
23-03-2025 Vol 19

Those annoying, get-stuck-in-your-head songs

Meow, Meow, kittens & dawgs! How was your weekend? That pesky skin rash the doctor diagnosed as Folliculitis resurfaced again…actually it NEVER went away but it just got more annoying. So, I’m on another round of antibiotics to clear this stuff up. UGH
It’s not official, but officially I unplugged myself from the net this month. I just need time away to clear out the cobwebs sometimes, but I went ahead with putting together in advance my Monday’s Music Moves Me posts. I couldn’t let you start your week off without a little boogie time with the Cathy now, could I?
Being all itchy and bothered, I thought of this tune.


Who remembers Landau Eugene Murphy from AGT? Well, this dude is from my home state of West Virginia. Due to my epidermal affliction, I thought it would be super to feature those annoying, get-stuck-in-your-head songs to take my mind off my current problem. Are you ready to boogie? Lace up your blue suede shoes coz it’s time to hit the dance floor!

I sing the chorus to this song every morning as DH leaves for work. He may feel like NOT calling maybe, but whether call me crazy!

At the time this next song debuted it absolutely irritated me too pieces. Funny how after time goes by what annoyed you so much has a way of dissipating and I now actually think it’s kinda fun.

You may hate me for pitching this next tune, but… I promise you this. Every. Time. I. Hear. This. Song. It gets-stuck-in-my-head!

I’ll end things on a rather fun note. One can’t help, but to find these final two tunes totally infectious and difficult to remove from one’s brain.

On behalf of the lovely Dancing Queen, Marie and her Solid Gold Dancers ~ Callie, Stacy, Becca, and I thank you for joining us for another week of Monday’s Music Moves Me.

Now, it’s time for you to ask us to step out on the dance floor with you. By linking your musical post (all non-music link ups subjected to labeling or removal) URL (not your main blog address) below you are inviting the 4M crew to boogie down to your tunes. Remember to hop over to dance with our Spotlight Dancer at #1.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.



NOTE: Every other week a Spotlight Dancer is selected from the linky party, if you want a chance at it, then don’t forget to add your music post URL.

Did you have a good time on the dance floor? I did. Why not show some blog love? Invite your friends to hit the dance floor with the 4M crew now. There’s always room for one more!

I’m taking things slowly but I will eventually stop by your place and I can’t wait to see what music moves you?


 1. Grab XmasDolly 4M button here. 2. Display it on your blog. 3. Add your favorite YouTube videos.  FYI: we dance freebie style every other week, and on the off weeks we dance to a chosen theme picked by the previous week Spotlight Dancer. You can find it listed on XmasDolly’s side menu. That all being said, we aren’t music snobs. As long as you have tunes for us to dance to, then you’re cool!

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16 thoughts on “Those annoying, get-stuck-in-your-head songs

  1. Ah, yes, the Earworms of the Late ’90s. There were several other Earworms that turned me off from music of that time, partially due to the fact that EVERY top-forty song was overplayed.

    Plenty of non-traditional Earworm songs get stuck in my head. In fact, maybe on Wednesday I’ll blog on that, given that I have already posted for today!

  2. Love that Mary Poppins is here!! And it’s A Small World — definite ones that stick in my head. And my girls still sing Call Me Maybe all the time!!! I like the version she did with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots band.
    (and yes, that Chris Evans movie will be a new one… no release date as yet, but probably before or after Christmas! And the one he directed and stars in called Before We Go should also be released soon too.)

  3. Oh my goodness, you are so right on every one of these. I’m going to be humming, singing all week… oh heck all month on all of these. hehehe

  4. I remember Landau Murphy, wasn’t he great?! Great songs that stick in your I only played a few seconds of the Macarena and It’s a Small World, yikes. Call Me Maybe is cute and not so bad and it was tough hearing Who Let the Dogs Out. What a theme we had this week, but it was a lot of fun.

    Thanks for the dance and for the fun tunes. Hope you have a great week. Happy Monday!

  5. Yeah so I had a Blonde Moment and thought the theme this week as “THEME SONGS” that get stuck in your head, not just any songs. 🙂 Your song choices? PERFECT! And now I’m gonna be singing “It’s a Small World” all day long……. 🙂

    Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Hey, it doesn’t matter to me where the earworms come from; they do the same job of driving one insane or making the person who privilege enough to hear you sing/hum it out loud a zillion times nuts! 😀

  6. Well you certainly chose the right ones here heheh!

    Have a nice rest and hope you feel better soon and cobweb free minded heheh!

    “Leaves blog doing the Macarena”

  7. Well, that is quite a variety of songs! All memorable, though.
    I didn’t realize you are from West Virginia. My Grampy retired there (Wheeling). He passed in 1985. Bill goes through there often, so when I am with him I am able to. I love it. Beautiful!

  8. I did a post on this topic a while back. Earworms is what these song are called.

    I remember L E Murphy. The guy was good. I didn’t know you were from West VA. That’s where my roots are–my mother was from Morgantown and my father from Clarksburg. I still have many relatives back there though I haven’t seen any in a long time.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Yeah, I discovered in my search that songs that stick in your head are called earworms. That’s definitely a fitting word to describe this occurrence. Your family lives in the northern part of West Virginia. Do you remember the movie, October Sky? We, also grew up in McDowell County (southern WV), as the author Homer Hickam. DH lived on top of Bradshaw Mountain in the rural community of Paynesville. This isn’t too far from the WV/VA state line, whereas I grew up in the valley in the opposite direction in between Bradshaw and War (this is the town where Hickam attended high school). We both have relatives in the area, but most of our closest kin have moved to other states. The coal industry was a way of life for my uncles & their families, but when the mines started shutting down then they had to get the heck out of Dodge so to speak, if they wanted to survive. My Father-in-law still lives on top of Bradshaw Mountain. Darling Husband lost his mother in June. My parents left the area in 1980 and live just outside of Bluefield, WV (DH went to Bluefield State college). We try to visit our families when we can, but it’s not nearly enough.

      1. I do remember October Sky. Wonderful film–I have a DVD copy. A friend of mine from Maryville, David Dwyer, has a small part in that movie. You’ve undoubtedly seen Dave on local TV commercials in Knoxville and playing character roles in a number of movies.

        I’m familiar with that area of WV. Been to Bluefield a number of times. Recently I developed a fascination for the small town of Bishop VA/WV which sits on the border. After passing through that town I noticed a mileage sign listing War. I didn’t go there because I was heading in the opposite direction.

        It’s an area of the country that interests me.

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