
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Various Artists Playlist

Awww Mondays

I know some of you aren’t football enthusiasts.  I admit in recent years with all the political garbage going on with the players, teams, and MSM has stolen my joy for the sport but you can’t deny this little kitten is pure cuteness making the image a purrfect fit for Awww Mondays.  Are you ready for some football?   

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!  

Last week, Mary asked us to spell LABOR DAY with our song titles.  What you don’t know is I originally slated a different playlist and then within 24 hours got the notion that wound up using but I didn’t want to waste a purrfectly good playlist so am going to share my various artist playlist for today’s your choice song picks week.  Are you ready to dance?  

Here’s a list of today’s songs only.

  1. Live It Up ~ Sheryl Crow  
  2. Animal ~ Aurora
  3. Baby Mine  ~ Georiga Merry
  4. O (Fly On) ~ Coldplay
  5. Reverse ~Gioli (instrumental – handpan)
  6. Dance On The Moon ~Aurora
  7. Atlantis ~ Seafret
  8. You Can Do Magic ~ America It was this song in this set that inspired last week’s playlist and causing me to move this playlist to this week. . 

Please readthis is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

On behalf of the 4M crew, you’re invited to link up and join the dance party!

AttentionWould you like to be the 4M honorary co-host for a month? November is open ready to be snagged! Send me an email or leave a message in comments saying ‘Count me in, I want to do it!’ and I’ll secure your spot, then zip you an email with details.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

What mewsic is movin’ you this morning?  I can’t wait to boogie with you! 


Please visit these Monday hops!

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus





















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37 thoughts on “Various Artists Playlist

  1. I have heard of most of the artists that listed on the playlist but never heard of those songs. Have to check them out! Thanks for the recommendations!

  2. We don’t look at football, but we like to look at this kitty with his football. Very cute💗We are very late with our mewsic, but we found a way to participate anyway. Coldplay and America are our favourites of your playlist, CK, the other songs we didn’t know… until now, now I want to dance on the moon too😸Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend🐾😽💞

    1. John,

      I didn’t want to leave this playlist hanging after working to pull it together, so I’m glad everyone is enjoying it. Thanks for joining in the fun!

  3. Excellent line-up, as usual, Cathy! Sheryl Crow is always a favorite. And I agree about politics and sports – I 100% agree with you, I don’t like seeing political views in sports or movies, either. I was happy, however, that my Seahawks won their first game of the season yesterday – by one whole point, but still a win! 😉 Thanks for the dance, my friend – have a great week! 🙂

    1. Stacy,

      Hey a win is a win, right? Sometimes the score is tight and that was definitely a tight game! Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, darlin’. I’m boogieing over to see you soon!

  4. Happy Monday, Cathy! Politics and sports don’t mix, IMO. Thanks for the mewsic and I like Sheryl Crow – she rocks! Have a great week ahead!

    1. Eugenia, The sad truth as long as we have a highly charge, entitled, bratty society then we’re going more of this sort of thing. I don’t like seeing political views in sports or movies. I just want to be entertained, not lectured which reminds me of a funny film we watched over the weekend. Well it wad until right up to the last 30 mins when they decided to switch gears by spoiling the fun by making a point about its okay the way you are but is it okay to be the way you are if you purposely sabotaged your appearance for whatever reason and then wonder why you’re not accepted by certain circles? That’s craziness! Gee, I’m ranting. I’m sorry for that but you know how I am, any time a celebrity or other famous people try to force their views on me then it generally gets me going. Lol Sheryl Crow definitely rocks & she’s sexy!!

      1. It’s amazing the junk they push on us through any type of media! I am ranting right along with you because no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to escape it. And I become very annoyed when Hollywood voices their political views. They are just like anyone else and I could care less about what they think. Ok – end of my rant! 🤐

  5. Whoa! Most of these songs and artists are new to me. You have a wide range of musical tastes altho the first one was the only one I could dance to. We don’t watch football anymore but I bet it’s for the opposite of why you don’t. We do watch the kitten bowl but were disappointed that Yankee announcer John Sterling wasn’t calling it last year.

    1. CK,

      I do like a variety of tunes and I love it when I’m introduced to something new. I like saving those to share on freebie week. We haven’t abandoned watching pro football altogether yet but it does get aggravating to see spoiled elitest thinking others what to see their demonstrations instead of being entertained. You’re the second purrson to mention the Kitten Bowl. I’ll have to see if I can find a YT clip. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me. I’m heading your way soon!

  6. I love the playlist. You have a few of my faves. The kitten is cute. I agree with you totally about sports. I’m a borderline football fan. The kitten looks like he comes from the Kitty Bowl that they run every year during the Super Bowl. I find myself watching that one more than the Super Bowl.
    Have a great day.

    1. Chris,

      What’s this there’s a Kitty Bowl? That is something new to me. I bet that’s really cute to watch. 😀 Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. I’ll boogie over to see you soon!

  7. OMG Your tunes are so awesome, and I even had time to listen to every one! They’re all so cute and I loved Baby Mine (re: Dumbo)… that tune always makes me feel so mello inside. Lovely! Atlantis ~ Seafret was really interesting and had me thrown through a loop trying to figure it out . hahahaha I’m just a ditz I guess! hahaha Now, You Can Do Magic ~ America now this tune… is sooooooooooo cool! MAGIC… you know you’re the one that can put out the fire!!! It’s so upbeat and says so much! Thanks Cathy you’ve totally put me in a great mood! Have a great evening and an even great week! BIG HUGE HUGS TO my favorite person!! BIG HUGS

  8. Hi there! We rarely watch football…sometimes even miss the Super Bowl…but we love baseball, rugby and curling….I know…we’re different! Cheers!

    1. Kathe,

      We haven’t missed a Super Bowl in recent years. Football is one of our favorite spectator sports to view on a regular basis. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor.

  9. An interesting playlist because I knew the grand total of one of these songs (he America song) and just a couple of the artists. So, that’s always exciting. Coldplay – I never paid them much attention despite their fame, but I liked that song a lot. And Atlantis – that video was….different – I saw the various interpretations on You Tube. You have a great week, Cathy!

    1. Alana,

      Coldplay has a few songs that I like but right now I can’t think of the titles. That’s usually how newer groups mewsic is with me, I like something but it just doesn’t stick in my brain well unlike the oldies. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor and don’t worry about making rounds while you’re on vacation. Everyone will understand. 😉

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4-M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I intended to be the early bird again this week and visit you first thing this morning. I started checking for your MMMM post at 5 am and checked back a few more times before getting called away and pressed into service. You see, we are in another city again this week assisting family members in need. I was tied up all day and this is my first opportunity to log back on and look for your post.

    Once again you were clever in spelling Labor Day with the first letters of the song titles. Every one of these songs is brand new to me as are most of the artists. I enjoyed both songs by Norwegian singer Aurora Aksnes. She sings in English but her native accent is noticeable which makes her recordings all the more refreshing. I also appreciated the introduction to Georgia Merry, the English YouTube star who specializes in song medleys from Disney films. I enjoyed her performance of “Baby Mine” from the 2019 film Dumbo. I never saw a “pannist” in action and thoroughly enjoyed that handpan instrumental. I am also loving the British duo Seafret and their debut 2015 single and video “Atlantis.”

    Thank you for enabling me to learn about several new-to-me artists and sample mewsic styles that are also new to my ears. Please understand that I am going to be tied up with important family matters for the next several days before we can leave here and return home. Therefore I might be late getting over to CAAC some days and might even need to skip a post or two.

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m sorry about the delay with my post. It wasn’t until later in the morning that I realized that my post didn’t post which turned out I had it set to go live a day later. That’s why it went up later than usual. I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with some matters on your end and hope that the family crisis you mentioned isn’t serious. Don’t worry about a thing in Blogosphere. I understand completely! Thanks for taking the time to listen to my playset. The pannist was a cool discovery and I’m delighted you enjoyed the vid, as well as the others on my list. I can’t believe I got you with all of them. Is this a first for me? Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, my friend. Be well and have a boogietastic week!

  11. Great tunes Cathy 🙂 I know most of them. I’ve had some big band songs stuck in my head lately! Far cry from your playlist! 🙂 The cat is cute. I used to LOVE football…I haven’t had a television since 2008, I guess that’s when I stopped watching and being interested in sports!

    1. Rain,

      You haven’t had a TV since 2008? WOW, that’s amazing!! We don’t watch a lot except for on the weekends. I rarely have ours on during the day. I might stream something on my iPad while on my elliptical but that’s it. I speed too much time on the computer to watch the boob tube. 🙂 Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my dear. Have a boogietastic week.

  12. That was a terrific playlist and a totally adorable kitten! We’re with you, we no longer watch pro football either. Besides the political BS, it shouldn’t take 3 days to complete a game.

    1. Brian,

      Yep, they killed the sport in many ways. We still watch it but it’s not nearly the same and we always have our eyes on keen for the privileged ones who think it’s okay to say or do whatever they want because they have a multi-million dollar income. Just play the game and keep everything else away from the sport! Thanks for boogieing with me, my little furriend!

  13. Awww, so cute. I’m with you on all the political stuff with sports. I won’t watch anymore.

    Love how you spelled out Labor Day with your play list.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for joining me on the dance floor with my various artist playlist and for adding me to your Awww Mondays linky. I’m heading your way in the dark of the morning but it’s supposed to be a sunny day later. 😉

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