Does anyone know what’s really going on with Google+? Does this mean the shared platform will disappear in April or does this mean everything connected with Google+? I disconnected Google+ from my blog share, so if you’re relying on that as a means of keeping in touch with me then you’re not going to see any post highlights there anymore.
How was your weekend? Ours was nice. We didn’t do a lot but we did manage to take a drive along the newly opened section of the Foothills Parkway (tomorrow I’m sharing a few pix) on Friday and then Saturday, we drove over to Bryson City, North Carolina. The forecast was warmer there then it was here, so we took a gamble to go with the hopes of strolling around town which we did. It was awfully busy, though.
Unfortunately, we didn’t do any house hunting this weekend. I have only one place that we need to do a drive by and the others I need to show to DH on the computer to get his feedback. I’ll keep you posted, though.
We finished watching the Syfy series, Z-Nation on Netflix. I really hated seeing this come to an end after only five seasons. The writers could’ve gone longer with the storyline but for reasons unknown, to me, the program wasn’t renewed by the network. The writers concluded the show to not leave anyone in the lurches. I did learn that there’s a prequel (8-episodes) in the works, Black Summer, that depicts the beginning of the zombie apocalypse with a mother looking for her daughter. I’m not sure that we’ll give it a try because the one thing we very much did not like about Z-Nation is the domineering woman factor. It’s an in your face statement that says a woman can do whatever a man can. That’s not entirely true. She can take care of herself within reason and can outsmart those physically stronger but she can not take down a man with her bare hands like TV & movie characters. This is a lie giving young girls (and women) a false sense of what they are physically equipped to handle.
What’s the weather doing in your neck of the woods? Temperature wise not so bad but it’s sure going to be a wet week.

Are you a poet? Me not so much but I do try to give it a stab every now and then. One of the best bloggers on the net you’ll find is Eugenia at BrewNSpew with her Tuesday Chatter sessions, she’ll toss a word/express of the week to get your mojo cooking. This week word is – finicky – (adjective) – fussy about one’s needs or requirements. Showing or requiring great attention to detail. Synonyms – overcritical, difficult, awkward, exacting, demanding, perfectionist.
This morning, I spoke to DD#1 and while we talked I could hear my little Angelina fussing in the background and just like that today’s word prompt inspired this verse!
Little Baby
©2019 Cathy Kennedy
Little baby so sweet
Sometimes attention you seek
Dries of fussing
Disguise for feeding
Diaper changing
Or simply entertaining
Mama quietens those sighings
Difficult? Not purposely!
Finicky? Mostly certainly!
Babies aren’t really finicky but we all know how magical a mother’s touch is for little ones. I’m
linking up taking a coffee break for some with Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.
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Pssst…DJ Myke sent me.
A dank and dark day
Mist rises over the rising river
Will the road be cut?
Will I submit to it’s call
To float forever over damn and lock
Into the Tellico Valley below.
Hello Christopher,
That Myke is a sweet fellow. Thanks for dropping in for a visit and your message, a lovely poem. This is quite appropriate considering we’re under a flood watch until 7am tomorrow. Please feel free to stop in anytime. You’re amazing with wordplay just like Myke. I always marvel at such talent!
Never understood Google +, and now it looks like i don’t have to.
Fun poem!
I never got it either. I did conclude sometime ago it was a poor attempt to try to compete with Facebook but honestly, it never came close to matching that social platform.
I got that Google+ email too, plus a huge warning on my blog. Not sure whether I’ll lose followers because of it. A lot of people just create a Google+ profile and use it to comment on blogs. I have one, but don’t use it, so no loss to me there. Google keeps experimenting with new geewhiz youbeaut stuff, then, when people are used to it, decides it’s not working and deletes. I’m dreading the day they decide Blogger is old hat and I have to – shudder! – join WordPress. (I did for a short time and HATED it!)
The weather here has gone up and down – still summer here and some weeks we have temps in the 40s(Celsius, not Fahrenheit!), this week it’s mild. I live in Melbourne where there is a saying: “If you don’t like Melbourne weather, wait a minute.” A Massachusetts friend tells me they have the same saying there!
I used Blogger with my first blog Cathy Kennedy’s Blog and while that account is still active but I gave it a new blog title, I do not use it. WP takes a bit of time to get used to but once I did I like it very much so. Of course, both platforms work well for blogging. I have a Google+ for friends to follow me, so I’m sure that’ll disappear come April 1st but I’m not going to worry about and if it happens it happens. For years, I began following bloggers via email subscription and I have a Page dedicated to daily blog hops, so hopefully, I won’t lose sight of those I like to visit frequently. Thanks for popping in for a visit!
I got a mail that Google + will be closing in April. So many things happening in April. Apparently Google + didn’t catch fire like facebook and so to them it’s useless. Oh well. At least it’s not google search!
I need to remove it from my blog. bah. I can barely keep up. I need a new design.
My weekend was needing a weekend. I just need rest.
So glad you had a nice one though.
Ooh you are house hunting! I bet that is exciting! I love house hunting!
I do not know what Znation is, but I agree with you in regards to the lie of feminism being pushed on shows like that.
It’s alright for women to be women and men to be men. No need for equality in that aspect. Silly people do not understand how important this is.
Love this poem! Wish I was wordsy
Oh, I have weekends like that where I need another one. lol I’m a bit tired this morning and am tempted to take a little nap. I might still do just that before long. Yes, we’re house hunting and it’s not an easy job since we’re so finicky in what we want. After you live in one place for so long then you know everything you want differently because the next place will be our last I’m sure. This fall, we’ll be in this house for 39 years. That’s a long time. Z-Nation is a zombie series. I’m with you that it’s okay for women to be women and men to be men but our society is trying to degender the sexes. You see more and more women behaving like men and vice-versa. It’s a shame to see this happening and I pray that young women and men see this truth before it destroys the male/female roles completely. I’m not a wordsmith by any means but I do enjoy trying writing poetry when inspiration hits. Thanks for visiting.
Riffing Cathy to Infinity, Finicky
It is raining, cat and clowns here in Jackson.
I wish I had an umbrella here at my disposal.
Bolt of lightning, clap of thunder, in was on!
I was hoping for thunder snow; got a squall.
When it comes to weather, I’m a finicky guy.
When it comes to ice cream, hand cranked.
When push comes to shove, I wonder why…
Come April, how are you with being pranked?
This deal’s all about my Birthday, you know;
these random poems with no motive clear.
Trenchant title intact, easy come, easy go;
no room (or cognition) for emotion, I fear.
Does your melancholy ever wear a smile?
When caught in the cracks, do you lean?
The ways I see you weather a daily trial,
boasting broadest smile I have ever seen.
I sit with spinners, counting words aloud,
speaking of coffee as their elixir of life.
They design their vests, wear them proud,
They cut with a spoon, stir with a knife.
Michael Todd (2019)
Now, look what you made me do…
Eugenia gets a two-fer from Tennessee today.
You’re a true poet! I’m such a dabbler and you write verse after verse with one word prompt. Fabulous job!
Rain, rain, go away!! I need to see the sun please!
Hi Cathy, love your sweet poem and published on BrewNSpew. Yep, Google + didn’t live up to expecttions and going away. Here’s their email –
You’ve received this email because you have a consumer (personal) Google+ account or you manage a Google+ page.
In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019 due to low usage and challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers’ expectations. We want to thank you for being part of Google+ and provide next steps, including how to download your photos and other content.
On April 2nd, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages you created will be shut down and we will begin deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts. Photos and videos from Google+ in your Album Archive and your Google+ pages will also be deleted. You can download and save your content, just make sure to do so before April. Note that photos and videos backed up in Google Photos will not be deleted.
The process of deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts, Google+ Pages, and Album Archive will take a few months, and content may remain through this time. For example, users may still see parts of their Google+ account via activity log and some consumer Google+ content may remain visible to G Suite users until consumer Google+ is deleted.
As early as February 4th, you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events.
See the full FAQ for more details and updates leading up to the shutdown.
If you’re a Google+ Community owner or moderator, you may download and save your data for your Google+ Community. Starting early March 2019, additional data will be available for download, including author, body, and photos for every community post in a public community. Learn more
If you sign in to sites and apps using the Google+ Sign-in button, these buttons will stop working in the coming weeks but in some cases may be replaced by a Google Sign-in button. You’ll still be able to sign in with your Google Account wherever you see Google Sign-in buttons. Learn more
If you’ve used Google+ for comments on your own or other sites, this feature will be removed from Blogger by February 4th and other sites by March 7th. All your Google+ comments on all sites will be deleted starting April 2, 2019. Learn more
If you’re a G Suite customer, Google+ for your G Suite account should remain active. Contact your G Suite administrator for more details. You can also expect a new look and new features soon. Learn more
If you’re a developer using Google+ APIs or Google+ Sign-in, click here to see how this will impact you.
From all of us on the Google+ team, thank you for making Google+ such a special place. We are grateful for the talented group of artists, community builders, and thought leaders who made Google+ their home. It would not have been the same without your passion and dedication.
And, here’s the link to your sweet poem – https://amanpan.com/2019/02/19/little-baby-by-cathy-kennedy-february-19-2019/
Sending hugs!!!!
Yep, I got that same email. I reck the Google+ followers widget will also go away, too. I think if this happens then I’m not going to worry about it. I’m so tired of using Google’s products. The last time I got my followers up close to 1000 when Google’s Friends was yanked. I was so miffed over that and never got my numbers close to that, so I’m done with it. Heck, I’m this close to pulling all Google plug-ins off my site. I’m delighted you enjoyed my little verse and appreciate you sharing it with your readers. You’re such a sweetie!
what a sweet poem – I wish I still had a baby or two in the house. Those days are long gone – but I have had the pleasure of grandbabies – but then they all moved away so I don’t see them that often. I don’t have google plus (as far as I know)..never signed up for it.
Hi Cathy; Yup; Google+ is disappearing completely. Just another Facebook “wannabee” that failed. I didn’t use it much and won’t miss it, but those bloggers who are using Google+ for their commenting system are SOL as those comments will all disappear. Hopefully, they got the memo!
Your friend Eugenia has an interesting site. Thanks for the introduction! Your poem about babies is sweet.
Coincidentally, I just published a poem as well, but it’s a dark and disturbing tale. Blame it on the muse! 
I’d take your weather over ours in a heartbeat! The “winter from hell” continues here, with more snow and colder than normal temps. Have a good week!
Oh good heavens, I didn’t know Blogger blogs will lose their comments. That really stinks! I’m glad you enjoyed visiting Eugenia’s site. She’s a sweetheart! I’m not quite the poet but I am enjoying playing with words through her Tuesday Chatter sessions. It allows me to stretch my creative writing without overextending myself to do more right now. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. Keep warm. I can’t imagine how awful it is in Canada. I’m definitely not complaining about our weather. It’s nice compared to other places.
I disconnected several blogspot blogs from Google+, but don’t know what will really happen in April. I didn’t use it all that much though. We’ll see.
Looks like you’re going to get some rain too. We are having the second day of sunshine here. The rain returns tomorrow. Oh well.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Big hug and lots of love. ♥
I don’t do much with the Google+ platform, except to push post notifications there. However, I disconnected that feature this morning. My chum, Debbie from The Doglady’s Den said Bloggers who use the feature for commenting will lose that data come April 1st. Sounds like a horrible joke but I’m sure no one is going to be laughing if they aren’t prepared for it.
We don’t know the answer to the Google+ question but we’ve disconnected our blog too. Oh rain, rain, rain and more rain here.
Yep, it’s sure rainy but I’ll take it over the snow.