It’s March 31st. The last day of the month and tomorrow marks the beginning of a new one, but it’s unlike all the others. Do you know why? Yep, that’s right. It’s April’s Fool Day! Will you be tricked? There’s a good chance someone will get you before the day ends.
Before I jump into my memes, I thought it would be an interesting to learn about some of the history connected to this crazy day. This is what I pulled from the web.
The history of April Fool’s Day or All Fool’s Day is uncertain, but the current thinking is that it began around 1582 in France with the reform of the calendar under Charles IX. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year’s Day moved from March 25 – April 1 (new year’s week) to January 1.
Communication traveled slowly in those days and some people were only informed of the change several years later. Still, others who were more rebellious refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, April 1.
These people labeled as “fools” by the general populace, were subject to ridicule and sent on “fool errands,” sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other practical jokes played upon them. The butts of these pranks became known as a “Poisson d’avril” or “April fish” because a young naïve fish is easily caught. In addition, one common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke.
This harassment evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continue on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread elsewhere like to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread to other countries, April Fool’s Day has taken on an international flavor with each country celebrating the holiday in its own way.
Scotland devotes April Fool’s Day to spoofs involving the buttocks called Taily Day. The butts of these jokes are known as April ‘Gowk’, another name for cuckoo bird. The origins of the “Kick Me” sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.
England plays jokes only in the morning. The fool is a “gob” or “gobby” and the victim of a joke is a “noodle”. It’s considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.
The Festival of Hilaria holiday celebrated by Romans is for the rescurrection of the god Attis on March 25th known as “Roman Laughing Day.”
In Portugal, April Fool’s Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.
On March 31st the people of India celebrate the Huli Festival where the joke is to smear one another with colors celebrating the arrival of Spring.
No matter where you happen to be in the world on April 1st, don’t be surprised if April Fools fall playfully upon you. These borrowed factoids link source is no longer available.
Now onto my Thursday Two Questions.
1. Do you plan on playing any pranks on someone on April 1st? Normally, I do not intentionally set out to play tricks on anyone anymore. When I was younger, I would tape a “kick me” note on some one’s back. I don’t have near the interest as I did years ago. I guess that’s part of getting too busy as an adult to think of idle fun. Where has my sense of humor gone?
2. What’s the best trick played on you? I don’t recall any extraordinary tricks played on me, but I recall one time, someone in my family gave another person a can of peanuts and when they opened the peanuts out sprang this long snake-like thing. Do you remember this gag? It’s the surprise element that really gets you and then the look on the recipients face. Mind you, this isn’t something you want to do to an elderly person or someone with a heart condition. Otherwise, it can be quite funny.
Whatever you do, play it smart and be smart so you won’t get pranked too badly.
Be sure to link up to play with Self Sagacity & the gang!
Now, it’s time to play and link up for some fun with….
1. Are you a bath or shower person? I’m a shower person, but not a Janet Lee kind of shower person. Do you remember that scene? I heard shower sells dropped after that hit the theaters. But, what I truly love is soaking in a deep bathtub for hours. That’s something I use to a lot of when I was a kid because my folks didn’t have a shower. They had this old porcelain ball and claw tub, which I loved. I could recline back in that tub and soak away all the grime from my play. Aaah, just thinking about it sends a warmth all over my body. Nowadays, it’s just a quick shower. No relaxing or soaking away my cares of the day, but at least I’m clean.
2. Do you bathe/shower in the morning or at night? I’m an evening shower person. After a busy day of doing my chores or running errands or whatever, then there is something totally feel good about slipping into a steamy shower. It sets the mood for a more relaxing evening, too.
3. Do you have a hot tub or swimming pool? I don’t have either but in my dream house, I can see having a heated swimming pool and maybe a hot tub, too. I love the thought of being able to take evening swims, but not in an unheated pool that’s not much fun. It’s actually chilly even in the middle of summer for night swims. Several years ago we went to the beach and I wouldn’t move from the hot tub. That was like a little piece of heaven for me. Finally, everyone begged me to get into the pool, which I did not enjoy after being in the hot tub. lol
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@Luna…isn’t it funny what we believe when we are kids? Of coure, adults can be fooled just as easily at times. At least you can laugh about it now.
@Gale…oh those sound like fun pranks to play on your kiddos. Too bad you aren’t feeling up to the task. Maybe you can still trick them another day.
Very informative on April Fools! It’s fun to read how it has all started for some countries.
1) I tried to play some tricks on my kids and SO, not that it was very good to remember. So I don’t anymore.
2) Gees, I don’t think anyone’s ever played an April Fool’s trick on me that I know- it could be that I am so oblivious and it didn’t even phase me. lol.
Thanks for linking and joining TTQ this week. Have a great weekend.
1. Guess I don’t have much of a sense of humor. I don’t play tricks on anyone, because I don’t think it’s very nice, and people usually don’t like to be made a “fool” of. 2. Most of the tricks played on me weren’t very original. Mostly the same boring stuff. Trouble is, I fall for them every time.
Hi, Cathy. Yes, we are both TN girls. I’m actually from a small town that’s about an hour and a half away from Knoxville and even lived in Knoxville briefly. We still like going to the zoo there. We’ve made it a tradition to stop by McKay’s after all of our zoo trips, as well. As for my professor, she certainly tried, but I didn’t fall for it. She tried to convince us that our exams from Wednesday had been shredded by accident and that we would be re-taking them today. LOL!
Hi, Cathy. Yes, we are both TN girls. I’m actually from a small town that’s about an hour and a half away from Knoxville and even lived in Knoxville briefly. We still like going to the zoo there. We’ve made it a tradition to stop by McKay’s after all of our zoo trips, as well. As for my professor, she certainly tried, but I didn’t fall for it. She tried to convince us that our exams from Wednesday had been shredded by accident and that we would be re-taking them today. LOL!
@Jenny…I like the way you think playing pranks all the time to keep everyone on their toes.
Thanks for the information on April’s Fool Day..
I don’t plan on doing prank to anyone, and no one has pulled a prank on me. I guess the people in my circle are not that much fun
I love the idea of Taily Day. Really? A whole country playing jokes involving the buttocks? Not just 3rd graders?
I do it all year ’round. Then, they never know what’s coming.
Keeps them on their toes!
I had forgotten about April fools day. As a child , tricks were played, but in adulthood I have not participated in any or really seen any done.
No I’m not planning any tricks at all and I cannot for the life of me remember any tricks played on me or by me.
Enjoy your weekend!
1. Guess I don’t have much of a sense of humor. I don’t play tricks on anyone, because I don’t think it’s very nice, and people usually don’t like to be made a “fool” of. 2. Most of the tricks played on me weren’t very original. Mostly the same boring stuff. Trouble is, I fall for them every time.
@Amanda…I love, love this prank you guys pulled on your professor. That must have been a blast to orchastra. Now that’s really cool! Thanks for sharing with me.
@Lori…Oh goodness, your poor SIL! LOL When your tuckload of money arrives then be sure to point them in my direction.
Great Info. My sister-in-laws birthday is tomorrow. She has had to put up with jokes and pranks since birth.
I so want a hot tub, I would really like one of the new ones that you can exercise in. lol I let everyone know when the truckload of the money is delivered.
I can’t remember a good trick being played on me, but I remember the best trick I played. Everyone disliked one of our professors who thought he was Indiana Jones. (Even the other professors thought he was annoying.) With the help of our profs, we snuck into Dr. O’Roark’s office in the middle of the night and with a screen grab from The Holy Grail, we redecorated the office. We even put a leather jacket, whip, and fake pistol on a 1930s coat rack.
The next morning, with a bunch of preplanning, the entire history department showed up in 1930s outfits. And we got someone to do my eyes up with that “Love You” makeup from The Lost Ark, and all the girls sighed and batted their eyes throughout class. O’Roark thought the entire day was some sort of weird dream. Of course, all of us never said a word. Having the approval of the dean of our department, and the help of the other profs made it so much easier.
I’m fully expecting a prank from my French professor tomorrow. Whether the class falls for it remains to be seen.
I would love to have that kind of bathtub. Either that or a big soaker tub like my in-laws have in their house. Now that would be relaxing.
Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter
Very informative on April Fools! It’s fun to read how it has all started for some countries.
1) I tried to play some tricks on my kids and SO, not that it was very good to remember. So I don’t anymore.
2) Gees, I don’t think anyone’s ever played an April Fool’s trick on me that I know- it could be that I am so oblivious and it didn’t even phase me. lol.
Thanks for linking and joining TTQ this week. Have a great weekend.
@Luna…isn’t it funny what we believe when we are kids? Of coure, adults can be fooled just as easily at times. At least you can laugh about it now.
@Gale…oh those sound like fun pranks to play on your kiddos. Too bad you aren’t feeling up to the task. Maybe you can still trick them another day.
Interesting about April Fools! Never knew how it started!
I have thought about playing some tricks on my kids (making them potato cup-cakes or pound cake and frosting grilled cheese “sandwhiches.” But I don’t think I have the energy…just getting over a really, really bad illness and don’t think it will be worth the hastle.
I don’t remember the best prank played on me, but I remember the best prank our class played on our teacher in 4th grade. The whole class got in on it…convinced the teacher that one boy (who was in on it to) had hit another boy after the teacher left the room to talk with another teacher for a few minutes. He bought it hook line and sinker and was really surprized when we all shouted APRIL FOOLS!
1) i don’t usually play tricks on anyone, even on April Fool’s Day. but when in my early 20’s, i had a really nasty co-worker. one April Fool’s Day, i secretly placed a rose on her desk to let her believe that somebody in the office has a crush on her.:p she got mellower for the next few days after that.:p
2) my uncle played the best trick on me when i was about 13. i kissed a huge rock in the middle of the day (it was HOT!) after he told me a story about the family we were about to visit. the kiss was supposed to counter “evil” inside the house!*LOL* my family still laugh at that trick!