
09-01-2025 Vol 19

You Make It Feel Like Christmas #GwenStefani #music


12 thoughts on “You Make It Feel Like Christmas #GwenStefani #music

  1. I didn’t know she had a Christmas album, I must have my head in the sand ( or litter box ) 🙂

    1. Ellen,

      Me, either! Thanks to Google I discovered it. 🙂 We didn’t get a chance to watch her special last night so tonight, we’ll stream it. I love Christmas programs, don’t you?

  2. Thank you so much for coming by to visit me and leaving such a thoughtful comment. And happy early birthday! Had mine last September. Born in ’65. I’m so glad you’re sharing music, Christmas music makes me so happy! My husband is sort of a Scrooge, but I don’t let it stop me! I heard this song for the first time the other day and it’s pretty good. I also notice you like cats like I do. It’s great to find things in common with other bloggers! I’ll be back!

    1. Diana,

      So glad you don’t let your husband’s bah-hum-bug attitude get ya down and you push through to enjoy this marvelous season. Maybe, what he needs is lots and lots of Christmas mewsic to get into all this cheer?! We had a cat years ago and I do like them but I had to give her up due to allergies. She went to live with a good friend who is/was a huge cat lover, so I knew she’d be ok. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, dearie. Have a blessed day!

  3. What a fun and festive post! Thanks for that day-brightener, Cathy. 🙂 Gwen and Blake make a good pair and I saw them perform this on The Voice. They were having a lot of fun with it. Merry Christmas!

    1. Debbie,

      Yes, I saw their performance, too. I like this song and the more I hear it the more I like it. We plan to catch some of Gwen’s Christmas special tonight. 🙂

  4. Well, this is a fun song but it doesn’t make me feel Christmassy because I am such a traditionalist I guess. I am more Andre Rieu but this still did make me feel good for a Tuesday morning.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m over all a traditionalist but I am digging some of the uptempo rock beats celebrating the Christmas season from a non-religious stance. It’s just feel good mewsic!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    More purrfect holiday mewsic from you, dear friend, this time with Gwen Stefani as featured artist! I was delighted to hear Blake Shelton’s duet with Gwen “You Make It Feel Like Christmas.” I never heard it before. It is a wonderful recording, filled with vitality, spunk and spirit. The first few notes lead me to believe the arranger consciously or subconsciously sampled the Supremes hit “You Can’t Hurry Love.” Can you hear it? I also enjoyed the mid tempo big beat arrangement and sultry vocals on Gwen’s rendition of “Santa Baby” and other beat driven classics like “White Christmas,” “Last Christmas,” “Let It Snow” and “Jingle Bells.” Gwen wisely dials it back a little on “Silent Night” but nevertheless breathes new life into the song with a very pleasing modern pop arrangement. “My Gift Is You,” “When I Was A Little Girl” and “Never Kissed Anyone” are all new to me and very enjoyable. Gwen Stefani is a great artist. I love the quality of her voice and this pop oriented Christmas album of hers would be worth listening to all year round.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      So, glad you enjoyed Gwen’s Christmas album. It’s really ironic when I scheduled this post I had no clue that she had a TV program expected to air tonight. Isn’t that just wild? I couldn’t have planned it any better had I tried. lol I listened to this album again this morning and found I enjoyed it more the second time around. I’m a wee tempted to ask DH to buy it for me. He usually likes to surprise me with new Christmas mewsic every year. We’ll see, though. 🙂

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