
16-03-2025 Vol 19

True West Campground

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! On one of our weekend drives last summer, we were near Big South Fork National Park we came upon an old timey, western flare storefront. I couldn’t recall what this place was but using Google Maps (satellite view) I discovered it. This is the entrance to the True West Campground on route 297, west of Oneida, Tennessee.  At the time, it occurred we don’t see places like this too much unless it’s in a heavily tourist area which made this a nice discovery and it was too cool to pass up. Look at that sky…isn’t it beautiful?

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.  Here are my responses.

1. When’s the last time you had a heart to heart talk with someone? A change of heart? Experienced figurative ‘heart failure?’  DH & I often have heart-to-heart conversations. We have a super close relationship. It’s great to be either others sounding board. I often speak with DD#1 on matters to nurture her in a positive direction.  I think she’s turned a corner. I hope she meets every challenge with success and her life is filled with lots of happiness.

2. Champagne, chocolates, flowers…what’s your Valentine pleasure? Any special plans for the day? Our plans are simple. We’ll exchange Valentine’s Day greetings and chocolates. I made DH heart-shaped chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies. He’s my Cookie Monster.

3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? What’s a gesture you find romantic? I am a hopeless romantic.  I love the story where boy meets girl with lost of opposition to overcome but in the end they find their way to each other. Getting a single red rose or a couple of truffles is romantic.  It doesn’t take a lot to show romance and somethings are free like  DH cups my face in his hand or stroks my cheeks tenderly.

4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know?  I’m a curious sort of gal, so yes I ask a lot of questions. The day I stop wanting to learn is the day I stop living. The mind is a terrible thing to waist!

5. Your favorite power ballad? You know me, it’s all about the mewsic. I just can’t say I have a favorite, I have many! The 70s is probably my favorite mewsic era so I pulled five out of the air that I really love. I hope you enjoy them, too!


70s Power Ballads playlists tracks

  1. “Without You” Badfinger
  2. “All By Myself” Eric Carmen
  3. “If You Leave Me Now Chicago
  4. “More Than A Feeling” Boston
  5. “Blinded By the Light” Manfred Mann

6. Insert your own random thought here.  This is Alder Branch Baptist Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. Last summer, we stopped at Adina’s Sweet Shop formerly Tara Jean’s. Adina’s is a bakery but they also have ice cream. The main reason we stopped in was to try the cinnamon buns. We got a couple to go and found this little country church with some large shade trees to park beneath while we enjoyed the baked goods. The cinnamon rolls weren’t bad. In fact, they are some of the better ones we’d gotten in recent years. The only thing I’d change about them if it was my bakery is to switch to a cream cheese based icing. I’m happy we found this church. I love the bell tower.

But, what really got my attention is the bell to the left of the church.  Here it is…

“Pooh, how do you spell ‘love’?” “You don’t spell it,Piglet. You feel it.”

Have a good day and please come back tomorrow for another round of Battle of the Bands(BOTB)!




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30 thoughts on “True West Campground

  1. Awww, love that quote ““Pooh, how do you spell ‘love’?” “You don’t spell it,Piglet. You feel it.””!

    1. Libby,

      A lot of my blog pals have passed through this part of the country at one point. It’s certainly a beautiful place and we’re blessed to live here! Thanks for visiting. I’ll see ya soon!

  2. Happy Valentine’s day…a day late:) That place looks like it would be fun to visit. I like a simple celebration with the man I love and I have a heart to heart with him and always my best friend. I am a sucker for flowers but also anything crafty so, when i got home last night, my hubby gave me a gift of crafty stuff which I love!

  3. Your linky won’t let me sign in! 🙁 DOES THAT THING KNOW WHO I AM???? I MEAN HEY… LIKE I’M THE ONE WHO LUVS YA BABY… 🙁 It hates me… i’m gonna go over here and pout a little.. will you sign me in please??? HAPPY VALENTINES DAY GIRLFRIEND! 🙁 Bad linky… ~sniff-sniff~

  4. Now that’s really great and that’s close to home? Dang girl you have so much stuff to see and all you have to do is take a little ride! I mean dang girl, you are so lucky and I love seeing places like these. I love anything old and antique and all I know is I was definitely born in the wrong era for sure! Thanks so for sharing and you write beautifully and very picturesque. Thanks baby girl you’re duh best!

  5. hey that’s a lovely photo Cathy.
    Nice to know more about you through Wednesday Hodgepodge segment.
    Thanks for hosting the link up.
    Happy Valentines Day:)

  6. I like to ask questions and learn more about people, places, things, and ideologies. The best way to start a good conversation is by asking a question. Asking makes the other person feel like their opinions and knowledge are worth something.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Yes, I agree getting readers involved by answering questions makes them feel important. I love the interactive exchange of words between my blog buds and me. It’s a great way to get to know each other while building a community. Your questions at the end of your posts is one thing I like the most and I try to respond every time even if I don’t have whole to say on the matter.

  7. I love old west towns. Okay that’s what I call them. We have one near us that’s lots of fun to explore.

    Love that bell with God Bless America. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and Valentines Day, my friend. ♥

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day!! I made cookies for my cookie monster too, cherry winks. Very cute Pooh and Piglet drawing. And I like that old west campground entrance, that is cool. Have a wonderful day and thanks for hosting. PS: I like your song choices, especially Boston.

  9. Nice photos I like the old western storefront reminds me of some of the old films 🙂

    I used to like Badfinger years ago I loved “No Matter What” I remember buying the single

    Happy Valentines Cathy have a lovely day 🙂

    1. Steve,

      I was never good with band names growing up and now it’s like a discovery process of which old groups did what songs. Badfinger didn’t sound familiar to me but “Without You” is familiar. “No Matter What” is ringing a bell, so I will go listen to it now for a mental refresher. Okay, I listened to “No Matter What” and guess what? I’ve always thought this was the Beatles. lol Do you think there’s a similarity, too?

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