
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Wednesday Hodgepodge Edition 50

Welcome to Wednesday Hodgepodge!  This is a weekly meme hosted by Joyce @From This Side of the Pond. I enjoy being a part of this get-to-know-me, get-to-know-you kinda fun  and I hope you’ll decide to join in!

Here are this week’s questions with my answers.

  1. What gives you goosebumps? Usually, I will get chills to run up my back when I or someone talks about divine intervention or personal testimonies. I always feel like I’m in the Almighty’s presence and I’m confident He’s joined me on many occasions. 
  2. Halloween – are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh…Halloween – yay or nay?  I don’t love it or hate it. I just see it as something sort of fun to do, mostly eating the candy part nothing else. I discourage trick or treaters by keeping our porch light off. It’s a hassle, plus I keep thinking about all the whacked out people who purposely want to hurt children. I think it’s far safer for kids to either stay home or go to a controlled environment, like a church function or social function of close friends or only allow your kiddos to go to the homes of people who are they know.
  3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect?  Truly a tricky question. I believe I can respect say the President, but I may not always trust him. In this case, I really do not trust this President. It’s more a less the institution President I respect and it certainly depends on the person occupying that post about trust issues.  However, in thinking about the average person. I respect some one’s opinions, but I may not always trust that person’s character because of their opinions because this plants seeds of doubt in my mind about that person. This is a bit wordy, but I believe you said it far better.
  4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose. In the autumn, I love apples, especially golden delicious apples. Mmm, the yummy sweetness goes great with caramels.  Of course, I won’t turn down anything with apples – cider, dumplings, cake, donuts, or pies – baked or fried
  5. What is something you wish was in your town? (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc) I’m stumped on this one. I can’t think of a single thing I’d like to see pop up in Knoxville. For its size, it’s fairly impressive and I’m totally happy with what’s available to us for the most part. Of course, we could use more independent ice cream and doughnut shops in the area.
  6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer? Batteries – yep batteries! My DH keeps them in the refrigerator so they’ll keep longer. Oh yes, and in the freezer, we have Blue Ice blocks.
  7. Are you at all superstitious? No, I’m not in the least. I don’t believe in good or bad luck. If something happens resulting in, either then I just chalk it up to either coincidence or God’s planning.
  8. Insert your own random thought here. All this talk of apples, Halloween remind me of one of the earlier posts I did on home-made caramels. Do you like them? If so, check out my recipe, Mystery Revealed…What’s In The Pot?  Our fall foliage around town isn’t all that spectacular. The colors are dry and muted, but that’s what my DH predicted weeks ago despite what the experts were saying. Thinking ahead to next month, I sense a slight swell of anxiety for all of my to-dos on my plate, but at the same time excited about the opportunity and challenge. You see, I’m going to be in charge of preparing Thanksgiving dinner for my in-laws. My MIL’s years in the kitchen have come to an end much to her resistance, but it’s necessary for us to pick up the work load. Over the years, she worked tirelessly  doing for each of us on many occasions and it’s now our season to shine for her and my FIL. They definitely deserve a little TLC.

To play along with our host at Wednesday Hodgepodge use the above questions in your own blog post and then hop over to link your post on her linky party.  Feel free to follow Joyce, me, or any number of others who are participating in this meme and don’t forget to tell me you’re a new follower. I’m always faithful in returning the love with a follow back, as I’m sure the others are, too!

Thanks for visiting!


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7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge Edition 50

  1. I love Knoxville. I agree that it has it all. When we lived in Kentucky, we passed through on our way to and from Atlanta (home). We stopped over in Knoxville for some great lunch/afternoon breaks!

    I had to start hosting Thanksgiving about 10 years ago. It was nerve wracking the first year or two, but then became easier and easier…I am a dork and made a notebook to follow starting November 13th!

  2. In the past two years we have transitioned the holidays over from my mom’s to the kids. I’m hosting Christmas this year and my sister Thanksgiving although we’ll be here with my hubs family for Thanksgiving. I cook for both this year…hmmm. My girls love to help though so that’s a bonus.

    Anyway, my mom was reluctant to let it go but once she did she actually enjoyed them more and is much less prickly during the Christmas season.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving as hostess!

  3. I have to…I mean get to…prepare the Thanksgiving feast this year too. We usually go to my dad’s but this year we have a most important wedding to attend- if we missed it, it would be like missing one of our own kids’ getting married!

  4. Yay for hosting Thanksgiving! I “get” to do it every other year and even though it’s not all that HARD, it’s the tricky timing that gets me! Darn that gravy! Ha.
    Good Luck!

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