Every since I migrated my old blog content to this one, I have had problems with the Blogger search box. I just couldn’t get my blog to find what I wanted. I didn’t feel the pressing need to resolve this issue since I could at the very least go to my old blog to find a particular post. But, then I began having problems pulling up content on it, too. That’s when I decided to ask my pal Google for help.
Google never fails to pull me out of a tight jam. The tip I found most useful was Bloggers search box gadget not working (link broken). I applied the suggested trick HTML coding and like magic, my problem went poof like a puff a smoke.
My blogger pal, Hootin’ Anni’s Chronicles, had (note past tense) problems with displaying embedded Blogger comments with IE properly. She found a solution that fixed it and shared the news in a recent post. If you’re experiencing the same trouble, then click here to learn more.
Also… regardless, if you’re having this problem or not then it may be a good idea to make this simple change. I wasn’t having problems displaying embedded comments, but Anni pointed out that mine wasn’t showing up right in IE, so per her suggestion, I made the necessary change to navbar so that my embedded blog comments will appear properly for my friends who do use IE.
Another issue I am experiencing is search-ability of my blog on Google. I think I need to use Google’s Webmaster Tools to my blog for indexing. I will need to tinker with this to see if I can make Curious as a Cathy visible to the world. Feel free to offer help on this one.
This brings me to my T2Q, which are:
Does my blog work properly in your browser? If not, let me know.
What new fix-it tips have you learned about your blog that you think may be valuable to others to know? Please share, we wanna know!
Please join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts linky party below:
Hootin’ Anni’s Chronicles deserves an A++ for a Good job well done! Thanks, my friend for the valuable blogger tip! Now… follow me, as I visit a few of my lovelies this Thursday!

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Your blog has been working fine for me… You have given us a lot of useful tips here though!
Thanks for linking to the letter “G”!
Your blog works fine in my browser and I am using Chrome.
when I want to search on my blog, I go up to the little search box on the toolbar (up top left, next to the icon). Remember to use lots of “labels” when you write your post – that what the search box looks at. I couldn’t find “alphabethursday” on your blog Cathy, but I found “computers” ! {:-Deb
The reason your search couldn’t find it is because I spelled it alphabet-thursday. Do you mean you use the search feature on your browser toolbar?
Blog works great in my browser – I love Google also…
I am lost wish I understood
I seem to have a standing date with Google everyday! Google always knows the answer! I use Chrome and never seem to have a problem except when it comes to commenting on WordPress blogs — sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and I can’t figure out why!
…and I’m in IE now, and able to post a comment to you with the embedded comment form!!! Yay!!! It works like a charm.
ps…now I’m in Firefox and leaving a ps to you — thanks for the sharing of my ‘tutorial’….I hope a lot change over since so many do use IE for their browsing. :o) And some of us are adamant using the embedded comment form. I am one!!!
Thanks for letting me know & I appreciated the heads up on it not working from my end.