
14-03-2025 Vol 19

There’s a whole lot of f-words in today’s post!

Whoah now, it’s not what you’re thinking, folks.  This is a PG13 site.  Today I’m bringing to you a whole lot of Friday fun with music like in Five4Friday, Friday Funnies, Friendly Fill-ins, Friendship Friday, and Skywatch Friday.  Now, that I’ve cleared the air, let’s start things off with some music!

*Five4Friday playlist: 1. Broken Bells ~Broken Bells 2. October Grey ~The Screaming Jets 3. October Sun ~Matt Berry 4. Cold October ~Escondido 5. October ~The Helio Sequence *Song pick inspirations found on The Cavan Project

I think it was 2014 I stumbled on Broken Bells “October” for a BOTB showdown.  I liked the band so much that I did feature of the group on the 4M dance floor.  Stumbling across the tune again reminded me how much I liked it so I decided to use it again. 😉  I hope you enjoyed my Five4Friday playlist inspired by the new month with five ‘October’ song titles, most of which are new-to-me.  Who here, other than me thinks this week zipped by?  I’m still in a brain fog that it’s now October.

Before I forget, I want to point out much earlier this morning, I shared a new installment in my James Bond Theme song BOTB series.  I hope you’ll click this link to cast your vote for your favorite artist.  Not wanting to cause too much confusion, I rolled together a whole bunch of goodness into one post from funnies to fill-ins all in the name of friendship, right?  Are you ready for some grins and giggles? Alrighty, here’s my dose of Friday Funnies! 

If you don’t believe me, you can wire the funds to my account now to see for yourself. Connect with Ramona at Create with Joy for Friendship Friday!
I can relate to the maze of wires running beneath our computer table.
Really any season is pie season.
I’d like to be able to try this but I’m not sure that I will get this kind of downtime. Join Sandee for Feline Friday on Comedy Plus

Why not share your funny videos or memes or anything that’ll make me smile.  Send it via email and if I use it in my Friday Funnies segment then I will credit you for the contribution. Any takers?

Visit hostess, Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs to join the fun!

 1. So far this year, I have accomplished the April A to Z Challenge which I didn’t think I would do and I finally brought the rest of my 2020 Pinup Girl Sketches in color and I’m almost done with my “in living color” 2019 Little Mermaid Illustrations.  Plus, I’ve tried a number of new recipes which I love, love doing!

2. My plans for October include resuming my daily elliptical exercise routine and getting back on track with eating lighter.
3. Diet and exercise may be difficult, but it’s worth it.
4. I don’t think I’ll ever master most things but it’s always fun to keep practicing my skills and I’m okay with that.


Alrighty, that’s it for now.  Look for my newest edition of Saturday Songsuasion tomorrow if you’re in Blogosphere. Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy


Alan @Yogi’s Den hosts Skywatch Friday.  A shadow selfie of DH and me taken at Clingmans Dome last Friday in the Smoky’s.

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8 thoughts on “There’s a whole lot of f-words in today’s post!

  1. Once i saw a meme that said, “Friday is my second favorite F word. The first is food, definitely food.”

    Thanks for the laughs, and for the great perspective in your last answer. You’re right, we may not master things but it’s still fun and a good idea to improve ourselves as much as we can.

  2. Another refreshing post, Cathy! Love the funnies and the lazy cat pic. Your shadow selfie you took at Clingmans Dome is very cool! Have a great weekend! 😊

  3. I really enjoyed this! You do know how to pack a post full of positivity 😉 Hadn’t heard any songs in your lineup, but I liked them. Your sketches are awesome, but I bet you hear that a lot. Spectacular view at Clingmans Dome. All this talk of pies makes me want to hide a whole one for myself this year. Take care!

  4. Pie, now I want pie.

    Love your fill-ins. You’re so right about diet and exercise being worth it.

    Love the kitty and that’s a great plan for the weekend.

    Love DH and your shadow. Precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

  5. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I always enjoy your drawings, I would say you have those mastered. Kuddos to you for exercising. I am such a sloth. Have a nice weekend. XO

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy October, BOTB Day and FFFFFFF Fun Stuff Friday, dear friend!

    I enjoyed your 5-4-Friday play list of Octoberish songs. Without exception, they are all new to me. As you might expect, I was drawn to the voice and beauty of Jessica Maros of the Nashville based indie duo Escondido. They put down a big sound and I like it.

    I don’t know how long ago that first meme was created, the one with the cute young woman prepping to be a millionaire someday. Seems to me it needs to be updated for the 2020s, because the word “millionaire” doesn’t have as much impact as it once did. She should be imagining herself as a “billionaire.” On the old Columbo shows Mrs. S. and I are watching from the early and mid 70s, people gasp when the amount $10,000 is mentioned as a reward or ransom, as if it’s all the money in the world. I’m betting your lucky hubby DH created that “Reasons I love fall – Pie!” meme. You are the best pie maker in the state of Tennessee and delight his tummy with baked yummies on a regular basis. That lazy cat meme reminds me of our black kitty Boots. He sleeps all day long, then wakes up and wants to start playing around bedtime. He jumped in bed with us last night demanding to be petted.

    i enjoyed your Friendly Friday Fill-ins. It amazes me how you were able to color all of your A to Z sketches while juggling multiple hops and two posts per day some days in recent weeks. That’s a heavy work/play load, dearie. I wish you well as you get back into the swing of things with your exercise and diet program. Your body will thank you. I love the shadow selfie you took at Clingmans Dome last week. It brings back memories of our trip last year. You guys had a much clearer day up there than we did, affording a better and wider view of the surrounding mountains.

    I might need a good rest one of these weekends, but if I’m online I will come by tamale for some Songsuasion. Now I’m off to find your Bond band battle and cast my vote.

    Have a wonderful day and a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

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