
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday Two Question – Halloween candy and movies

Blessing Reflections has two really neat questions for this Thursday and you’re welcome to click over there to see what my response was. This morning, I’m having difficult choosing my two questions.

Think of yourself as a candy bar. For instance, I’m a Reese’s cup – sweet on the outside with real substance on the inside. Now, think about what kind of candy bar you are and tell me why.

Halloween is just around the corner and while I like watching a good scary movie, I absolutely hate gross horror movies. I really like the movie, WHAT LIES BENEATH. It’s just enough scary without all the slashing gore. Tell me what your favorite non-slasher movie, you can name?

Thanks for participating in this week’s Thursday Two Question.



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15 thoughts on “Thursday Two Question – Halloween candy and movies

  1. Hi Cathy. You ask hard questions. Candy bar. Well. I’m just a tiny Dove’s dark chocolate square, a small, yet yummy bite of flavor, but not to everyone’s taste. Dark chocolate can be too intense for those who prefer milk chocolate.

    Sorry, I rarely watch TV, and then usually only the news, so I can’t even name a gross-me-out movie.

  2. What Lies Beneath is a fantastic movie, and I don’t mind this kind of scary movie! I can’t stand guts and bloods horror ones! They are not scary, just gross!

  3. I’m catching up on Two-Questions. These are great ???’s.

    I would have to say an Almond Joy, nice sweet with a little nuttiness thrown in for good measure.

    I love horror movies except for the really gory ones. But my favorite all time non-gore one is an old one called The Haunting (the original, not the remake). It is based on a Shirley Jackson novel.

  4. @Judy…an Almond Joy, so you’re another sweet nut. LOL You’re the kind of person everyone loves, I bet. I believe I’ve seen the original The Haunting, but am not 100% certain. I like the old horror movies from the early 70s, you know the not-so-scary ones, but they seemed scary at the tim.

  5. I’m catching up on Two-Questions. These are great ???’s.

    I would have to say an Almond Joy, nice sweet with a little nuttiness thrown in for good measure.

    I love horror movies except for the really gory ones. But my favorite all time non-gore one is an old one called The Haunting (the original, not the remake). It is based on a Shirley Jackson novel.

  6. @Lui…I’m not familiar with the Menthos you’re talking about. I’ve only seen the fruity or minty ones, but what you described sounds tasty. It sounds like you’re referring to yourself as a surprise kind of person. We see one thing, but another person erupts when we least expect it, huh? I’ve heard the Saw series is good, but I’m a bit hesitant to watch these movies because I’m sure it’ll creep me out too much.

    @Ewe…I love Snickers. To me, this says you’re a loyal person. You know the commericals say the snack that really satisfy your hunger. To me that means something that sticks with you…thus in personality terms “loyal”. =) I bet you’re truly a loyal friend, huh? Isn’t Ghost Whisperer a TV series?

    Thank you for playing Thursday Two Questions!

  7. I am not sure what candy bar you could compare me to, maybe snicker:)
    sweet but tough at the same time;
    I am bad with names, but I like Ghost Whisperer, will that count?

  8. Hmmm, I prefer this menthos-like candy that burst into chocolate inside only to find that there’s a cherry and almonds inside as well. Too bad they have not produced that one yet ;-(

    The “Saw” series. It makes you hate everything that sneaks behind and front of you including the dogs! And to think I don’t hate my dogs. ;-0

  9. @Donnie…who doesn’t love a Hershey’s bar – classic milk chocolate everyone loves, just like you, right? Thanks for the movie suggestion, I’ll see if I can find this Abbott & Castello flick.

    @Self Sagacity…Snickers – everyone can relate to the nutty, variety type personality, but those are the people we can’t seem to live without. I’m not familiar with Skelton Key. I will have to look into this one.

    @IcyBC…hey you forgot to tell me what kind of candy bar you are. =( But, I’m glad you liked my movie pick. =)

    @Poetic Shutterbug…ooo, your candy bar choice sounds yummy. You appear ordinary, but you have little extra zing when someone gets to know you, eh! Oh yell, the Exorcist(the original)left me scared for many nights afterwards. No, thank you! I don’t like those kind of movies, either. I’m a big baby, what can I say? LOL

    Thanks for stopping by today, folks! See ya next week!

  10. 1. I think I would be a Ghirardelli milk chocolate peppermint pizazz bar. I may be ordinary and simple on the outside but there’s always a little spice on the inside.

    2. As for movies I don’t watch horror films. However I have to say the one movie that still makes me sleep with the light on is The Exorcist. It scares me have to death.

  11. Yeah, I can see this… a small Dove’s dark chocolate bar…dark chocolate equals passion. You’re a passinate writer and it shows in your blogs. Good choice, Margaret!

  12. What Lies Beneath is a fantastic movie, and I don’t mind this kind of scary movie! I can’t stand guts and bloods horror ones! They are not scary, just gross!

  13. Hi Cathy, I am definitely a Snicker, lots of nuts and variety inside. Just like my blog, LOL. It is sweet, and satisfying/ filling, not just caffeine from the chocolate.
    I like the movie Skeleton Key, absolutely fabulous and scary enough for me. I can’t handle blood and slash either.

  14. You came up with two great questions. I have the same problem figuring out what to put down.

    1-A Hershey’s milk chocolate bar. Kinda square and traditional but still loved.

    2-Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein a 1948 classic is my best pick for comedy/horror Halloween movies.

  15. Hi Cathy. You ask hard questions. Candy bar. Well. I’m just a tiny Dove’s dark chocolate square, a small, yet yummy bite of flavor, but not to everyone’s taste. Dark chocolate can be too intense for those who prefer milk chocolate.

    Sorry, I rarely watch TV, and then usually only the news, so I can’t even name a gross-me-out movie.

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