
15-03-2025 Vol 19

UPDATE: 2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘Dudley’ in living color! #AtoZChallenge

Earlier today, I shared my pencil drawing of Dudley from the Little Mermaid TV show and I promised when I added color to my illustration that I’d share it with you.

Well, the time has arrived. I got busy last night and finished up not long ago.  I used a sepia color Sakura Micron (003) pen to outline my image before applying color with my Prismacolor pencils and for a finishing touch, I took a piece of Kleenex tissue to smooth the colors.  I got a little bleeding where I didn’t want but there’s nothing I can do about that now except to learn from the process.

[tweetthis]Check out the #update to #TheLittleMermaid art sketch character #Dudley now in living color! #Prismacolorpencils [/tweetthis]

The next two images, I used the Prismacolor illustration, playing with Pixelmator I added the newspaper effect.  In the first one, I kept it at its default color, white, but bumping the glow effect to brighten the picture. The second one, I changed the default color to cyan and adjusted the angle which gives the impression that Dudley is underwater or at least it does to me. What do you think? Do you like these image edits?

I’m unclear how I want to handle updates in this series.  Do you like getting a separate post or would you prefer I go back to the original; add it there and then tell you about it in the following day’s post?  

You’ll find other bloggers crazy as me on the Google A2Z spreadsheet if you’d like to discover a whole lot of talent and don’t forget to stay tuned for tomorrow’s edition of The Little Mermaid art sketch series, E is for…, you didn’t think I was going to give you a spoiler now, did you? 😆

Have a good evening! X💋X💋, Cathy







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23 thoughts on “UPDATE: 2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘Dudley’ in living color! #AtoZChallenge

  1. I’d say adding a new post rather than adding to an old one is the way to go, like you just did 🙂 Love the variations!

  2. Oh, I like the colored version much better. That is really good, thanks for sharing your sketches. Bye for now.

  3. I love my prisma pencils and the Gamsol alcohol that one can use to smooth out the colour and make it pop more. You did an amazing job and I love the experimentation which both make it look like underwater. I like the strong blue…reminds me of the blues I saw in the glacier lakes in BC. If it makes it easier to create a separate post, then I would do that because you don’t want to be stressed, you want to have fun. Besides, I like that I have to weait to see what you do…it’s exciting

  4. That Dudley is one good-looking turtle. I like the first sketch best. Either way you handle your updates is okay by me.

  5. Glad to see Dudley in color. He is my favorite so far. I look forward to the rest of the A to Z sketches!

  6. I like the top one the best. The blue is a bit too much blue for me, maybe lower the amount? so more of the color bleeds through?

    1. Mary,

      I may have to play some more with the newspaper effect and try decreasing the cyan to see if that helps. Unfortunately, the newspaper effect converted my colored illustration to black & white. Not to worry I have the original intact. I was more or less goofing with the various filters in Pixelmator and thought this effect was interesting.

      1. oh I didn’t realize it also converted to b&w. Does it let you do layers? Like having the original on the bottom layer and then having a duplicate on top and then applying th layer to the top one and making the top one at 50%? I haven’t heard of phone apps doing layers though — just desktop ones but maybe i’m wrong.

        1. Mary,

          This version of Pixelmator is on my computer. It does allow you to do layers. I have the mobile app and will it allows you to make some photo edits, layering isn’t one of options. 🙂

        2. oh cool. Maybe layering will let you play with the best of both worlds then if you want to.

        3. Mary,

          Yep, it will. The newspaper effect isn’t a layer, but is applied directly to the layer you’re working on and it limits what you can do. That’s okay, though. It was a fun experiment.

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    I am over on my old blog and just noticed your colorized update of Dudley. Great job, dear friend. He pops! To me the colors are pleasing and natural looking. To answer your question, I will stand a better chance of noticing updates if you refer back to them in a regularly scheduled post.

    I wish you a good night and I’ll see you tamale, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for your opinion on what best gets your attention. I did add a reference in my ‘E’ post for those who might miss the second post. I appreciate your review on my colorized Dudley.

    1. Thanks Sue! I may try to use color markers at some point. The color pencils are nice but I just can’t get the colors to pop enough.

  8. These are all great. I like the one that looks like he is under water. 🙂

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