
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday News

It’s Tuesday and with that comes my morning coffee and news. This week, I’m kicking off something different. Instead of my usual randomness, I thought I would springboard my rantings from the headlines that most captured my eye.

In the news today there’s more warnings…. Too Much Too Young: Children Glued to TV & Computer Screens at Risk for Cancer and Obesity. Gee, you reckon?  I agree technology – computers & TV tends to lead to a more sedentary lifestyle but this isn’t the whole problem.

Think about it, 40 years ago when I was a kid, we had TV.  We all watched our favorite programs after school or on the weekends. However, my mom along with all the other moms in the neighborhood insisted on their children doing other things.

We played indoors and out using our brilliant imaginations to create hours upon hours of interactive play which included physical activities galore – dodge ball, softball, tag, basketball, hopscotch, bicycling, roller skating, and the list goes on. We also managed to have quiet play time – Barbie dolls, house, board games, and card games.

We ate junk food just like kids today but finances were tight in those days and there wasn’t a lot of it in the house. Snack foods were a big treat unlike now. Another thing is we never ate junk food out of boredom. I mean, who had time to be bored with all the outdoor activities? This was the best calorie burner ever!

Where were the obese kids? Yes, but they were few and far between.

My opinion is the alarming cause of issue is poor dietary habits and inactivity. This is what’s putting our children at risk for certain cancers and excess weight gain. Liberals are trying to make it look like technology is the evil force behind this problem, just like they try to say that guns kill people when the truth of the matter is it starts with people. Kids mimic their parents,  “Monkey see. Monkey do.”

Where does the real change need to begin?

Marriage or Rape? 90-Year-Old Saudi Weds 15-Year-Old Girl (broken link removed).   My brain will never wrap around the Middle East’s culture.  It makes no difference if a man in a foreign land  where such customs are viewed as acceptable/legal or one who lives down the street where it is neither, both men are pedophiles. Having sex with a child wife is wrong! Love making is meant to be shared between two consenting adults.  Anything less is twisted lust, selfishness, and crude behavior of these men.  They have defiled this beautiful act turning it into something ugly.

In yesterday’s news, the headlines read: GA Mom Shoots Intruder 5 Times Saves Children. I believe this woman deserves Mother of the Year for such heroism. Can you imagine, if she didn’t have a gun to protect herself and children? The story may not have a happy ending. Instead, the headlines may have read: Mother and Twin Sons Murdered by Home Intruder.  I, for one, am happy with the favorable outcome for this family.

This little tidbit has nothing to do with the headlines. Last Thursday, I posted these questions (revised slightly):

1. Do you think it would be a fun feature on my blog to send out birthday greetings?

2. Would you be interested in participating in this new weekly or monthly spotlight on my blog? If so, please leave your birthday (month, day,  & year or what you’re most comfortable doing) and your home page URL in my comments.

This has been a blog hop participation. Why not join me in a cup of coffee as I visit with my lovely friend, Stacy.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

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