
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Wednesday Words of Weight Loss

Thanks, Patrice from Everyday Ruralty for hosting this fun get-to-know-me/you meme. Ladies…or gentlemen, if you need to rally together with others for encouragement while you embark upon that dreaded path of weight loss, then this meme is a fun way to keep connected with like-minded people. It doesn’t matter what your goals is, this group is here to support you.
Last week, I failed to participate in my normal Wednesday blog hops.  I had a good reason, don’t tiss-tiss me until you hear me out.  My DH had a dentist appointment. Poor dear! No one likes going to the dentist, do they?  I know, I only go with great reluctance and dread. But, who wants to talk about such things. Let me get to responding to this week’s WWW questions.

1. What’s your favorite day of the week? Why? Thursday or Friday because this is our normal time to kick off the weekend of togetherness as a family. Every other week, DH has Friday off. That’s why it fluctuates for me. =D

2. What was your favorite thing to do in the summer when you were a child?  Probably swimming in my best friend’s pool or going to the community pool, which was a good drive for us in rural WV.
3. Are you reading this on a laptop or desktop computer?  This morning, I’m on my laptop. We have an external computer monitor connected, so I don’t have to strain my eyes. And, now, I’m on our desktop.

4. Do you enjoy going to thrift shops/consignment shops or do you only purchase things new? Let me just say, I hate to shop for myself.  When I do shop, it’s for others and I always buy new items.  Years ago, I use to like yard sales, though. 

5.When was the last time you listened to a songbird singing?  I haven’t heard too many songbirds, but I know they are around.  I usually see them before I hear them.  The Mockingbird is sometimes spotted in our area.

At the top of my Home page, you’ll find more Wednesday memes under the “Daily Blog Hops” Tab.  Link up and have some hump-day fun!  Friday is coming, can you feel it in the air? =D

Have a wonderful  Wednesday!

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9 thoughts on “Wednesday Words of Weight Loss

  1. Well, you are a neighbor. lol. Glad you stopped by little niche in Blogville.  We all feel a little uncomfortable, but enjoy the fun of summer – swimsuit & all!

  2. I love to shop for myself….But with the exception of ebay, I only like new….

  3. I don’t like to shop for myself either.  When I do, I look for sales.  There’s a limit to what I’m willing to spend on certain things and some stores are very proud of their merchandise.  LOL

  4. Hi Cathy.  Although I’m not part of this Wednesday Mem, I enjoyed your post.  Enjoy your weekend “togetherness” as a family.

  5. Thanks for the follow, I’m following back.  We just moved to Seymour so I’m trying to adapt and hoping to get back into the groove of things.  Love living here though always something to.  Isn’t it funny I so use to love to go swimming has a child, now my girl wants me to take her and all I can think is I don’t feel like putting on a swimsuit.  Hopefully next year I will feel differently.

  6. Margaret Duarte Feel free to jump in & respond any ole time regardless if you join the meme or not.  I love comments! Togetherness time is wonderful as fam! =D

  7. @cd139a220562210b6ed295cab88ce7f6 True, true it’s so much more fun to have the extra time with hubs. I love it! You have a good week, too.

  8. @38c3780c5bb4ba493083a34fc3dbc5ae I shop sales, too. I don’t know how anyone can afford to pay full price. It’s outrageous! I prefer doing all of my buying online. It’s a thousand times easier and convenient.

  9. That’s great that you can have that extra time with hubby with his work schedule! I was a pool kid too. Have a great week!

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