Lately, I’ve listened to the country station on iTunes radio a lot when this morning’s artist popped up. I’m sure it was blog buddy Stacy Uncorked who introduced this ole boy to me, but when this song played it sorta stuck and I knew the only cure was for me was to share it with you.
Drake White is a southern fried boy, born and raise in Alabama. He grew up singing in the choir and writing songs at 14. This was the start of something big to come, but before he got into music he earned a degree in building science and started life off as a general contractor in Nashville, Tennessee. Was it a coincidence that White wound up in the music capital of the world? I don’t know, but he put aside his slide ruler, hammer, and saw in favor of a singing career and he happened to be in the right city to do it.
Drake White and The Big Fire was the open act for big names (Eric Church, Luke Bryan, and Lynyrd Skynyrd) in country. White is still the new kid on the block, releasing his first single The Simple Life in 2013(peaked 36 on Country Airplay charts), and signed with Big Machine Records June of last year, but that all being said I think the boy has a future with building a music career. Here’s his newest single, It Feels Good.
Who does White sound like to you? I can’t put my finger on it and it’s driving me a bit nuts. I hope you can help.
In the past year, I shared a bit of selfie humor ~ last fall and this spring. It fun to make fun of oneself or better still those caught up in the crazy phenomenon. Anywho, I saw a hilarious video done by Pizza Hut and I knew that I HAD to pass the giggles on. Have you seen it? No! Okay, enjoy!
What’s got you smiling?

I found doing my photo-art each week that there’s a poet locked inside trying to get out. What do you think?
That’s a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I appreciate you including me in your weekend. Feel free to invite your friends to stop in for a listen. It’s a great feeling to share! What’s next….more music with Monday Mewzik & Mewzings!

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Hhhmmmmmm, I think he sounds a little bit like Tyler from Aerosmith… and someone else in there that I can’t quite pinpoint??? but I definitely get some Steven Tyler vibes. maybe crossed with John Mellencamp..???
that sounds so weird – LOL. obviously it works though.
lilacs are definitely my favourite! love the poem.
Les, Neal does remind me of Mellencamp, but not so much of Steven. Maybe, this is who I’m thinking of. I’m stuck on the iTunes country station lately and this song plays often and I really like the sound of McCoy with this song.
I hadn’t heard of Drake White – guess they aren’t playing him down here yet…or I haven’t been paying attention.
I love that photo & the sweet bee! That verse is perfect with it. I’m never going to be one who wants to play around with poetry – just not my thing. But I do love reading other people’s work.
Stopping by from sARTurday!
Jennifer, I just dabble with the poetry. I hope to improve on this little gift each week. It doesn’t come easy to me, as it seems to others, but practice (A LOT) makes perfect! Thanks for joining me today. Now to hop over to ssee what you’re sharing!
This music is new to me. Thanks for the recommendation. Happy Caturday
Anytime, my friend! It’s nice to see you here today. BTW, I loved your photo cat series today…just too darn cute ~ kitties in Paris!
First off, I love that you found your poetic vibes in and are sharing them with my s-ART-urday. And your image is fantastic, love the added bee trail
That is ONE hilarious video – I’m still smiling. Now I know why you wanted to know about a selfie stick, just beware of the danger of addiction and damage to others and properties around you – LOL. Seriously though, they are pretty handy, e.g. if you’re traveling alone a lot and want yourself in the picture. So far I did not want one, but who knows, never say never. But in a place that looks like everyone is holding a golf club into the air – I think I’d be too embarrassed to pull it out… silly me. Have a great weekend! And thank you for linking up at my s-ART-urday.
Claudia, in the past poetry always made me nervous…like I couldn’t do it, but I just kept at it looking for inspiration through my creations and found the words have a way of forming…kinda like magic! Actually, I was asking about the selfie stick because it’s hard to keep your face from being distorted. So, I thought this would be a cool gift to get DH, since he usually does selfies of us when we’re out taking in the scenery. Thanks for the warning & for letting me know in the email I got today of your experience or lack of I should say. lol Take it easy!