
29-03-2025 Vol 19

Mountain View

Taken last fall, with my big girl camera, along the North Carolina side of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Hello kittens and dawgs! I’m thrilled October is here. The weather is cooling off, which I’m totally digging, and I’m looking forward to the changes in the mountains.

We aren’t seeing foliage like this yet, so thankfully archived photos work out beautifully to get you in the mood. For now, I want to share another mountain view captured while on a long day trip this summer.

The image quality isn’t the best, as I had to reduce the original size so to work properly on blog. I’m not sure what’s up with that but anyhow, this is a panoramic shot taken with my iPhone 5s, south of Roanoke, Virginia on the Blue Ridge Parkway of Cahas Mountain ~ very peaceful spot.


It won’t be long before we’ll can enjoy mountains of red, orange, and yellow again. Don’t forget to link up!

I’m kicking out of my blog break mode and going full throttle with my regular posting routine or at least this is my plan. DH continues to job hunt with local nibbles few and far between, but patience is a virtue and for now we can wait just a bit before panic is necessary. lol

Thanks being patient with me and for making me apart of your day. I hope you’ll decide to visit a few of my favorite #WW shutterbugs link ups!


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8 thoughts on “Mountain View

    1. Patrick, thanks for dropping by! It’s a bit too warm here to suit me, but things will cool off soon enough. Next week’s forecast holds promise of milder temps. It won’t be long before it’ll be time to pull out the polar fleece while sipping hot chocolate. Yum!

  1. It’s a bright and beautiful Fall day here, and I think it’s still warm enough I can go without socks in my sandals! Not for much longer though. I just saw the beginning shades of Autumn as I walked the kids to the bus this morning. And I think I spy those sames shades starting in the tips of the trees in your lovely shot. What a view!!! Amazing. I’d love to have mountains here, but we are very much more the Valley. Not that I could really complain at all. Glad to have you back!!!
    And I “shutter” (har har) to think what must have got in that camera for them to be hosing it off like that!!! Oh dear.

  2. I’m shocked at how cool it is here in Florida. I have to turn off the fan at night, and I have the windows open. My neighbor’s tree is losing leaves. The earliest my tree has lost leaves is in December. We’ll see if we set a new record this year.


    1. Janie, our nightly lows are in the mid to upper 50s for the most part. We usually have to run the AC in our bedroom, but it’s not needed when we get up first thing so that’s very good. It wouldn’t be long before we won’t need it, but then that will mean it’s time to turn the heat on. lol I noticed Monday while grocery shopping some trees have dropped their leaves already, but I think whatever kind they are that this is normal for them. There’s a just a hint of color change locally and in the higher elevations of the mountains we’ve seen a little more color, but nothing dramatic yet. This weekend or early next week things may look a whole lot different in the mountains. I can’t wait to check the views out!

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