
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tickle Me Tuesdays: Never call March’s bluff #humor, #music, and #musings

Here it is the first of March and it certainly came in like a lion. It was cold all weekend. I’m more than ready for spring. One thing I wanted to do this weekend is sign up for the April A to Z Challenge but it’s not open just yet.  The theme reveal is a few weeks away but I’m itching to announce my plans, so I’m going to spill the beans to my faithful readers now. I’m am working on illustrating vintage pinup girls. I’m a little nervous about it because I’m not sure how folks will react.  Some of my drawings depict a small amount of nudity.  I guess we’ll see how things blow over but I’m interested in getting your reaction to my theme, what do you think?

We recorded  to the cloud, The Hitman’s Bodyguard with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson using our SlingTV app. The movie aired on the USA network. We finally got a chance to watch it Thursday night. The plot is centers around an incarcerated hitman (Jackson) who agree to testify against the Belarus president in exchange for the release of his wife (Salma Hayek). When things go south for Interpol to deliver Jackson to Amsterdam after an ambush, the only surviving agent enlists the help of her ex-boyfriend who’s a professional bodyguard (Ryan Reynolds) who’s trying to rebuild his once AAA business status after losing a client to protect Jackson and to make sure he shows up for court alive. It’s a great action/comedy. One of the best we’ve seen in some time. I recommend you watch it if you get a chance.

Speaking of movies, a few others we’ve recently watched Independence Day: Resurgence and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. I’m glad we got to see both of these films, especially ID2.  In Independence Day they used some of the original cast but Will Smith wasn’t one of the stars.  It was a good watch but not extraordinary like the first movie.  Three Billboards we only wanted to watch it because we actually saw one of the  movie scenes being made on location in Sylvia, North Carolina while on one of our day trips to the mountains. Talk about sheer luck, we had a stroke of it at that day for sure. That was super cool! Unfortunately what we saw didn’t make it into the movie. We were surprised that we liked the movie better than we first thought and the only thing that bothered us was the way they ended it. If you like dramas then you might enjoy it.

The pizza chef is back at it again. On Thursday, I used the same recipe that I’ve been working from to make a hand-tossed version, along with I threw on a few new toppings.  DH declared it was one of the best pizzas he’s had which made me giddy. My pie weights arrived last Wednesday, so I was able to fulfill my plan to make him a cherry pie. This time I skipped the egg white wash completely, even for the top just to see what would happen.  It didn’t brown as evenly as the one with the wash but the taste was a lot better.  On Saturday morning, I kicked things up by making this recipe for a Denver Omelet. DH and I’ve both heard of this kind of omelet but never have had one. The mix-ins sound a lot like a western style omelet except there’s no milk in the Denver version so the omelet is more firm. It was good. I think I prefer the fluffy omelets a little better but I won’t turn down either.  Next time, I make a Denver omelet, I will use two pans – one for stir frying the mix-ins and another to semi- cook the eggs before mixing the fillings into the eggs excluding the cheese, that’ll be the last step. I think the results will be the same in the end.

Top Denver Omelet add-in frying on the left and finished omelet on right with peach preserves and a biscuit; bottom is hand-tossed pizza and cherry pie

DH is the sweetest husband. We went to the grocery store yesterday and as we passed the floral shop on our way to the produce department, he noticed I was looking at the flowers. He said, do you see something you like? Normally, I just say yes but that’s okay you don’t need to get me anything but not this time, I said, “Yes, I like the pink and white bouquets!” And, just like that he picked me out a pretty bundle to bring home. 🙂

Alright enough with the musings, lets have a few giggles.

I’m blessed to have a husband who knows the difference between flower and flour. 🙂
This is just too cute!
Only a dog would pass this eye exam. I’d be labeled blind as a bat or brain dead.
This husband sounds paranoid. What do you think?

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside.   That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes! 😉

X💋X💋, Cathy

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22 thoughts on “Tickle Me Tuesdays: Never call March’s bluff #humor, #music, and #musings

  1. I just now saw the A to Z sign up list. I think it just went live (well, at least today). Sounds like you have a great theme.

  2. Hi Cat.. What an awesome hubby!!! You definitely have a keeper there girlfriend. As far as your garbage goes I’m with you. This day an age we have to be more than careful with germs. We have a heavy drum we had to buy from the city. We fill that up with recycle & you can bet your sweet you know what that everything recyclable is in there because the garbage goes in another container we bought from the hardware store & stuff it with garbage and put it out in front with the other one, but now we have to buy stickers for it too. They’re like $3.50 a piece to take our garbage. No sticker… they don’t take. God help us if we forget too! What’s going on in this world my friend??? Personally my theory is (and maybe I watch too many scary movies), and I went to Catholic “Grammar” & 1 yr. of Catholic High School, but I truly believe that some one or some thing opened the gates of hell & all the demons have entered these mean evil people. The crimes that are being committed today are horrifying. I could go on, but you’d be here all day. Me (and I hope you too after you have read this) I pray every night for the Lord to bless my family and friends and then my special prayers like for my cousin Sandy & my brainless son… grrrrrrrrrrrr don’t get me started on him… but then I as the Lord as soon as He has time to please close them gates of hell because it’s like living in hell around here. I don’t even watch much news only now & then because it’s terrifying. I’m sorry I should’ve put this in an e-mail. Love you my dearest friend. BIG HUGS

  3. I love your theme and can’t wait to see them all…..maybe even Betty Grable. No one should be offended by’s not the Victorian era and they just don’t have to look then. I love 3 Billboards and found it a brilliant film. I think I wanted this film to win Best picture..I have to look back. The funnies are funny and so cute…my husband would relate to the little kittens. Funny, the coffee one…when my mom was married to her first husband, a real jerk who was abusive, she finally had it one day. After he threw her kitchen prep to the floor (she owned a restaurant in the late 50s), she had had enough and chased him down Queen St in Toronto with her kitchen machete. She started to laugh/cry when his butt flap flew open as he ran in his long johns. She realized the trick so when she made him coffee or a meal she would give him the coffee but leave out rat poison on the counter..he would not drink any coffee until she drank from her cup. He deserved that. Oh..for Thomas-Regarding Kingpin, my ex and I saw that landlady at a bathroom stall in Prague…frightening

  4. The thing about flowers reminded me of “Stranger Than Fiction,” where Will Ferrel, who’s playing an IRS agent, brought different types of flours to Maggie Gyllenhaal, who’s playing a baker.

  5. That sounds like such a fun A to Z! I have been waiting for the reveal day too but haven’t seen any timeline yet. Gotta go check out the site. LOVE the jokes. You tickled me 🙂

    1. Janet,

      The reveal date is the 16th, I think. But, as of this morning there isn’t a form like last year, so I’m not sure if they are doing away with that this you or what. I guess we’ll have to wait to see what happens. I know Arlee Bird is having on and off computer problems, so this might be part of the delay. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love all the funnies. Your husband rocks with those flowers. Great choice.

    I think the pinup girls are awesome. It was a time long ago. I can remember my dad having pinup girls on the wall in the barn. They were beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. Hi Cathy; The nude human body has been featured in art for centuries. Why anyone would be offended by that is beyond me. I’m sure your illustrations will be lovely. Go for it! 👍

    Our March came in like a lamb with temperatures well above normal. That doesn’t bode well for the end of the month, but maybe Mother Nature will be nice, for a change.

    Your culinary skills are always impressive and your DH must be loving that! 🙂 The flowers were a nice gesture.

    Loved the funnies, especially the first one! 😀 And the song choice is lovely.

    Fun post, full of good things. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Debbie,

      I appreciate the encouragement to share my vintage style pinup girls. I think it’s just the way we were raised in the US for the most part but truly the human body is a beautiful thing. In the Garden of Eden there were no clothes, so even the Lord didn’t see a need for clothing. For the most part I think clothing is a good thing. I wouldn’t want to see naked people walking around all the time. We do need to leave something to the imagination which I think is more exciting sometimes than to see someone without clothing. My pinup girls will be dressed for the most part, just a playful hint of naughtiness.

      Cooking is a great creative outlet for me. I’m enjoying my new pursuits and DH does, too. Ha-Ha!

    1. Robin,

      DH is wonderfully sweet! He has a heart bigger than the world and would do anything (within reason) for me. I’m blessed!!

  8. LOL! Great jokes to start our day. Mom always wondered what happened to Garfield, he was so big and then just disappeared! Enjoy your pinup girl drawings. Our Gramma went to art school. She has been cleaning out her storeroom and has lots of her drawings from her art school days. They took a lot of nude drawing classes so we saw lots of drawings she did of those models. As she always tells us, if you see anything you haven’t seen before speak up! Problems with nudity is a US thing, in Europe, it is natural and no big deal. Go for it with the drawings.

    1. So true, about the nudity! In Europe, nobody thinks anything of it. Even in Canada, it’s not that big of an issue and it’s legal for women to go topless if they want to, at least here in Ontario. I’ve yet to see any woman do it, however. 😆

      1. Debbie,

        I never understood as a kid why it was okay for a guy to go shirtless but a girl couldn’t. I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that but that probably has to do with the way I was raised. That being said, I wouldn’t totally freak out if someone saw me nude. Well…I don’t think I would. lol

    2. Thanks for the encouragement. Folks in the US can be a bit uptight but nudity in art is something I appreciate because to me the human body is a work of art done by none other than the Greatest Illustrator of all. 😉

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    I am here for Tickle Me Tuesday, dear friend. In a little while I need to leave and drive across the state for a series of routine doctor and lab appointments. Those unpleasant necessities and the long round trip will take up most of my day.

    I have known for many months about your plans to feature a series of pinup girls in this year’s A to Z. As a collector of those images with dozens of ink print giclees including some in picture frames, I can’t wait to see them. I guarantee I won’t be scared off by a little nudity. 🙂

    Thanks for reviewing The Hitman’s Bodyguard. Mrs. Shady and I will check it out. About a year ago we watched Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and enjoyed it. We both love the two stars Frances McDormand and Woody Harrelson. It’s cool that you got to watch the making of the film in your vicinity. A couple of weeks ago we watched Woody’s movie Kingpin for the 5th time and laughed all the way through. We highly recommend it.

    Your meals look lip-smacking good and I’m sure DH is a happy man when you call him to the dinner table. Damn, you and DH have a storybook romance! It was sweet of him to buy you those flowers. Why don’t more people understand that it only takes a little extra effort on the part of the wife and the hubby to make a great and lasting relationship? Hahaha! I make my own coffee in the morning. If Mrs. Shady ever winked at me while serving me food or beverage I’d first test it out on the neighborhood billygoat before consuming it myself. 🙂

    “Winds Of March” by Journey is a great song to begin the long March to spring.

    Well, I need to get ready to hit the road. Thanks for the morning entertainment and have a Super Tuesday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      On your recommendation a few years back, we did in fact watch “Kingpin”. I was glad that you pitched that one this way because we didn’t think we’d like but it turns out we did. 🙂 I’m sorry to hear that you have to drive across state for routine exams. I hate having to go to the doctor and this month I have three scheduled. One for the neurologist and the other two just normal stuff that has to be done every 3.5 to 4 months (ears & HR pellets). I don’t know about a storybook romance but we have learned the meaning of having a close relationship. We wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world! Thanks for visiting and I hope your day is a great one, my friend!

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