
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Which do you prefer, Driver’s Seat or being The Passenger? #4M

Good morning, kittens and dawgs! How was your weekend?  I can’t believe it’s Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer. In honor of our fallen heroes and their families, this song is for you.

Thank you for giving your all for this country and may God bless those you left behind! ?

XmasDolly (Marie) is still sick as a dog and weak as a kitten after her bout with pneumonia but her dance partners Stacy, Colette, and I will do our best to hold things down. Hopefully, we can keep everyone off table tops and shirts on with no calls to police for disturbing the peace. Buckle up and enjoy the ride, this week’s theme is “SONGS ABOUT CARS/RIDING”!

I’d like to know, where is this year going?  It’s driving past us like a Fast Car, that’s what’s happening!


What did you do over the holiday weekend, anything special? Was it like Heaven’s in The Backseat of Cadillac (Hot Chocolate) or Highway to Hell (AC/DC)?

Did you spend time traveling? Which do you prefer the Driver’s Seat or being The Passenger?

I prefer taking in the drive instead of being behind the wheel but regardless of how you like to Ventura Highway, I hope you’ll decide to join the 4M gals on the dance floor!

Check out The Ultimate List of Car Songs!

[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “SONGS ABOUT CARS” #music & the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

What mewsic moves you today? ?

I’m continuing my relaxed blogging schedule, mostly breaking but not totally breaking away completely.  I hope you’ll come back on Thursday for Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow “Battle of the Bands” Showdown!

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27 thoughts on “Which do you prefer, Driver’s Seat or being The Passenger? #4M

  1. I definitely prefer the Driver’s Seat, both the song and in the car. Whenever my husband drives, he starts talking and forgets what he’s doing so we go slooow and endure a zillion u-turns. I may have the rep as a lead foot in my household, but I’ve not gotten a ticket (knock on wood)!

    1. Tamara,

      The one thing I can say about DH is he has excellent focus behind the wheel. It’s so good that I find I take it for granted when we’re in heavy traffic when he’s trying to keep us safe. Over the years I’ve made a point to be extra cautious before speaking if he’s changing lanes or merging on/off the highway. I’m a bit of a lead foot, too. It’s not intentional but subconsciously I do it to keep up with the others whizzing by for fear of getting run over.

  2. I do love driving, but for long trips, I tend to prefer my husband to drive. And he’s not the best driver so that’s saying something. 🙂 Usually I try to sleep if it’s daylight, because I don’t really want to witness his crazy driving. We really need to get that passenger-side brake installed one day. lol.

    With Love,

    1. Mandy,

      I remember in Driver’s Ed the cars having a passenger-side brake and it always startled me when they used it. It seems like most women are saying they aren’t too fond of their husbands driving. I feel like the odd one out. 🙂 The most I can drive at a stretch is 4-hours. Thankfully DH does an excellent job which amazes me. I feel so guilty for cat napping while he does most of the driving but he’s awesome like that, though. Thanks for stopping by! 😉

  3. I’m sort of stuck being the passenger since my stroke… Good choices, although I’m not exactly a Tracy Chapman fan…

  4. I would rather be the driver myself! I have the control that way….haha. Hoping you had a good weekend and Memorial Day. Take care and have a great week.

    1. Pam,

      I’m happy to let DH do all the driving. I don’t have to deal with the insane drivers and I can take a nap. 🙂 Thanks for dancing with me!

    1. Stacy,

      I like going places but I don’t like being in a car because of all the crazies on the road. DH is a good driver, so I feel completely at ease with him chauffeuring me around. Maybe you should try closing your eyes while your husband is driving. This way you can’t see what he’s doing and he can’t give you a heart attack. 😀 The one thing I hate about traveling is heavy, fast moving traffic. Sometimes the uneasiness causes minor panic attacks, so I close my eyes a lot when we’re on the highway. If I can’t see it then I feel better. lol Thanks for popping in for a dance!

  5. I like both but if I had to pick one, I would pick the driver’s seat because I get to choose what is on the radio. I am not a big fan of my son’s music.

    Thanks for hosting and great songs.

    1. Patrick,

      You made me smile with your comment about liking being in the driver’s seat so you can control the radio. Thanks for dancing with me, my friend!

  6. Just wanted to thank you for holding down the fort and visiting everyone the last few weeks. Starting to feel better, but pretty much weak & tired. Dang, pneumonia took a lot out of me. Big hugs to all and Happy Memorial Day! Thank you again for taking care of my baby!!! ? STAY HEALTHY to your whole family. That extra orange juice in the the morning helps too!

  7. Cathy, you’re the greatest friend in the whole world. I truly appreciate you taking care of things during my absence. Dave’s on vacation for two weeks and we’re going to clean up around here and paint the kitchen (well he is). I’m starting to feel better, but still pretty weak and tired most of the time. I’m told this s normal. Taking on all this for me truly shows how big your heart is. I applaud you for all this. You’re doing a fabulous job. BIG HUGS & we’ll talk soon. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!! Not sure about a burger, but hubby promised to go get me a shake. Woo Hoo

    1. Marie,

      Painting the kitchen probably isn’t what Dave had in mind for vacation, huh? lol I’m glad you’re feeling better. Yeah, I’ve heard recovery from pneumonia is slow, so take it easy. Getting the linky for the gals is a small thing and am happy to help whenever I can. I know how much this hop means to you and I just want to see it running smooth for you. I hope you got your milkshake over the weekend. I fixed hamburgers for us and we had plenty of ice cream. I can ice cream every day of the week and never get tired of it. Thanks for taking the time to boogie with me, dear friend!

  8. This is a great theme with endless possibilities! 🙂 We actually just came back from a weekend trip to London (2 hours southwest from here). ‘Ventura Highway’ will forever remind me of the time I drove on it in 2010, from San Diego to Santa Maria and back, 6 hours each way. The scenery was incredible! I hope you’re having a nice Memorial Day, Cathy. Thanks for the tunes.

    1. Debbie,

      I was thinking London England when I read your comment. lol Having incredible scenery makes any trip more enjoyable and memorable. I don’t know if I could make a long trip by myself. I know I could if there was no other choice but it’s certainly something I wouldn’t do alone unless I had to. We spent a lot of time in the car this weekend, mostly doing stuff around town exploring various spots we haven’t been ever visited or haven’t done in a long time. It was really nice to kick back for a no stress, fun filled weekend with DH. 🙂

      1. Yes, most people would think of England. 🙂 London, Ontario is much smaller, but just as nice. For the California road trip, I wasn’t alone by choice, but it was a much needed respite during a very stressful time. (The purpose of the trip was to meet an internet friend.) My father had just had unsuccessful cancer surgery and I was living with my parents in San Diego, taking care of things, for about 6 weeks. Hubby had to work, plus look after my business (with the help of friends) on the home front. Exploring is always fun, especially when you have a DH to do it with! I’m glad you had a nice weekend. Enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

        1. Debbie,

          I sort of figured your trip alone wasn’t by choice and I certainly understand how such a trip can reduce stress even if it’s temporary. It sounds like that was not only a difficult period for you but your hubs. Yeah, I figured you were referring to a city in your neck of the woods since you didn’t mention England. There are many cities in North America that come from Europe. Have a good evening!

    1. Barbara,

      I used to like driving when I was younger but over the people got more crazy on the road taking unnecessary risks. They leave no room for error. Not to mention there are a lot of angry people on the roads, which accelerate these poor driving characteristics exponentially. Yeah, there’s no way any of us can share all of this week’s theme song possibilities but it’s fun to share the resource. Thanks for stopping in for a visit! 😉

  9. I prefer to be the passenger, mostly because I tend to nod off. Great selection of road songs! I went a little overboard 😉

    1. Mary,

      Nodding off is something I do, too. It’s really scary when that happens, but when we’re on long trips I try to drive a little so DH can get a bit of rest. He amazes me how well he handles being behind the wheel for hours. Thanks for taking a spin with me on the dance floor!

  10. It depends who is driving:) my hubby has ADHD, classic and severe so he is a good driver but I am on edge since he gets angry a lot plus he doesn’t like people around him so he has been known to speed up and pass them either in the passing lane or in the slow lane….ughhhh. All in all though, I like it when someone else drives.

    1. Birgit,

      I don’t like being in a car with an angry person so I understand how that makes you feel on the edge of your seat. Thankfully DH isn’t an angry driver but I’ve ridden with another family member years ago who had problems in this area and it when he got mad, Oh brother! I’d rather be put out on the side of the road than to be in the car. Thanks for dancing with me, my friend. I’ll see you soon!

  11. Good theme for the long holiday.

    I’m definitely the driver. I love to drive and enjoy driving on long trips. It’s nice to have someone like my wife to spell me for a while when I get a bit sleepy so I can catch a few winks and not slow down the trip, but once I’m refreshed I want to get back in the driver’s seat. If I’m driving for a long ways by myself then I usually have to pull over at least once for a brief nap which is not very pleasurable if it’s real hot outside. But if I can find a pull-off under a nice shade tree then that’s fine.

    I’ve got some long driving coming up in July and I’m looking forward to it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  12. We aren’t traveling this weekend, but we will be soon. My preference is the driver’s seat, as much as possible, can we say control freak? Happy blog break, i hope you are getting rested up!

    1. Mimi,

      Yes, I can say “Control Freak”. I think that’s the problem with most passengers feel that loss of control. I have ever confidence in DH’s capabilities but I hate being in heavy traffic with the zillions of crazy drivers riding our bumper and zigging in & out of traffic. It’s very stressful, so what do I do? I close my eyes and it all goes away. lol Thanks for dancing with me.

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