The Cherohala Sky is close to Tellico Plains, TN. It stretches all the way into Robbinsville, NC. It’s a great place for us to get away to when we don’t have time to go further. I did a screen shot of Google Maps with the skyway highlighted in red. It’s a road trip that can be turned into an all day adventure continuing pass Robbinsville to head to the Smoky’s if we want but on this day we didn’t.
Today, I’m revisiting my archived photographs from one of our trips which I used in 2011 on CAAC of Cherohala Skyway to use with my Brushstrokes app. I hope you enjoy seeing the difference between the two images. The first photo I converted in Brushstrokes is of Indian Boundary Lake.
The next picture is of Bald Creek Falls. To get to this falls requires no hiking, its visible from the road. During the peek seasons traffic is heavy and there’s limited parking but if the timing is right like it was for us on this day we found a spot and managed to get out to snap a few pics.
I never tire of the natural beauty of our locale and what makes it especially wonderful is we’re within a comfortable driving distance from these gorgeous scenic sights and more that many can only enjoy while vacationing in our area.
With Covid-19 still a threat, we don’t like mingling with the masses. It’s a chore to protect oneself from people who do stupid things all the time. This will all blow over, hopefully with our health not being compromised, so for now when we want to take in God’s country, we’ll scroll through our photo archives to soak up His creation!
Join my #WildWednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! The concept for this mid-week blog hop was conceived as I found myself moving farther away from photography and more toward art. Of course, that’s not what this party is about. You’re invited to share anything – artwork, DIY projects, photos, music, musings, randomness, recipes, and more!
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I’m gonna wrap things up with Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A:
1. What advice would you give yourself as we begin this new year? Don’t let blogging sideline you from being active!
2. If you could throw a themed party for yourself what would the theme be? An ice cream themed party. This is my favorite temptation. I could eat ice cream every single day if I let myself but I won’t. I’m not sure if this is what you were wanting Joyce but it’s the first thing that came to mind.
3. Tell us where you were and something about what life was like when you were 20- 21. At the age of 20 I was attending working on my associate degree in Business Data Processing and celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. We moved into our first home just the year before and we still live in the same house.
4. What’s on the menu at your house this week? Left overs. I still have some ham and turkey from Christmas dinner so we’ll eat on these things until it’s all gone.
5. What should you do more of this year? Less of? I definitely plan to do more moving this year. I spent way too much time sitting last year. My routine was interrupted by the pandemic but after I adjusted to having DH working from home I’m not sure what went wrong. I guess blogging allowed me to keep my mind off the troubles in the world.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Do you like pizza? I don’t know a person who would say anything other than yes and I want to share with you two recipes I have tweaked over the past year. The first one is my easy pizza dough recipe and the second one is my home-made pizza sauce.
I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!
That wraps things up for now. I’ll be joining Rain’s Art Date tomorrow and I hope you’ll stop by. Have a wonderfully fun and WILD WEDNESDAY!
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Beautiful, and i will look at those recipes as soon as i can.
Everything here looks so amazing. From pizza to the falls to the brushstrokes. So very cool. Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing everything.
Thanks,my friend. I’m happy you enjoyed the content. Have a great weekend!
I love the pics, Cathy! I agree about more moving this year! I am ready to boogie!

Boogieing is a great way to move!
And fun too!
I enjoyed reading your answers, Cathy! And your pizza recipe sounds amazing!
Happy Thursday!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Veronica. I’m glad you enjoyed my responses and recipe.
We do try to get out every day and walk or hike, no matte the weather ( I do make exceptions for rain!) and we were doing great until we moved. Now with the new year, we are trying to get back in to the groove.
I grew up around waterfalls and love them!
Have a happy healthy week!
It’s difficult to get back into the groove when you’re away from something for a long time. I’ve been busy tidying things up around the house an haven’t managed to get on my elliptical yet. I’m hoping next week will be better. Thanks for visiting, dear!
The pictures are lovely. I do miss travelling very much. Hopefully things will improve later in the year and we can start again.
Those were good answers and beautiful artsy scenes too!
Thanks, Brian!
Hey Cathy- thanks for the recipes- I’ll be trying them later this week! Cheers and enjoy where you live- obviously you are!
Excellent! Let me know how yours turn out.
You know I make home made pizza at least once a month in my home. I do like your sauce recipe. Love the brushstroke art and your trip. I go to NC quite often. My daughter and SIL live there. Well before Covid. LOL A theme party, it would be a scary movie theme. Come as your favorite zombie, vampire, monster, whatever. LOL Have a great day today.
What part of North Carolina does your daughter live? A scary movie party theme sounds fun. I’d be a sexy vampiress. I’m not sure how well I’d convey sexy but I’d certainly be thinking it. lol
I’ve never made homemade pizza sauce but your recipe sounds great!
It’s quite easy and oh, so yummy!
You do live I. A beautiful area and it shows how lovely nature is and how much we need to protect it. I agree to move more and not spend as much on the IPad. I would love to have a party dressed as your favourite actor/actress..why not? Oh, when I was 20/21, I was in university and having a great time. I had one of my great parties at my family home and we all enjoyed ourselves. My parents joined in and everyone was healthy..a calm before the storm of later years, we have been eating spaghetti and fish.
A costume party dressed as your favorite actor/actress sounds like a lot of fun! How cool that your parents joined the fun. I bet they were a hit, too. I haven’t made spaghetti or lasagna in awhile. I need to do this!
Those shots are beautiful. I would be out and about enjoying them too. Fabulous.
We had homemade pizza last night. We like our pizza much better than going to a pizza parlor.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥
Yay for you at making home-made pizza! I think home cooked meals are generally better than restaurants. Thanks for popping by!
You do live in a beautiful area, great photos. I Need to move more this year too. I am practically a sloth. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful day! XO
No slothing around, get movin’ girl!
Yeah, it’s hard to get going some days. Have a good day, darlin’!
Lovely photos. We’d planned to come to the Smoky Mountains this year…until the pandemic struck. I graduated from college, taught my first year of elementary school, and I got married when I was 20-21. It was a happy year.
Maybe this year you can visit the Smoky’s. We drove through Gatlinburg last month and I was stunned to see how busy it was with bumper to bumper traffic and busy streets. We didn’t dare get out to mingle with the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd but we thought it would be fun to drive through. It took us longer than we thought, too.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Wild & Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend!
Today’s post brought back memories of the vacation Mrs. Shady, her son and I enjoyed at the end of August in your part of the country. We lodged in a rustic cabin east of Robbinsville. One day we drove to Robbinsville, had breakfast outdoors at a diner, and afterward made the slow speed trip along the Cherohala Skyway into Tennessee. We stopped at several lookout points along the way. The traffic was very light. Most people we encountered were on motorcycles. We saw some of the scenic wonders you are always discussing and showing us here at CAAC.
I appreciate your replies to the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Now age 71, I find it more important than ever to get up from my desk and engage in physical activity. I am therefore making adjustments to the amount of time I am willing to spend on the blog circuit. It’s the sensible approach that I believe you are also taking. I would gladly come to your ice cream party and bring along some… ice cream!
If I didn’t need to worry about the health consequences, I’d probably eat ice cream all day every day.
I didn’t realize you married so young, Cathy. (However not at age 13 like Mrs. Jerry Lee Lewis, his cousin.) The lesson you and DH have taught us is that marrying in your teens doesn’t matter as long as you found the right person. You made it last and, to this day, you are a happy couple and thankful to have each other. Yours is truly a storybook relationship. Thanks for sharing your recipes for pizza and sauce. I will show them to Mrs. Shady because occasionally she makes us homemade pizza. There’s only one thing I’d like more than an ice cream party, and that’s a pizza and ice cream party. 
Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!
You’ll probably never find a wordless post from me. lol That’s one reason when I was doing this segment as a not-so-wordless Wednesday. I have to share my thoughts and experiences with my photos. I remember your vacation up this way and I’m so happy you got to finally visit. Cherohala Skyway is nice. Next time you take a vacation here I hope you can drive through the Smoky’s and venture onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. Oh, I hear you about the ice cream. Diary and me don’t get along too well but I will indulge with a bowl of ice cream occasionally. If it weren’t for the high calories and stomach issues then I would eat ice cream every day! It’s funny I once wasn’t a huge ice cream fan but I have DH to thank for that as I do many of the other delicious foods. I was young when I got married. Technically, I was 17 and half years old but that seems so trivial to say and DH was a month short of his 20th birthday. We both were young. I credit God for keeping our hearts and mind on the important things in our lives. It’s easy to fall into that trap the grass is greener on the other side but the grass is just as green on this side, you just have to open your eyes to see that it’s true. I hope Mrs. Shady thinks my recipes are interesting to try. They are simple. I’m sure she’ll want to tweak to suit your tastes. A pizza party sounds like a good idea, too. I love pizza! I’m so glad I started making this for us with all the pandemic craziness. Thanks for popping in this morning, my friend. Have a wonderful Wednesday!