in her weekly Hodgepodge link up.
Today’s questions are:
1. What’s the best and worst thing about growing older? Getting older period is the worse part of the whole process, but with age comes wisdom and confidence – two ingredients I’m enjoying very much now I’ve reached that once thought of “over-the-hill” age of 50. I’m told I don’t look my age and I can tell you this much, I don’t act my age in the least.
2. Autumn arrives this week in the Northern Hemisphere…what one thing do you love most about the fall season? I can’t narrow it one thing, Joyce. There is so much about fall I love – the foliage, temperature change, football, cozy fleece, hot chocolate, Thanksgiving, … You see, I just can’t do it!
3. Speaking of fall…pumpkin seems to be flavoring everything these days-are you a fan? What’s your favorite pumpkin flavored food or beverage? I like pumpkin spice lattes. In fact, I’ll be serving my home-made version this Saturday. Last fall, I bought Torani Pumpkin Spice syrup and it’s really good. This season, we’ll be trying DaVinci’s Pumpkin Pie Spice syrup which just arrived yesterday. I’m all excited about this, too! Another favorite pumpkin flavored treat is Pumpkin Cream Filled Sandwich cookies. I got the recipe from MarthaStewart.com a few years ago and it became a huge hit with us. It kinda reminds me of whoopie pies. In fact, the recipe has been renamed as such. lol
4. Since we’re on the subject of fall…what’s the worst fall you’ve ever taken? Oh, why do we have to go talking about personal injuries? It’s been years since I’ve done anything bad to myself. Thankfully, I haven’t had any really bad falls. One time, I recall catching my heel on the hem of my dress going down our front steps. God must have had His angels surrounding me that day is all I can say because the only thing that happened was my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. There was one time I slipped in the kitchen and caught myself, which more or less resulted in sore muscles because of my reaction to the fall when I stiffened up. Other than that, I’m quite blessed to have not had any nasty tumbles.
5. If you could own a prop from any film what would you choose? Where do you come up with your questions, girl? Does a body double count? I mean, really I would love to have one of those gorgeous body doubles as my own. That is if it were even possible and I know it’s not. Unless… I’m Demi Moore and can afford a half a million dollar make-over. That’s just not gonna happen, either. I guess I’ll just have to stick to hard work and a healthy lifestyle to get me where I wanna be. At least I can say I’m the real McCoy – no nose job, facelifts, tummy tucks, or breast implants. What you see, is what you get!
6. What’s the most interesting word you’ve read or learned in the past week? Hmmm, all of the words I read are rather mundane these days – nothing exciting. Does this mean the material I’m reading isn’t challenging enough? Maybe…why should I strain my brain? Perhaps, I should be straining it. After all the brain is a muscle and if I don’t use it, then….gulp…I might lose it! Where’s that dictionary?!
7. When was the last time you locked yourself out of your house, car, or office? Was it a big deal? The last time I locked myself out of anything was my car and that was too many years ago to remember with a lot of clarity, but I think it was in the mid-80s. I had to file unemployment and accidentally locked my keys inside the car. DH worked downtown, which was a couple of miles from where I was and he was able to work to my rescue. The bad thing was it was during the summer, so it was a hot walk and then the car we owed at the time did not have an AC. What a prince!
8. Insert your own random thought here. do happy dance Good news, my scales made me so-so happy Sunday. It read 112pounds. I’m not where I want to be exactly, but at least it’s going the right way – down! I’ve lost 7 pounds since July and I’m thrilled. Now to get below 110 again. Oh yes, if you’re in the market for new prescription eyeglasses, you may want to read my post from yesterday, here.
Come back for a visit tomorrow, as I’ll be participating in my favorite blog hops. Be sure to check out my earlier post from today, The Truth is Out There.
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so beautiful and peaceful!
Wow! What great shots!
I told DH this kid of shooting the deer don’t mind so much. It’s the loud, explosive type which scatter them quickly.
Amazing picture! I can never get close enough or they run away from me lol
Jan @Door251
If I had been on foot, then I would not have caught this photo. Just prior to these shots, I was outside the car and spotted the deer crossing the road. I tried inching my way close to it, but when the other motorist saw it, then everyone began slowing down and soon there were several cars anxious to catch a peek. I thought for certain it would be gone by the time we got to it, but it seemed unmoved by the tourists or at least not much.
Shhhh…don’t scare the deer!
Did you take these, Cathy? They are stunning!
Yes, in fact I did. We were driving around the Cades Cove loop road in the Smoky Mountains when I caught this photo opportunity. On our day trip, we spotted a couple deer, bear, and lots of turkey (no, not the motorists). It was a busy day for wild life activity. Unfortunately we were too far from the bears to get any good photos.
Way to go on your weight loss…keep up the great work! Such pretty pictures!
Your pictures are wonderful. Congrats on the weight loss.
These are great!
deer are absolutely lovely creatures!
Love those deer pics…looks like my yard : ) Congrats on your weight loss!
Cute photos!!!