
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday Art Date on Wild Wednesday

Last Friday it was beautifully with rich blue skies for the most part but the temperatures were cool and the wind made it really chilly. Still it was nice to escape the house for a lovely drive, on a lovely day.

I’m trying to get my head into the game for next month’s blogfest. I came up with a few ideas which I felt good about to only feel overwhelmed with the prospect of trying to get everything done before April 1st.  I finally gave myself permission to not step up to the challenge this year.   I hear your disappointing sighs but fear not just as I felt at peace with my plans to not participate I came up with a solution that may work.  I won’t let the Cathy out of the bag yet since the Theme Reveal is coming on up Monday,  but I may still be in the A2Z scheme of things.  The decision to change gears actually happened while I began to work on this week’s TAD illustration hosted by Rain’s Garden.  Her prompt  is “dragons”.

Dreama the Dragon

Instead of extending myself beyond what’s comfortable, I’m going to do what I can or want to do. Perhaps, I should seek advice from someone who has a well thought out system on how to organize chores.

Then again, maybe not.  Maxine has things figured out alright for doing nothing while I’m trying to figure out how to juggle everything.  I’ll do my best to announce at the close of my posts what to expect next from me and if you’re an email subscriber for CAAC then you’ll get notification when new content publishes.

I invite you to join the linky party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays. This is your opportunity to self-promote your current post or another favorite.  No rules to follow, except to keep things family friendly and for only personal bloggers to use this link up.  Violators will be taken down.   

This linky list is now closed.

More Wednesday link up connections… Sandee, Joyce, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!


I’ll be back with the Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  This is CAAC signing off for now, as it’s time for me to be Takin’ Care of Business, have a wonderfully, Wild Wednesday! 

Bachman-Turner Overdrive 1973 Billboard Hot 100 Hit (#12) “Takin’ Care of Business”

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23 thoughts on “Thursday Art Date on Wild Wednesday

  1. Your little dragon is so cute Cathy! I love Maxine’s advice too lol…Keeping up with social media can be stressful, I think it’s good that you only do what you want to do! ♥

  2. Hi Cathy! I have been away from blogging for a long time. I think blogging can be a great stress reliever if you could completely do it for fun. It’s tough since everything needs some amount of maintenance. I’ve been working on organizing for years, it seemed never ending. That’s a beautiful photo, you have many talents. Glad to see you are still actively blogging.

  3. Your baby dragon is precious and your take on getting organized is LOL funny … I love Maxine … she tells it like it is or maybe like it should be 🙂 Fun post Cathy and love the music ( I remember it oh so well). Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed … do what you can, when you can and enjoy 🙂

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  4. I love how your baby dragon has just hatched. So cute and clever. Very well drawn and colored,

    I find it takes en energy to stay on top of organization. I hope you find a good system!

  5. I like that little Dreama dragon, CK, she’s very cute💜 We tried to blog effurry day, but one way or the other it didn’t came out, so now we only blog when we feel it, and then it flows right out of the paws😸Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday🐾😽💞

  6. Dear Cathy, don’t overwhelm yourself with blogging. We’re supposed to have fun with our blogs and not make blogging like going to work. I become overwhelmed at times, as well, so I change gears by trying to simplify and reorganize my blogs. I admire you and Sandee and others that blog every day and still put out quality posts. Don’t be so hard on yourself and take a break. I love your refreshing blog. 😘

  7. Beautiful art! Hey, only do what you’re comfy doing, it’s totally the only way it should be.

  8. Good for you for not stressing out over something that should be fun. I will enjoy what you will be doing. I love the cute purple dragon with the heart tail. My ex agrees with Maxine hence why nothing would be done by him. I like the Peanuts much fun. Love listening to Bachman Turner Overdrive!

  9. You should do what works for you and I’ll support you either way. Despite what I blogged the other week, I’m still a bit on the fence. If a blogger isn’t all in, the reader knows – that’s my philosophy. Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Alana,

      Good point. Bloggers do know when others aren’t giving it their all to the challenge. I like supporting the blogfest, so what do I do? Yikes! I appreciate you rallying behind me, girlfriend. You rock!

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    You must have thought I abandoned you, dear friend. I honestly didn’t expect a post from you today, and therefore didn’t go hunting for one as I always do at 6 am. sharp. Then I got busy with other things and just now noticed you have something new posted. Forgive me for being so late.

    My goodness, you are keeping us guessing day by day, with Monday posts on Sunday and now a Thursday feature running on Wild, Wackly and Almost Wordless Wednesday! (LOL) On top of that, you are now undecided about participating in the A to Z. Whatever you decide, I will continue to enjoy hanging out with you and supporting your blogging career.

    That’s an awesome photo you took last Friday! I can almost feel the fresh, clean cold air blowing on my face. Awww. I just wanna smooch that cute little hatchling Dreama the Dragon! Hooray for grumpy Maxine! I think she speaks wisdom. Loafing is an artform worth pursuing. (LOL) Our great minds think alike, dearie. You posted a song by Randy Bachman’s BTO, and in my new post today I’ve got a song by the band he started out with – The Guess Who.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      You know how a woman is, she’ll leave you second guessing every time. Lately, I’ve been feeling unsure about a lot. I blame that on having too many irons in the fire. I’ll be by to tomorrow to read your post in depth. Today has been crazy hectic for me. Thanks for stopping by and don’t ever worry about not being the first to read my posts, dear friend. You’re fabulous!

  11. Beautiful shot and I love the dragon. I’ll await your decision, but I can’t see you not participating.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      It’s hard seeing me not doing A to Z, too. For the past several months or longer I’ve felt very strained with my blogging. The last thing I want to do is have a melt down. lol

  12. Very cute dragon. Thanks for the A-Z reminder. I am still trying to come up with a theme. Thanks for hosting Wild Wednesday too. XO

    1. Ellen,

      Best of luck to you on coming up with a theme. I came up with two or three really good ideas but just couldn’t get myself motivated to fully commit and even now with what I settled on has me second guessing my next step. Whatever I decide between now and Monday is what I’ll throw myself behind 100%.

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