
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Wayback Wednesdays Hodgepodge

Have you forgotten me? Gee, I sure hope not! For the past couple of week’s DS’s graduations buried me beneath a ton of preparationl by the time Wednesday rolled around, it was kinda like zing and it was gone – no blog hops!

It’s been rather shameful on my part because I have kinda abandoned my co-host position with my lovely partner in crime Angela from Mommy Time Out in her mid-week fun with Wayback Wednesdays. That being said, I’m committed today to hop and hop I shall!

Angela is in the 80s groove. Who can blame her? That was an awesome era for music. Personally speaking, there are far too many songs from this decade to pin it down to one song but this morning this one takes me wayback…


To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please)


Now that I’m in the blog hop zone, let me jump on my magic carpet and hop fly over to From This Side of the Pond for more fun.

Here’s what Joyce is asking this week…

1. What is a pet peeve you have when vacationing?  If you’ve followed my posts, then you know real vacations are far and few between for us. However, I do remember enough about them to know what really grates my nerves and that is a guest who check in late at night or who come in late. There’s so much banging around. Luckily, it doesn’t drive me insane for too long and that’s only because I’m so dead tired I almost fall back to sleep immediately. Every vacation we’ve taken has been thousands of miles from home. We drive straight through and once we hit our destination, we’re always on the go. Naturally, when bedtime comes we’re all knocked out.


2. Would you describe yourself as a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink? Packing light has always been my style. I hate wooling with lots of baggage period. My strategy always is to think versatile in the types of clothing I throw into the suitcase. That’s not easy especially when all of our vacating in the past has been for a family of five. It should be bunches easier now that we’re down to three. Perhaps, if we’re blessed then next spring we can actually take real vacation, like Maine. Oh I love that place!


3. What’s the best lesson a child ever taught you?  Patience. Before parenthood, I considered myself to be pretty impatient. I’m not going to lie to you in saying I’ve got this down cold because I haven’t. But…having wee ones helped to slow down my pace to fit theirs.  In  retrospect, I wish I had slowed down even more than I did. There were times I was too hurried and aggravated where I didn’t want wee ones to create more of a time crunch problem. My attitude was wrong. I now know why patience fit grandparents like a glove. They learned this lesson the first go around and don’t want to make the same goof-ups again.I’m not a fortune-teller (don’t believe in them), but if I were I would say, “I see…yes, I see a future with less stress, more relaxation, and the attitude of ‘stop & smell the roses’ kind of or a surrounding me along with lots of little happy faces in my presences.”


4.  Share one piece of advice you’d give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?  The most important thing I can offer to a new graduate is to pray. Ask God to open your heart as to where to apply and what door to walk through. Keeping God in the center of your life is the most important thing. Sometimes God gets left out when we think we got this far on our own, but that’s not true – entirely. God plays a huge role in where we are at any given point.


5. What’s your favorite lemon something? Hmmm, I like lemon usually best in baked goods. One of my favorites is my lemon-blueberry pound cake with a lemon glaze. Yummy it’s so good for the tummy!


6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel…your favorite footwear?  Being a petite gal standing only 5’2″ I need elevation. I like heels the best – classic pumps are usually my first choice because they are the most comfortable to wear, but I do love wearing strappy sandal heels when the weather is warm. Heels make for pretty sexy legs, too. *wink-wink* Go ahead and whistle, I love it! Hey girls like compliments and I take this as one when it happens on the rare occasion.


7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you’re not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least? It’s not like I dislike a the beach, but rather it be my least preferred get-a-way spot. I’m not a sun goddess. I like the ocean, but I prefer seeing the sights especially of a rugged, rocky shores along the New England coast. That being said, my best part of beach life are the lighthouses. I love, love, love visiting these mysterious and romantic spots.  A couple of weeks ago, I posted some of our Maine lighthouses vacation pictures from 2004, if you want to take a peak at them then click here.


8. Insert your own random thought here.  Life is good, don’t you agree? This week, I’ve stepped my blogging game up with my PR Friendly campaign.  This is an idea I’ve toyed with for…a year give or take a few months. What promoted me to put the metal to the pedal is a sponsor requested to use space on my blog. No turning back now! My first commitment and ad is now in place. A couple of days of work and wha-lah, I a little extra money in my pocket PayPal account. The best part of it all is I didn’t have to leave the house to do it.  That’s almost like magic, huh? I think I can like this sort of thing, if I can turn a serious profit doing it. Hey world-wide web, I want more sponsors and I want to do product reviews and giveaways.

No need to freak. Blogging is still about content and visits from friendly little ole memes just like this. This the most important thing to me. I just wanna be your friend coz I’m just the girl next door after all. I will admit the money is very, very nice, but the reality is I’m not going to be a millionaire like the teenage girl on MySpace. Did you hear about it? Ashley Qualls made her fortune by allowing sponsored ads on her page. Can you imagine? It’s too much of a stretch for my imagination to think someone can make THAT kind of money with something as simple, as Google’s AdSense. It just goes to show how powerful the Internet is. This young lady was ahead of her time.

I guess sponsors can pay someone like me peanuts compared to what large advertising firms or newspapers or magazines would charge to run a layout.  The benefit becomes mutual between a sponsor and a little social networker like myself. It’s a win-win situation all the way around. Ashley definitely proved it’s possible to do big things with a small idea. Way to go, Ashley!




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4 thoughts on “Wayback Wednesdays Hodgepodge

  1. I’ve toyed with the idea of getting paid to blog, but I’m not sure I can force myself to commit to the extra time I would feel obligated to put in. Maybe one of these days.

  2. Love your answer for #3! What in the world is PATIENCE? Hmm…definitely something I think we could all use a little work on! 😉 I’m curious…how do you go about getting sponsors for your blog? I wouldn’t mind doing that myself if it means a little cha-ching in the pocket. Every little bit helps!

  3. Patience is something I’m still working on. It can be so hard sometimes in the moment, but when I look back, I always feel guilty. Oh, the guilt of a mother! I just try to remember, the little things to me are the big things to him. 🙂

  4. Patience is so hard to learn, I know that I want it right now, but children certainly are good teachers. Have a good and prosperous day.

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