It’s Tuesday again? And, it’s October already? Whew, where does the time go? With that being said, you know what Tuesdays are for, right? It means it’s time for me to do a bit randomizing. That’s all I seem to do as of lately, too. I just ramble about whatever comes to mind. Hopefully, if you’re here today then this is what’s on your mind, as well.
I have been having some creative fun lately with my iPhone 4 camera. I have my phone always, my DSLR not so much. I couldn’t resist snapping the fog yesterday morning and then doing a little photo editing. But speaking of iPhones, I must admit, I’m getting psyched thinking about my new iPhone on order. It will feel like Christmas Day when it arrives!
The below picture I got really artistic with it. I just love playing with my friend’s iPhone app, Distressed FX. You may want to check into if you like this effect. It comes preloaded with several textures. It’s really cool, isn’t it?

It’s official, the city tree removal service came… conquered… and totally did some major clearing away from our front property. We have been here for 33 years and all this time the foliage has provided much camouflaged for us and our house. Not to mention, it was an excellent sound barrier from passing vehicles. Now, what do we do with it? I like the privacy, but I hate the fear of having tall trees looming over our car and driveway, not to mention have to contend with horrible tree sap kept falling on our car all spring, summer, and fall.
Speaking of sap, we spent all day last Friday washing the car. I applied some mega elbow strength into buffing off the tree spa. Our time ran short, so we decided to wait to wax the car on Saturday. Unfortunately, that stupid sap dripped all over our car AGAIN. smack forehead If I am not mistaken, I think the culprit of this crime is the hackberry trees. Just throwing that out there for you if you have some of these villainous trees lurking on your property. I hope this fixes our problem now that those trees are gone. I’ll let you know how this turns out. You know, the not having to deal with tree sap on our car ever again.
Now, we can re-washing and wax the car. I guess we are going to need to do a bit of landscape planning to give us some coverage and help muffle traffic noise.
My daily exercise routine has been really shakin’. It’s so wonderful to be able to get into the full groove of things. I struggle a bit to maximize my move range, but I do see improvements, and I am hopeful over time I will continue to get better. The whole aging process, not that I am old, places limits on me. With each decade that passes I notice a change, but I am far from throwing in the towel and calling it quits. You may remember, I am in the fight of my life to stay fit – one body, one life, to always do my best at looking my best no matter how old I am. The good news in all of this is I am now riding my stationary bike for an hour and then I do a 30 or 45 minute Brazilian Butt Lift workout. This is a welcome change.
On Tuesday Coffee Chat, Les asks, how would you finish this statement?
If life were a video I could rewind, I’d go back….
…and redo my senior year of high school. That’s such a funny question and one I have actually thought of. I often think about my senior year of high school. It wasn’t the best. I didn’t handle things so well. You see, I got married in between my junior and senior year of high school, then moved to Tennessee away from everyone I knew. I felt like a fish out of water. I allowed my low self-esteem to get in the way, which inhibited my ability to enjoy my last year of high school. I just didn’t click with many of my peers. After all, I was coming in on the tail end of this new crowd of kid’s high school career. So, you can see why I would like to have a do-over with that chapter of my life.
How would you answer Les’ prompt?
I am dedicating today’s Tuesday Tune to Lesley’s Lovely Life. She is trying to get ready for her upcoming class reunion through dieting and every woman in Blogosphere knows what a struggle this is.
Hey girl, just know, we have your back and believe that you can.
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