Another week is half way through. Time waits for no one. With that being said, lets play some get-to-know-me/you memes. Stroll with me, as I pop in on Patrice!

- Stephanie asks, “What kind of competitions do you prefer to watch? Dancing, singing, or cooking? I’m a sucker for DWTS and AI. I wish I had talent to do both. My feeble attempt at these is best left at home where I can’t embarrass myself anymore than with my family. They have come to expect and somewhat accept my limitations. They just put up with me. What else are they to do? lol
- My Kid’s Mom asks, “Do you work? Are you retired? Are you a stay at home mom? I’m a SAHM. This has been my title for almost 24 years. Once upon a time, I always imagined myself returning to the work force, but in all honesty, I don’t have much desire to do this anymore. Part of me wonders, “Who would want to hire a 50-year old who has been at home for almost half of her life?” Not that I don’t have lots to offer, but still I know how 20 year olds think because I thought the same thing. Yeah, I know shame on me, right?
- Empty Nester asks, “What’s your favorite thing about winter? I would have to say the snow. However, when we do get it I don’t want a lot of it if it happens to fall during the week. I hate the thoughts of my DH traveling on slippery roads. Thankfully, he works in town and his commute is only 20 minutes unlike the 4-hour round trip he use to make every day from 2000-2010.
- Homeschool on the Croft asks, “What do you love most about where you live?” We live in a big enough city to enjoy many of the conveniences that rural life cannot benefit from. This is something I know a lot about growing up in southern WV, too. I’m spoiled now. Living in East Tennessee puts us within a short drive to the beautiful Appalachian mountains The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the Blue Ridge Parkway, and about 8-hours away from the Carolina shoreline. Nashville, TN and Atlanta, GA are reachable (3-4 hours) if we want to visit a larger city. Knoxville is a university town – Go Big Orange! Our weather is mild year round and we get to enjoy all four seasons. For us, it’s the perfect spot to live.
- Did you or your children(grandchildren too) ever have a dollhouse? Our daughters had and still do a Fisher Price dollhouse. They loved it, too. They could spend hours upon hours playing with that thing.
- Wendell asks, “If horses have blankets, why don’t they get a pillow too?” That’s a good question, Wendell. Why don’t horses have pillows? I don’t have much experience with your kind, but I was always under the impression horses sleep standing up. Am I right on this one? If this is the case, then how would you use a pillow?
Tag along with me, as I stop off at Joyce’s for a bit of….
1. What is something you are loving right now?
In general life. DD#1 has bought her first car. It’s not new, but that’s okay. Hopefully, it will be reliable and relatively hassle free for a used vehicle. I’m thinking this will give her more opportunities to get herself situation better. DD#2 is now married and is talking about going back to school. This is something my DH & I especially love hearing as our dream has always been for her to graduate from the University of Tennessee. DS will be graduating high school at the end of May and will be begin a new chapter. Life is good and I feel an overwhelming sense of God’s blessings raining on down on me. I’m simply loving life in the moment and thanking my heavenly Father for all He has given me and continues to give me.
2. Paris, Venice, New York, and Rome are considered four of the most romantic cities in the world. Which one would you most like to visit?
Rome…I think pickpockets and purse-snatchers. New York…I think rats and muggings. Venice…I think, “Why would anyone want to take a boat ride on the canals were the sewage gets dumped?” Paris…I think public bathrooms, will I find one that works? If only I could get pass these pet peeves to focus on the romance behind these cities. Ah, Paris the City of Love or Venice the City on the Water or New York the City that Never sleeps or Rome the Eternal City!
3. Are you a romantic?
I wanna be a romantic, but I find it so hard to be one with children in the house. The only time I truly consider myself a romantic is when we have the house to ourselves. This isn’t a regular thing, either. The tide is slowly changing, though.
4. What’s your favorite love story made for the Big Screen?
Can I pick three? If so, then they’d be…
5. Everyone loves Pooh bear and friends…which character are you most like and why? Click here for help in answering this question.
The result of personality quiz is…

6. What’s the best chocolate something you’ve ever eaten?
I don’t know if it’s the best chocolate something or not, but when I think of chocolate this is what I come up with…
7. Share a favorite quote about love.
“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” ~Anonymous
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My heart delighted to learn our daughter & our new son-in-law thought about us while on their honeymoon. They returned home bearing gifts of truffles from French Broad Chocolates , raspberry preserves from Biltmore Estates, a Bapchi’s Caramel Toffee Exotic candy bar by Vosges Chocolate, and honey suckers.I forgot where these came from, but they are regionally made.The gesture blew us away!
My DH is sick. He doesn’t have a cold or flu, but a very bad allergy flare-up which is just as awful as the common cold. Yesterday, I began doing some serious arranging around the house which stirred dust, my #1 allergen. Now, my throat is all scratchy feeling. Blah!
Speaking of germs, did you read my Random Tuesday Post, 5 Cold Proof Tips for Your Cosmetics, Super Bowl XLVI Commercials & Daughter’s Wedding Cake? If not check it out!
I have question about real estate. Here’s the deal, our mortgage gets paid off this fall. I seriously want us to begin looking for a bigger home with some property. I’m thinking something along the line of 5 to 10-acres. That’s not much, but honestly anything more than that and I’m thinking will be way out of our limit. What’s the best way to begin this process? Can I find locations and pricing online? I think it would be awesome to take virtual tours of property we’re interested in and getting a general idea of what it would cost us per/month before involving a realtor. What are your thoughts on this?
Bringing up the rear is…

Your lovely hostess, Angela, from Mommy Time Out and I would like to welcome you to another mid-week round of fun. This isn’t a get-to-know-me/you meme. It’s a walk down memory lane. It’s interesting to see what others remember.
Today’s flashback takes us to 2006.
What events stand out in your mind? This is one of my best memories…
This was an important year for DD#1, Brittany. She closed the home school chapter of her life with pride and honor. I’ll never forget how proud we were to present her with her high school diploma.
The worse memory I have of 2006 was my brother’s death. He was only 40 years old.
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HEY … I LOVE Kanga … so of course I had to follow you:) Hope you can visit today and return the favor
Hi, I just found your site through your blog hop and am your newest follower. Great blog! I look forward to seeing more fun posts and connecting with you. Thanks for hosting the blog hop!
Hi There I am a new follower from “Way Back Wed Hop” and would love to have you stop by as well, love meeting new friends and sharing my blog. ~Happy Valentines~
Oh My Heartsie
You’re hometown sounds wonderful. I can’t imagine going out into the work world either. Wendell says horses sleep standing up, but he wants a pillow so he can be just like people.Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you next week.
Thanks for hosting, new follower, hope you come by!
You can definitely view real estate on line. Two houses went up for sale in my neighborhood and we went on line as soon as the signs were up to see what they were asking. We will sell at some point so we watch the market here. Many listings have virtual tours or at least photos.
Good luck!
except for NY since I live here, I have no desire, really to go to any of those cities.. I much prefer a tropic beach
You are so right about those romantic cities. It’s hard to get excited about them when you see them without the rose-colored glasses.
I am Winnie the Pooh…that was a surprise!
Jumped over from Wed. HP. Enjoyed your thoughts. Your thoughts about those romantic places are spot on. I lived near Paris for 3 years, and never got used to their restrooms. It seems that a lot of us have the Kanga characteristics. It’s the mama showing. Have a good day.