Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday communities. I captured this scene when I was taking a blogging hiatus in October….

I can’t wait to see what you’re sharing today. Now, please let’s send a round of cheers to this week’s featured photographer. Congratulations to Patrick @Adventures in Weseland!
Show some blog love by visiting Patrick and don’t forget each week I use to pick a new photographer. I would like to put your blog on display. To win a chance in the spotlight just link your favorite weekly photographic wonder below.
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All link ups & commenters will get a visit from me. Until we meet again, have a foto-tastic day!
Would you like to participate in my Happy Birthday Club? If so, then simply send your name, blog URL, and birthday (month and day or complete birthdate – whatever you are comfortable with) to me by email and I’ll be sure to list you on my special birthday post for that month
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What a beautiful view! Aren’t cameras a blessing–to be able to bring it home with you.
awww. I missed the link up but LOVE the photo! So pretty!
This landscape reminds me somewhat of a lookout over the Galilee on my first day in Israel, on July 21, 2011. (However, it was summer rather than autumn.)
What a gorgeous view and photo
That is a beautiful capture!
I like the atmosphere of autumn in your photo
HERE I AM!!!! I MADE IT and it’s not midnight… looks like since my husband’s schedule is changed I have to rearrange mine. He’s working a 3 to 11 shift… so cooking breakfast is now essential and making his lunch and doing laundry etc etc… back to the ol’ routine, but a different part of the day… hmmm… anyway… so you have a Spotlight photographer what a neat idea… so tell me how do we enter pictures or what is it that we need to do… I’d love to get a pic of this squirrel’s nest we have in the back it’s huge I’ve never seen one so big, but Patrick to a marvelous job. Ya done good Cat to pick him. Hugs my friend have a great day… Marie is rambling again so signing off for now. hehehe HUGS
Yay! Glad to hear Dave is working and that you’re finding away to adjust to his new schedule. As for my weekly featured photographer, all you have to do to be considered is join my #WW linky party and I let pick the winner. Maybe, I’ll come up with something different in the future in selecting a feature, but for now that’s how it works. Have a good weekend, my friend!
Breathtaking view! I hope one day to afford a small cabin as a vacation home so I can see more mountains in the autumn. Delaware is so flat.
it’s beautiful. thanks for coming by today!
I am not a cat person but that is so adorable. I’d love to take a drive like that. Right now I’m looking out to flat land covered in snow!
That is a beautiful view. What a nice drive.
What a beautiful of the mountain and the fall foliage on the trees! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Beautiful capture!! Happy WW!
Great photo! Love all the colors.
So beautiful! I love the changing leaves! (only, they’re covered in snow here now)
I hope you’ll stop by and link up
I like the colors in the scenery.
A gorgeos photo! Your montains are more hingher than our Harz-Montains, where I live.
Have a great time
A stunning landscape. I pass by so many similar views, but never get a chance to stop when I h have a vehicle full of kids. I need to get out with just myself … and my camera, and go for a drive one day.