ABC Wednesday is nearing the alphabet again with the letter ‘Y’ today and after April’s A2Z blogfest my brain is too pooped, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying mewsic. I mean, who can’t get into some tunes any time?
Today’s alpha prompt led me to, Yonder Mountain String Band, with Angel from 2006.
I figured this was a group no longer around, so I checked with Google to learn they are still an active band and have a new album for pre-order on various sites listed on YMSB sites. Check it out!
What ‘Y’ bands/artist do you like? Can you name any songs with ‘yonder’ in the title?
I’m trying to live in the moment. When yonder I see I try to capture it with my iPhone. This doesn’t always work but I’m giving it my best shot.
For instance, the last time we were at DH’s Retina surgeon’s office I noticed these beautiful daylilies bloomed.

The time before I a saw a picture I wanted to get but it snuck up on me too quickly but I got it as we crossed the Henley Street bridge. Yep, I wanted to get the old Methodist church and 1982 iconic Sunsphere in the same shot.

Memorial weekend, my eye caught this old truck with the owner sporting his patriotism.

Something you don’t see often unless it’s warmer weather is an ad banner in the sky. If you zoom in, you can see that it reads Ted Russell Ford.

With the summer crunch on and Internet traffic slowing down, I’m dismissing the use of the linky tool until after Labor Day weekend. You’re welcome…actually I encourage you to leave a breadcrumb (direct URL) back to your site for others to find you quickly and easily.
Speaking of cyberspace sluggish behavior let me give you the heads up on something. Beginning July 1st I’m taking a semi-break in blogging contributing only once a week in maintaining my co-host spot with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me gang. In the past, I’ve been known to slide in my purrsuit to enjoy a little downtime by slipping in an unplanned post (don’t be surprised) but my normal blogging routine I plan to resume after Labor Day weekend, so mark your calendar.
Have a blessed day and please join me tomorrow for Thursday Art Date with Rain!
More mid-week hops:
Scribble Picnic (temporarily on hold)
ABC Wednesday
I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:
- Comedy Plus
- Wordless Wednesday
- Xmas Dolly (site and/or computer woes)
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Your day lilies really grabbed my attention as did your meticulously crafted post.
Always good to be on your blog. There are so many perspectives and unique images to explore here. I like your pin-up girls! Reminiscent of a good time from yonder!
I haven’t heard YMSB but I liked their music!
Have a swell rest of the week, and I hope you are cooling your heels and enjoying your sabbatical. Much love and sunshine <3
Darlin’ Natasha,
It’s nice having the pressure that I put on myself lifted. I’m happy that I decided to give myself purrmission to pull away in Blogosphere for the rest of the summer. I’m gonna miss doing my usual posting routine but the hiatus is needed and will help me to get my mojo back. Thanks for dropping by and just remember you’ll still find me on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me each week.
Thanks for the intro to the Yonder Mountain String Band. (Sounds familiar, but it’s not the type of music I usually listen to. Reminds me a little of The Civil Wars.
I’d LOVE for you to come visit me over in my online home: A Fresh Perspective. You might find some techy-type tips and tricks, some fiction, bits of poetry, a rant or two, a philosophical musing – I am determined to be Queen of the No-Niche Niche!
Thanks for stopping in for a visit. I’m familiar with the band, The Civil Wars, and I do like their sound. I can see the similarity in sounds and who knows maybe that’s why I was drawn to YMSB.
Have a great day!
Loving many genres I can play lots of music if only a day had more then just 24 hours
Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
M e l o d y (team ABC-W)
Love your pics, Cathy! Speaking of summer blogging schedules, I guess due many bloggers, taking it easy, my blog is busier than ever! Go figure! Have a great remainder of the week.
Well, that’s great! I know the more I pour into my blog the busier it is and what I need to do is step away so it’s not so busy. lol I might regret that later but we all need the downtime to regroup. Thanks for visiting, my friend!
I agree and sometimes overwhelming, which then it becomes work and no longer fun.
Tom gave a great list! Love the pinup gals as well:) Your pictures are so great and what a clear blue sky. That Church must be beautiful inside and love the lillies. When I hear the word “Yonder” I think of this old movie with Tony Curtis who plays some knight or something but he says, in his brooklyn accent…”Yonder lies the castle of the king.” or something like that..cracks me up
I have never been inside that church, so I don’t know. It’s a neat looking old building, though. I don’t know this movie you’re talking about but it sounds funny the way Curtis delivers that line, though. lol
I’m thinking of “Way down yonder in New Orleans.” Stay cool!
It’s good seeing you and thanks for the song title. I will scoot over to YT for a listen in a minute.
Beautiful pics. Very nice.
Morning Listening 80’s Soundtrack Style
Thanks! Your WP sign info doesn’t have your ‘real’ blog web address. You may wish to log in with it or to at least leave a direct link in comments like what I did for you. Have a fototastic week, my friend!
Your photographic art was perfect for the topic, nice yellowish flowers. Enjoy your summer blog breaks!
I did keep my promise to come back and listen to the music of Yonder Mountain String Band – I liked the band and this song. First, because of the banjo and fiddle, and second, the change in tempos. It was very pleasant to listen to, and I was disappointed at the number of views/likes on You Tube.
I’m glad you were able to give YMSB a fair listen. I found their style & sound nice, too. It’s great to make interesting new discoveries.
Back in the 80’s I had a cassette from a Christian band named Wild Blue Yonder which was also the name of their one and only album. That’s as close to a yonder something that I can think of for the moment.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, I never heard of this band. I’ll have to see if I can find anything by them on YT. Thanks for your suggestion and visit, my friend.
PS: I found a Wild Blue Yonder on YT, is this them?
That string and is sure good! The only Y band we know is Yes!
Oh, good ‘Y’ band. I always forget about Yes. ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart’ is a great 80s hit by Yes. Thanks for the reminder and visit, my furriend!
Beautiful daylilies. Ours won’t be blooming for at least a month. I can’t think of any yonder songs or Y bands.
Really another month before the daylilies bloom there? WOW!
I love that music! I had to check them out. They’ve been around since the late 90’s? – Also, the sphere photo is awesome! Enjoy your break!
The Sunsphere is a cool building. I remember when it went up for the World’s Fair. It was the center of the 1982 Expo. The theme was energy. That was such a fun time, the summer the world came to Knoxville. :)S
Hmm, all mine are on Thomas’ list except Paul Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_a2-Pve4g
Thanks for ‘Y’ artist. When I think of Paul Young, I think of “Everytime You Go Away”. This song was featured in a great holiday classic, ‘Trains, Planes, & Automobiles’. Thanks for dropping by today!
Hi Cathy :)) I love that sunsphere photo!! Oh, that was easy listening for me, the Yonder Mountain String Band, very nice! Reminded me a bit of the Soggy Bottom Boys from the movie O Brother Where Art Thou! Bluegrass is it? I love that style of music, it’s very summery for me!
It’s so humid today, we are awaiting thunderstorms! Doesn’t promote too much energy these humid days, I’m just reading blogs and keeping an eye on the weather radar!! See you on our date tomorrow!!! Slap that zinc on your nose so you don’t get a sunburn on the beach! 
‘O’ Brother Where Art Thou’ is a fun movie. George Clooney is fabulous in it and every time I hear ‘Man of Constant Sorrow’ I think of him or the Soggy Bottom Boys.
I’m not a fan of humidity. It’s currently 83. I’m not sure how it feels outside right now but earlier it wasn’t too bad. There’s no telling this time of year, pop up showers and thunderstorms are a common occurrence. Try to stay cool. Hmm, zinc…so is that a good skin protector? We normally don’t buy sun protection unless we’re going to the beach because when we’re outdoors working we cover up with a hat, long sleeves, etc to keep the harmful rays away. I hate sunscreen. It makes me itch. I’ll see ya tomorrow on the beach. lol
Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/06/im-impressed.html, Cathy!
Thanks for the return visit. I’m glad you left your direct link for others to discover.
Love the string band. Wow, not heard them before. Love them.
The day lilies are beautiful. I love all the fair weather flowers.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Thanks, Sandee! I’m glad you made it over for a peek at my views and to listen to some mewsic.
Good band. I’d go listen if they were in my neighborhood.
Love the Yonder Mountain String Band. I could get into their sound pretty easily. Thanks for sharing this new to me music (mewsic). Have a blessed week.
You’re welcome, Driller. I’m glad you enjoyed YMSB.
What a treat this is! I’d never heard of Yonder Mountain String Band. What a wonderful sound they have. That sliding sound they have is just brilliant – such accomplished muscians by the sound of them. And I love your pictures – it’s so good to see other peoples’ towns and cities and bits of each other’s lives in images. I love it. Thanks so much for the visual and musical treat! Am now going to celebrate with a cup of tea
I’m glad you enjoyed the sound of YMSB. Are banjos common in the UK? It’s hard for me to think outside country communities here in the states, so I’m eager to see what you say. I’m happy you enjoyed my little yonder views. There will be more of this type of photo shares after my summer break. I’m off to pour myself another cup of coffee. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I’m not really sure how common banjos are but I think they are played by a very different kind of person to the USA (I’m making sweeping judgements here!) I always associate US banjo players with country music and very ‘down home’ fun kind of guys (and girls too!) But the only banjo players I’ve known here have been very middle class academic men with a bohemian streak. I’m sure there must be lots of younger, more hip people who play though. The ukelele is the big thing over here right now – EVERYONE is learning (not me though). Wednesday is about over for me now and my bed is calling.

I, too associate banjo pickin’ with the country & bluegrass crowd. Not all of these mewsicians are country bumpkins as one tends to picture. Did you know comedian Steve Martin plays the banjo? Yep, it’s true and he has a band, Steep Canyon Rangers. If you’re interested, listen to the band’s song, So Familiar with Martin pickin’ on the banjo. He’s great! The ukelele is a lovely sounding and if I were to learn, then this would be my size of string instrument to play. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, my dear!
Yonder I see lots of nice captures of your world. I love Day lilies and they are blooming in upstate New York, too. I’ll listen to the Mewsic when I’m in wine fi. Have a great week!
I snapped most of these photos in May. The daylilies are still in bloom but don’t look as good as these pictured. I guess the poppies will be popping up soon but I haven’t found a good spot to get pictures of those yet. We generally see them growing in the medium alone our Interstate travel. It’s a gorgeous sight,too. Thanks for visiting, my friend!
Thank you for sharing these little glimpses into the surprises of your world. Enjoy your time away from blogging world!
You’re welcome and thanks for stopping in for a visit. Now, I’m heading your way.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Not-So Wordless ABC Wednesday, dear friend! I admire the vintage pin-up girl you used to introduce today’s post.
What better way to get rolling for the day than to listen to the progressive bluegrass sound of The Yonder Mountain String Band? Those Colorado cats (and their female kitty) play clean as country water, and their harmonious singing is first rate. They are tunetastic, Cathy. Thanks for the introduction!
“Y” artists that I like include the metal band Y&T, Weird Al Yankovic, Glenn Yarbrough, Yarbrough and Peoples, The Yardbirds, Yaz, Yes, Dwight Yoakum, Barry Young, Karen Young, Kathy Young With The Innocents, Neil Young, Val Young, The Youngbloods, Young-Holt Unlimited and Timi Yuro. The first song that comes to mind with “Yonder” in the title is “Way Down Yonder In New Orleans,” a hit for Freddy Cannon in early 1960.
I admire the picture you took of the day-lilies outside DH’s eye surgeon’s office. Thanks for letting me know about your summer blogging schedule. You deserve to get out and enjoy the fine weather while it lasts and see the sights. I might need to break away again in August. Mrs. S and I are making plans that might require me to be absent from the blog scene.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!
Yikes, you gave me quite the list ‘Y’ artists. I love the suggestions given, most I know a few don’t ring a bell. I will have to investigate the unfamiliar names. Thanks for understanding my new to scale things back. I’ve pushed myself hard since last summer to keep things running but it’s now time to place blogging life on the backburner for the most part. I’m afraid I’ll get sucked back into cyberspace and I’m sure it’ll be a deligent struggle to keep my distance. I’m happy to hear that you and Mrs. S are planning another trip. There’s nothing wrong with that at all.